Have you lost weight eating "junk food"?



  • lacroyx
    lacroyx Posts: 5,754 Member
    Yep. Moderation is key. I don't eat it all the time. I'd say I'm clean 70% of the time.
  • emmahayes1244
    emmahayes1244 Posts: 14 Member
    My downfall is chocolate, but I just eat a small bar of dark choc as its much richer and I don't eat as much, and then do a workout to burn those calories back x
  • littlebutnice
    littlebutnice Posts: 83 Member
  • majope
    majope Posts: 1,325 Member
    I've stopped considering calorie-dense foods "junk." If something I like fits into my goals, I eat it, whether it's grilled chicken breast or a spicy fried thigh from Popeye's; fresh blueberries or a blueberry PopTart.

    I think it's a wonderful thing that the food we need for fuel is prepared in so many delicious ways, and have continued to eat as many of them as possible while losing a total of 42 pounds (ticker is since January, the other 30 pounds went away in 2011--and stayed away).

    Diary is open.
  • criscollrj
    criscollrj Posts: 30 Member
    This post was very timely for me - thank you! I have been feeling discouraged about a 2 month plateau and had no response from a post I did last week about it and didn't want to bug anyone - lol. This week (today is my official weigh in day) is the official 8th week of the plateau, and of course MFP doesn't show inches lost progress on the profile timeline, and I had lost no inches last week anyway. So when I was the same weight again this morning I really felt ready to cry, and was more worried about how I do eat junk every day, thinking maybe it really wasn't working. However if I didn't I would not have just celebrated my 105th day logging in!!! :D (I am not good with sticking to clean, though I try to be basically nutritious.) But to my happiness I have lost another 1/2 inch (two 1/4 inch losses totaled) and that was the first double inch lost in a while. So I am feeling more confident again that eating some junk and shooting for my calorie goal is working.

    Stats: started at 185, now 175. Reached 175 2 months ago. Although admittedly, I WAS up to 183 a month ago - I only log losses, not gains. I just wait until I lose it again. I believe I gained due to a med I had to start taking (I'm in menopause) that started me retaining water - I since went on blood pressure meds again and think the two are playing with my system a bit. But I have been 175 for a month after that spike. I have lost a total of 7.25 inches, also. I am having 1800 calories and at this point now doing TDEE I do not eat back my exercise calories (where I did do so for the first 6 weeks, following MFP, but changed due to feeling perhaps TDEE would give me more results vs. the MFP approach).
  • theghouse
    theghouse Posts: 9
    Before coming to MFP, I would stop somewhere like Chipotle instead of Taco Bell, under the misconception that Chipotle was using better food with the rice and the quality chicken and all the fresh veggies, and it would be a better choice for me to lose weight. Taco Bell was always considered "junk food" while places like Chipotle were considered "good food". Don't get me wrong, I like them both, but that's what my rationale was.

    After coming to MFP and researching both Taco Bell's and Chipotle's nutritional information, it is easy to see why I wasn't losing any weight. Taco Bell might not be the most nutrient filled meal in the world, but 4 tacos is ~680 calories, which is a perfect sized lunch or dinner for my daily calorie target. My typical meal at Chipotle, even though it was a bit more nutritional, was almost twice that in calories.

    When I need something fast and easy, or just need to cheat and have some "junk food", I default to Taco Bell, making sure it fits into my daily calories. After 3 weeks on MFP I'm down 15lbs, so I'd say its working well for me.
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    I've lost 30lbs eating junk food! Well, ok it's usually 100 calories of junk food a day but you can look at my diary. I've only had cake 3 times in 5 months (at least a normal size piece), and I get the 'healthy' options at fast food places, and I had a 'cheat meal' last week but that's it though... I haven't had a mcdonald's burger or a big cup of ice cream, or fries etc. It's not worth the calories for me.
  • feelinggreat140
    feelinggreat140 Posts: 18 Member
    No I have never been able to do that....of course my hubby seems to have no problem eating some empty calories a day and his blood numbers are excellent....sigh. I figure if I am able to fill all my calorie requirements just eating what I consider wholesome foods most of the time and if I eat junk food then I am wasting that chance to eat more nutritious food. Do I fall down a couple times a week???? Yep it can happen. I have yet to have a totally clean week of nutritious eating but at least I have my log to look at to remind me I am not totally where I want to be yet and it also allows me to set goals to work towards.
  • alisonlynn1976
    alisonlynn1976 Posts: 929 Member
    I'm not cutting out all junk food forever, just minimizing it as much as possible. When you forbid yourself from certain foods that you want, you're giving those foods power over you. Better to have them once in a while and also develop healthy eating habits that you practice most of the time.
  • servilia
    servilia Posts: 3,452 Member
    Yes! But I make sure I'm stayi within my cals. Just as an example I eat chocolate, pizza (not really junk to me), yes, McDonalds, cake, desserts etc. just make it fit and you're golden! Of course I wouldn't recommend making them a staple as you still need to get your micronutrients etc. but nothing's wrong with a treat.
  • momzeeee
    momzeeee Posts: 475 Member
    Yep, I lost my weight doing alternate day intermittent fasting and on my non-fasting days I ate typical SAD (standard American diet). Lots of fast food, sugary treats etc etc. And I did it guilt free, because the plan only cares about calories and when you eat them. I had blood work done after doing this plan for 6 months and my numbers were excellent, including no longer being pre-diabetic.

    As I started winding down my weight loss journey I started naturally feeling led to eat more natural foods. When I transitioned to maintenance in March I also started transitioning to primal eating. But, I have no regrets about how I ate while I was losing weight-the freedom of alternate day intermittent fasting gave me the motivation to stick with it. It also helped me change a lot of bad eating habits I had struggled with (like mindless night time snacking).

    Now I'm almost 50lbs lighter and eat a very healthy diet :) It's been an incredible 8 months!
  • giveMEbeauty
    giveMEbeauty Posts: 192
  • cwsikes
    cwsikes Posts: 86
    I lost 40 lbs and my husband lost 65 lbs (and is still losing). Neither of us cook so that means take-out/fast food/eating out, whatever you want to call it, every night for supper. We do try to limit it to once per day and eat snacks at home during the day. We also had a pretty healthy soda habit early on which has now I think just become a drink or two at dinner every night habit. We also work out every day except rest days a few times a month and average about 90 minutes of cardio a day.

    I think we just became more calorie conscious of the foods we were eating and make different choices as a result. For example, last week at Steak n Shake, we each wanted a large onion ring until we saw the calories (800) and decided we would be fine just splitting one.
  • shadus
    shadus Posts: 424 Member
    I lost 60lbs eating nothing but fast food. It's not real hard... calories out greater than calories in. It's that simple, if you read the nutritional information you can lose weight eating virtually anything.

    There are definitely better options health wise, but from a strictly weight loss perspective you can lose weight eating smaller portions of nearly anything.

    Edit: Clean eating is ~healthier~ and sometimes more filling. It is not cheaper or any different from a weight loss perspective. You can get fat on perfectly clean high caloric density foods.

    Edit2: When i say "nothing but fast food" I mean, NOTHING but fast food. If I couldn't order it at a fast food place, I didn't eat it. It was to prove a point to some asshat at work who was on a "fast foods is the root of all evil and obesity" kick... just to prove him wrong. My blood work got better for all it matters (lower bp (mine is never high though), better cholesterol numbers)... 60lbs trumps remaining fat eating better food for my body... and believe me, I wasn't ordering the "good stuff" on the menu, like salads. I was order value meals, breaded chicken sandwiches, sausage egg and cheese mcmuffins, taco bell soft tacos with sour cream, parfaits, blizzards, chicken fingers, hot dogs, fries, etc. It was abysmal from your typical healthy food standpoint. Aside from absolutely hating the thought of eating fast food for about 6mo afterwards and being dead sick of fast food in general, it wasn't too terrible.
  • eazy_
    eazy_ Posts: 516 Member
  • Wantingslim
    Bump for later
  • Lillyloooo
    Lillyloooo Posts: 174 Member
    Bump for lata
  • aubyshortcake
    aubyshortcake Posts: 796 Member
    I'm not changing WHAT I'm eating, just how much I'm eating, and it's totally working for me.

    this right here!! My biggest problem was portion size lol
  • QueenBishOTUniverse
    QueenBishOTUniverse Posts: 14,121 Member
    I eat what I want as long as it fits in my macros and have been seeing progress lately. Besides for a temporary weight gain after upping calories, things have been going well. I generally eat healthy and give myself something that I want per day -- provided it fits into my calories and macros, which has yet to be a problem.

    How much weight did you gain? I'm a little worried about that myself.

    I hit a plateau on an unhealthy low calorie diet. Upping my calories, I gained about 2kg. Within about a week or two I started losing again. Today I'm even lower than I was on the VLCD, eating more, and generally feel better. I'm planning on upping my calories again, but only by about 100 this time, because while I had a hard time filling in the 1200 at the beginning, now I'm finding myself hungrier.

    I generally eat a lot of things like tofu, kimchi, natto, fish, mini hotpots in healthier varieties, steamed vegetables, raw vegetables, fruits, organic granola, etc. I also eat things like pastas, noodles, chocolate, frozen yogurt, ice cream (tofu or regular), takoyaki, and the occasional donut or high calorie drink. Last night I had Mexican.

    I just am sure to keep the portions of the "unhealthier" things smaller and fit it into my macros and daily calories. I no longer have days of just eating unlimited amounts of unhealthy things, I don't restrict myself by eating only "clean" things. I'm in this for life and know I don't want to have a life of eating only vegetables and etc -- despite how I enjoy them as well.

    I think the most important thing to keep in mind any time you plan on upping your calories is that you WILL put on a few pounds, and you probably will plateau for a while. Accept that it will happen, and plan to give yourself the time to let it work itself out. I have never done a VLCD, but a couple months ago I upped my calorie intake by 2-300 calories a day in order to start heavy lifting and to bring me closer to where I want to be maintenance wise when I'm done with weight loss.

    My weight went up about 3 pounds and then sat there for six weeks. It was frustrating and at times hard not to panic that I wasn't getting anywhere. At the end of the six weeks the 3 pounds dropped off along with another 2.5 on top of it. It literaly just disappeared over the course of about 3 days. Now I'm losing steadily again, albeit at a slower pace, but that also was intentional.

    As to the original question, my diary is also completely open. Definitely not "clean eating", plenty of healthy foods too, but I love my DQ small dipped cone on fridays!
  • hesn92
    hesn92 Posts: 5,967 Member
    Yes I eat junk food sometimes and it doesn't affect weight loss as long as you fit it into your allowance. I stay away from junk/processed food most of the time for health reasons not weight loss but it's hard to ALL of the time