
Hi, I'm new. I won't bore everyone with my "woe is me" story. As that's the past. I'm grabbing the salad, moving away from the crisps and getting my life (and weight) in order. I met up with a old pal yesterday who knew "the old me". The girl that used to walk up pen-y-fan on every Sunday I could make it, with weight on my back and song in my heart. The girl that has albums under her bed that have pictures showing me, climbing, running, skiing and diving all over the world. That world changed for me in 2003 in Kabul. Wrong place, wrong time. After a period in hospital and a 18 months of rehab I was back on my feet, with a pension in my pocket, and suddenly my life had changed. The career I fought so hard for was over and I had changes to make. I settled down, tried the married wife bit. Sadly not a great success. When this finished I ate crisps, then I ate more crisps, then I pretty much stopped yearning for the life is had and fell into a different one. And stayed there for 9 years. I've got two great kids to show for it, so I have a silver lining.
I'm the typical clown on the outside and I surround myself and have done for 9 years with people that don't know the old me, until yesterday.
My friend was harsh. But it needed saying. I won't repeat it, but it wasn't pleasant to hear.
On the back of this I've decided,
I do want to be around to see my children get married.
I will change my life. Will it ever be what I had? No. But I can once again be who I was. The real me, not the facade I pretend to be.


  • udderlyfantastic
    udderlyfantastic Posts: 27 Member
    Hi, I read your post and it touched me deeply. It touched me because I can really identify with everything you said. I have a sob story too but I won't bore you with all the details. So, to cut a long story short, I have gone from a thin beautiful girl who was always laughing, to an old, fat, miserable woman. I decided two weeks ago that I could go on being fat and miserable (I can't do much about the old) all my life, or I could do something about it. I decided to do something about it. I joined MFP and I am determined to lose all of the weight I have gained over the last twenty years. I have a mammoth task on my hands but it has to be faced up to and it has to be done. I have resigned myself to the idea of being a member of MFP for the rest of my life because it will take me ages to get my body back to something like it was. If you need a friend to give you support on your journey please feel free to add me. I would be happy for you to message me at anytime and I will most definitely try my best to help you. Whatever happens I sincerely wish you well for the future And i will be keeping my fingers crossed that you will find the strength to succeed in you quest. Good luck x
  • marydhastings
    marydhastings Posts: 132 Member
    I post stuff all the time, and I'm full of information if you need it.
    My diary is public, take a gander at it, if it interests you , add me (: