Cheat day without counting

standoug888 Posts: 126 Member
Well my best friend is havig a babyshower today and a party at night i know im going to go over bored i havent had a cheat day like im gunna have today in 4 months n i knw im prolly goin to have a couple drinks havet had a drop of alcohol in 4 months either is it ba not to log for a day?? Only thing worried about is settin my self back i loat 89 pounds so far only want to lose 11 more.. One cheat day cant do me that much harm right? As long as i have the mind set to get back on it the next day


  • aubrie917
    aubrie917 Posts: 41 Member
    Allow yourself some freedom. I always struggle with the NO YOU CAN'T HAVE THAT...which tends to make me eat more. Whatever you do, do NOT feel guilty after...that will cause you to eat more. I do suggest avoiding sugar and sweets, though, because sugar is addictive and it will be really hard to eat sugar today and get back under control tomorrow. I suggest sticking to other sorts of junk food. Have fun...let yourself enjoy some junk...don't feel guilty...get your diet back on track tomorrow. You will be fine!
  • standoug888
    standoug888 Posts: 126 Member
    Yah iwont really struggle with sweet stuff eveb before i lost the weight u didnt care for sweetes that mych just regular food was my down fall like fried chicken lol
  • jackieg218
    jackieg218 Posts: 96 Member
    I say enjoy yourself! Now if you had a party to attend every week, that would be a different story. Once in a blue moon is fine. You have to remember to LIVE too. I chowed down 3 pieces of pizza yesterday and didn't feel the least bit guilty about it. Since Jan I have been eating every bite I brought in and logged everything I ate or did! I needed the break! I will warn you however, do be careful what TYPE of stuff you eat. The pizza really did a number on my stomach later in the day and today I have had many trips to the bathroom.., I think it was due to the high fat content, my body just isn't used to that anymore. So enjoy today, and reinvest tomorrow..., again, just don't do it often... It CAN be a slippery slope we get into if we start having too many "break days" (at least for me it is)

  • ohmscheeks
    ohmscheeks Posts: 840 Member
    I say "cheat", but still log. :)
  • alyssa92982
    alyssa92982 Posts: 1,093 Member
    I still log cheat days somehow seeing all the fat and calories disgusts me enough to stay on track:)
    Also I'm to the point I even feel horrible for eating it and gets me on track too
  • lisabundy5
    lisabundy5 Posts: 39
    My cheat days usually consist of a normal healthy breakfast and lunch. I then have what I want for dinner. - My vice is pizza with a coke. I try not to overdue it on cheat day meals but sometimes it's hard. - As far as alcohol, I am not really a drinker as it is, but I am content with a glass of wine or two if I ''have'' to. It's just empty calories so that on top of feeling like crap the next day, I'd rather pass. =) Good Luck, have fun & NO, one crappy day will not ruin your diet. Just like it didn't take ONE day to get where you are now. ENJOY the baby shower and all the goodies today!
  • RllyGudTweetr
    RllyGudTweetr Posts: 2,019 Member
    Eat your food; log your food. Don't stress over your food and allow one cheat meal or day to become one cheat week or month based on beating yourself up and resigning yourself to failure.
  • flte74
    flte74 Posts: 3 Member
    I am actually having a cheat day today with a party we are throwing. To offset the extra calories I am going to have, I am going to do more exercises today and rollerblade (30 min of average exertion at my weight I can burn roughly 450 calories) plus I am adding my housework I am doing to get the house party ready so I will have more of a calorie deficit so I can splurge today. I also am under my calorie budget for the week by 467 calories so I can take from that as well. So if I end up having an extra drink or 2 I won't feel guilty because I have truly earned it :o)
  • goodtimezzzz
    goodtimezzzz Posts: 640 Member
    have a blast you will be great...I cheat all the time! its a Dirty secret of "dieting"
  • 3foldchord
    3foldchord Posts: 2,918 Member
    Depends on you. Are you prone to eating for the sake of eating, binging, not stopping even when you are full? If so, trying to log your day will be good, even with the extra treats today.

    If you have good self control over food, enjoy treats but not " the whole box of cookies", and you can go back to good eating habits after a day of treats, then I would say not to worry about the logging of food today.
  • ron2e
    ron2e Posts: 606
    Sorry, I don't believe in "cheat days". I would however accept days when I eat/drink and log way over (I've only been doing MFP three and a half months and haven't faced that issue yet despite a lot of business travel, conventions, eating out, etc). Personally I want to know where I am but maybe that's just me. It's going to happen to me sooner or later and that is how I will deal with it. It's no big deal, it's just the concept of a cheat day that offends me somehow as if that makes it OK.
  • youareorange
    youareorange Posts: 74 Member
    I'm having a cheat weekend. It's my birthday and I'm going camping with friends. There will be alcohol and bad food. I'm just going to be mindful of the things I'll be eating, yet enjoy myself!
  • RllyGudTweetr
    RllyGudTweetr Posts: 2,019 Member
    Sorry, I don't believe in "cheat days". I would however accept days when I eat/drink and log way over (I've only been doing MFP three and a half months and haven't faced that issue yet despite a lot of business travel, conventions, eating out, etc). Personally I want to know where I am but maybe that's just me. It's going to happen to me sooner or later and that is how I will deal with it. It's no big deal, it's just the concept of a cheat day that offends me somehow as if that makes it OK.
    I don't understand how you can not "believe in cheat days" and still "accept days when [you] eat/drink and log way over." If you're over the allotted calories for the day, it is, by definition, a "cheat day," is it not?
  • medic2038
    medic2038 Posts: 434 Member
    More often then not I see these "free days" planned in advance becoming an all day buffet. If you're thinking "well I'm gonna have just 1 cheat meal, and it's going to be 17 pizzas" that's totally the wrong mentality.

    I'm pretty strict with my diet, and don't feel the need to "cheat". I am however lenient with myself though, if I feel like eating out some night I go ahead and do it. I think the more people "cheat" they more they start to fall back onto bad habits.
  • Mcgrawhaha
    Mcgrawhaha Posts: 1,596 Member
    i have a day like this every other saturday... but i still log!
  • rosemaryhon
    rosemaryhon Posts: 507 Member
    I say "cheat", but still log. :)

    I agree. I see the OP is close to his goal, so I think it'd be wise to get an idea of what a 'cheat day' calculates out to. He might be pleasantly surprised that it's not as high as he assumes. As example Mother's Day I was prepared to indulge myself and just so happened when I logged I didn't go over. But even if it was over, good to have a clue how a bigger eating day pans out.

    To OP: Enjoy your day!
  • rosemaryhon
    rosemaryhon Posts: 507 Member
    I'm having a cheat weekend. It's my birthday and I'm going camping with friends. There will be alcohol and bad food. I'm just going to be mindful of the things I'll be eating, yet enjoy myself!

    Happy Birthday youareorgange! Camping sounds fun, enjoy!
  • conniemaxwell5
    conniemaxwell5 Posts: 943 Member
    One cheat day will not set you back. I would encourage you to count and log though, for a couple of reasons. One, it shows you just how much you went over. Log how you feel after you've eaten "cheat" foods as well as logging tomorrow how you feel "the morning after." I always have a sugar hangover after I cheat and I don't enjoy it. Logging it helps me remember, it really wasn't worth it.

    The second reason I think logging the food is important is that we need to be accountable for what we eat, even on the bad days. If we log it, we own it and take full responsibility for it. I find that when I do that, I still eat the "fun" food, but maybe not quite so much of it and as a result don't feel as bad the next day.
  • LouiseH238
    LouiseH238 Posts: 199 Member
    Eat what you want, but log it. If you don't then the temptation is going to be that you have these days where you don't "admit" to what you've eaten. When I say "admit", I don't mean it as if you've somehow done something wrong and need to confess! All food is just food.
  • Galloping4God
    Galloping4God Posts: 46 Member
    Definitely log it! It won't effect your weight as long as you get right back on track tomorrow! :)