Can you explain starvation mode please?

Hi Everyone

Can someone explain starvation mode to me please? I have stayed the same for the last 4 weeks; eaten within my calories and exercised daily. A few times when I end my day I have received a message about starvation mode. I have a lot of weight to lose surely eating less calories will make my weight loss quicker yet it seems to have stopped. I have followed sensible diets all my life as and when needed and never had such a slow weight loss as I am now. I know my age must play a part but its now driving me mad.

All advice gratefully received.


  • Fozzi43
    Fozzi43 Posts: 2,984 Member
    Open your diary.
    You need to eat less calories than you were before joining here..but you need to eat enough so your body is ok at letting your fat go.
    You're getting that message because you're not eating enough..and you didn't gain in a matter of weeks...why try to rush losing it?
  • Slimdownmb
    Slimdownmb Posts: 130 Member
    I had that last week any only lost 2lbs
    however the week before i lost 7lbs.

    Basically if you dont eat enought when u burn calories it wont actually burn fat! your body will store the fat and burn the good stuff!

    so eating more is better - if u hit your calorie on the head and then burn off LOADS of calories your not going to be having enough calorie intake.

    Try eating breakfast lunch dinner with snacks inbetween.. basically eating every 2-3 hours (i had to force it down the first few days) but now its just second nature and much better for you!

    Good luck

    let us know how you get on x
  • allshebe
    allshebe Posts: 423 Member
    I can't see what you are set for, but if you're getting the "starvation mode" message, there are days you're not making 1200 calories. I tried that route, lost almost 20 and then started stalling. I changed my game plan and set my loss level to .5 pounds per week, which set my calorie counter to 1500 and I'm back to losing (actually manage to eat between 1300 and 1500, very occasionally up to 1600) - about a pound in the last week. I'm 60 and only intermittently active, so age really shouldn't be an issue.
  • goodtimezzzz
    goodtimezzzz Posts: 640 Member
    specifics?? your plan? how you are moving? gym running tennis etc.?? what are u doing be SPECIFIC....and help is on the way
  • BarackMeLikeAHurricane
    BarackMeLikeAHurricane Posts: 3,400 Member
    Starvation mode happens when someone that's already very lean basically starves themselves. Unless you're <10% body fat I wouldn't worry about it.
  • vorgas
    vorgas Posts: 741 Member
    Do you have a smartphone, you know one of those touchscreen numbers with wifi, music, gps, etc? Have you ever noticed how when the power gets really low a bunch of stuff shuts off? Your screen gets really dim. It turns off after 5 seconds instead of 20. GPS goes away. The flash on your camera won't work. Etc.

    Your body is the same way. There's a lot going on with it. So if you don't give it enough energy, some really cool things that aren't critical start to get shut down. Now, I'm not talking about a day or two of low cal input. I mean a few weeks.

    Did you know it takes energy to keep your hair nice and strong? That's gonna go. Watch the shower and notice all the shedding.
    Creating hormones takes energy as well. Expect those to get out of whack. Look forward to irritability, mood swings, etc.
    Your bones are constantly being replenished, but without enough energy that's going to get cut out. Bone density will drop.
    Regulating your blood temperature takes energy. We are warm blooded. The upshot is we can survive in a wide variety of climates. Downside is we need a lot of food. Look for respiration to slow, health issues to arise.
    Your brain needs glycogen to run. If it doesn't get enough carbs, it will cut out processing speed. Cognitive ability begins to drop.
    Muscle requires more energy to maintain than fat. It also has energy that's easier to get to. So expect some muscle loss.

    But hey, you'll weigh less, so that's good :)
  • laperegrina18
    laperegrina18 Posts: 18 Member
    My rate of loss has been set at 1/2lb a week i'm walking 3.0mph 30 -60 minutes 5 times a week I've been averaging 1000-1200 calories a day my goal calories have been set for 1430 a day. Just frustrating as normally when I'm eating healthily my weight loss tends to be brilliant to start with and then tails off.

    I know I am not exercising as much as I used to but still felt I was achieving I wear an omron pedometer every day and average 7000 steps; when I do my 60 minute walks I reach the 10,000 steps often making 12,000 in a day.
  • megsmom2
    megsmom2 Posts: 2,362 Member
    My rate of loss has been set at 1/2lb a week i'm walking 3.0mph 30 -60 minutes 5 times a week I've been averaging 1000-1200 calories a day my goal calories have been set for 1430 a day. Just frustrating as normally when I'm eating healthily my weight loss tends to be brilliant to start with and then tails off.

    I know I am not exercising as much as I used to but still felt I was achieving I wear an omron pedometer every day and average 7000 steps; when I do my 60 minute walks I reach the 10,000 steps often making 12,000 in a day.

    You're probably not eating enough...and are you eating back your burned calories?
  • laperegrina18
    laperegrina18 Posts: 18 Member
    Thank you all for your replies they really help. When I've stuck at a set weight before I've known the problem - its me eating too much and of the wrong stuff. Just frustrating when I've been sticking to this and stayed the same

    I was taken out for meals a few times last week and so I did my best to record as close to what I ate as possible; its not the same as weighing foods myself I know.

    thanks again for all the advice I'll also open my diary as this has taught me its harder to share if only half of the information is available. :smile: