Looking for other Mom's trying to lose 30-40

If you are in this boat please add me as a friend, I would love to share information and learn about your successes.

I am a working Mom, and I have a two-year old son. :heart:

Working at getting rid of the spare tire; not sure if it is worse from the pregnancy itself (gained 50) or if it is because of the C-section :devil: Either way, time to get rid of it for good.

I really don't enjoy exercise, but I did purchase a treadmill and have been using that as well as doing floor exercises, balance ball work, and using hand weights while on the treadmill.


  • sexylonglegs
    :flowerforyou: You can add me as a friend.
  • AmyShip
    AmyShip Posts: 24
    You can add me also :smile:
  • Halloweenmom2
    Hello! It would be great if we can start a group or a challenge of working moms that want to lose 30 - 40 lbs! I ALSO have a 2 yr old daughter, we have so much in common! I'll add you, what do you think? I say we start a challenge? I'll create the group on MFP community!
  • raelbee
    raelbee Posts: 219
    You can add my, too :) I've already lost more than 40 pounds and am at my goal weight, but I would love to support you on your journey. Good luck!

    Oh yeah, I forgot to say that I have an almost 2 year old daughter! I know what it's like to have that baby weight!
  • sasmll6577
    I would love to be part of your group, but am in the 20lb range. I have a 5 1/2 month old little girl. I gained 40 while I was pregnant, I've lost about 35 of that. However, I haven't lost any weight for the last 2 months and that's with working out :( I'm hoping by focusing on what I'm eating I might find the hidden culprit.
  • Kpatty
    Kpatty Posts: 41
    Hi! You can add me too! I have a 4 year old and a 2 year old! I'm trying to lose 35 pounds and just get healthy! I could use your motivation, as well!
  • Sumatra
    Sumatra Posts: 181
    I'm a mom of two girls, 3 1/2 and 1 1/2 and I need to loose about 30 more lbs. I lost my baby weight pretty much immediately, but my body is certainly has a different shape than it used to! I'm a stay-at-home mom and my issue (other than eating as much of everything I want all the time) is that I couldn't find a balance between taking care of my girls, husband and house and finding time to make myself a priority. I've finally found a way that is working for me and working really well. I just have to stick with it!!! It's overcoming the obstacles that will be most difficult for me. To keep going when my sort of routine is interrupted.

    I would love to join in on a challenge!
  • goal30Lori
    goal30Lori Posts: 307 Member
    Feel free to add me to! I am a mother of a 3.5 year old and and almost one year old. I've had 2 C-sections which have ruined my tummy! I'm 20 pounds down and still have 40 to go.
  • leix
    leix Posts: 176
    feel free to add me

    im mum of 2 young girls.

    in told from both pregnancies (without getting rid of first alot of weight id put on) had total of 7st 2lb to lose.

    my target for this year was just to lose 6st 2lb, over half way there :)

    best of luck
  • Buppie
    Buppie Posts: 43
    I am trying to lose 40 pounds total, I am down 18 so far! I have a 3 1/2 year old and I work full time. I also had a c-section, so we have a lot in common. I just sent a friend request your way. :wink:
  • Conn1101
    Conn1101 Posts: 12
    Thanks ladies, this is exciting. I added everyone. If anyone else posts, please send me a request. It does not allow you to add more than 5 people at a time :)

    I look forward to getting to know you all!
  • Halloweenmom2
    This post here helped me create a Challenge, in case you guys wanna join:


    Okay, this challenge is for ALL ladies that want to lose 20 lbs by Halloween! We'll dress up in the cutest halloween costumes ONLY 20 LBS lighter!!! Yeiii :D

    I've decided to create a Facebook page that will offer Daily tips and motivation for this weight loss journey of ours! It is very hard to upload pictures and maintain a group here so I think Facebook will make it a LOT more easier and a LOT more fun!

    These are the challenge rules: Please read before you join!

    1) To enroll in this challenge all you must do is "ADD" me on Facebook (link is at the end of this post)

    2) When you become my "FRIEND" on FB, please provide the following information so I can enroll you in this challenge under my wall:

    Start Weight:
    Goal Weight:

    3) Weigh ins must be posted on the groups' wall every Monday by 12:00 a.m., (beginning today: 08/02) - I will create a "NOTE" on FB (weekly) where I will summarize all of our weigh in information on a weekly basis.

    4) If a member fails to submit their weigh in information for more than 2 weeks I will delete that member from our FB Group.

    I think this will be so much fun, you can share ideas, tips and pictures on our FB group! This will help us ALL keep motivation and stay focused! Halloween minus 20 lbs!!!

    Hope to see you on Facebook, here's the link:

  • telg1980
    telg1980 Posts: 25
    I'm in!!
  • ItsSonia
    ItsSonia Posts: 20
    hello! I'm a mom who needs to lose about 50 lbs but would be happy with 40 lol! I don't know a whole lot about the baby weight, I lost almost all of the weight I gained when pregnant except for about 10 lbs. All the weight I've gained has all been me. My son is almost 6 now and it took 4 years to gain all this weight. I'd be happy to add you =)
  • Conn1101
    Conn1101 Posts: 12
  • zoeco33
    zoeco33 Posts: 22 Member
    Please add me too! I have a 3 and 1yr old...