Flexability Question???

I have always been pretty flexible. I have been doing Turbo Fire for the last four months. I am definately getting stronger. I have tons more endurance and strength. The issue is that I have noticed that I am a lot tighter than I used to be. I try to bend more, flex more but it seems like the muscles are just not as cooperative as they used to be. Is that normal? Is there something I need to be doing to increase my flexablity other than daily stretching and yoga?


  • gg129
    gg129 Posts: 15 Member
    Bump--- I want to see answers to this question too.
  • DMDreamer
    DMDreamer Posts: 3
    Typically, the more muscle you have, the tighter your body is in general. I'm a dancer, and I'm always tighter when I am more tone. Stretching daily and yoga is always helpful.

    I recommend stretching when your muscles are more relaxed, such as after a shower or right when you wake up. Another way to increase flexibility is to hold your stretches for 30 seconds or longer. Don't forget to BREATH while stretching, too. On every exhale you take, lean into the stretch a little more. While it may be uncomfortable, it creates results!
  • kittyr77
    kittyr77 Posts: 419 Member
    Yes I think its normal to feel less flexible and a little more stiff when stretching when you're doing a hard core workout like that. Just keep stretching out every day, eventually you should get used to it.
  • FaerieCae
    FaerieCae Posts: 437 Member
    Do yoga after your workout when your muscles are warm, do not push into the stretch as hard as you can, thats counter productive, it'll make your muscles tighter. Push them to the point you can feel it, 'play the edge' of it, you should feel it in the middle of your muscles rather then your joints. Ie, mid calf and thigh when try to stretch your legs straight, not knee joints.
  • SuperSexyDork
    SuperSexyDork Posts: 1,669 Member
    I lift weights 4 times a week and while I definitely feel tighter sometimes, I am extremely flexible.

    Here's what helps me:

    Foam rolling and using a tennis ball for more focused work
    Dynamic stretching before workouts
    Static stretching after workouts
    Yoga 2-3 times a week
    Moving more in general the day after workouts to increase blood flow and allow faster recovery

    Foam rolling basics: http://www.theleangreenbean.com/an-introduction-to-foam-rolling/
    Some great free yoga workouts: http://www.doyogawithme.com