Could use some support. :)

Hi all,

I'm 31, female, mom of a special needs baby. He was born very early and required lots of time in the hospital, surgeries and all sorts of therapies. Now he is 21 months old and, thankfully, doing much better... so I finally had a bit of time and I found myself looking in the mirror and seeing someone I didn't recognize or like.... I gained about 30lb total, at 150, while I'm only 5'1'' tall.. but I felt and looked totally out of shape, fat, weak, constantly tired, depressed...

Anyway, I've been on MFP for about 6 weeks by now. Read a lot of topics, decided to get healthy. :)

I've started to count my calories and change my eating habits and food selections, trying to work out at least 3-4 times a day. I don't have an option of going to the gym for any weight training, so I picked up a couple strength training dvds + set of Zumba and using those.

I would appreciate a good advice on in-home low-cost weight training instruction (dvds are welcome) as well as just general support :)

My goal is to lose 25-30 lb, get stronger and like myself on my pictures again.


  • kuntry_navy
    kuntry_navy Posts: 677 Member
    i log in every day. one of my best friends from the military is kind of in the same situation as you, as far as his baby. i don't think i can give you any advice on that. but if you get motivated by seeing dedication or ever need a pick me up, feel free to add me.
  • marinatan1982
    marinatan1982 Posts: 19 Member
    Thank you :) I do get motivated when I see success of other people!! So it's awesome to see all the achievements :)
  • calspecialchic
    Hi, Congrats on taking the first step! I am finding that support is huge. I have a few friends on here doing this with me and it has made me much more accountable. We text each other in the morning to let each of us know that we are up and working out. Also posting on here, I have friends that can see if I am eating good or working out and can give me crap if I'm not. And vice versa.
    As for "cheap", not so much, but I invested in the P90X videos. I know you can find used ones out there, but be careful they actually work or you will be wasting your money buying scams. It was $120 but I love it. I dont have time to go to the gym either and this pays for itself in about 6 months of a gym membership. They will try to sell you extra stuff and you can decide if you want to buy it or not. But I get by fine with a pair of weights and a pull up bar. I am only 3 weeks into it but I definately am getting stronger.
    Also, I dont know what your workouts consist of but 3-4 times a day is a lot! Don't burn yourself out so you lose interest.
    My husband is also in the military so I am often a "single" mom of two. So I know time is thin. Make it count by working hard!
  • sweetyedie
    sweetyedie Posts: 104 Member
    Hi there, compared to you I'm the old grandma. But still working with a tight budget. I love walking on park trails or swimming to get in shape. I guess I should start looking at weight training. If you want to add me you may.
  • pebbleintx
    pebbleintx Posts: 2 Member
    I'm a lung cancer survivor. Prior to 2010 when I was diagnosed my weight was in check and I was reasonably active going to the gym a few times a week, never sitting still at home and just kept busy. Aug of 2010 out of the blue I was diagnosed with a rare type of lung cancer that actually started with a nasal infection that went to my lung. I had a section of lung removed. 90 days after that surgery a chiropractor broke my back in 2 places, then because it was weak I broke it in two more for a total of 4 breaks. Needless to say it has been a rough three years and in that time I gained 50 lbs that must go. I am in pulmonary rehab doing excercise twice a week. I have to be careful because my oxygen level drops when my body is in motion. Just walking can drain it. To start the process of getting rid of this weight and back into good physical condition walking on the threadmill and doing a couple of other machines in rehab. I have a water retention problem and am on medicine for that which has caused dehyration so now I found SMART Water and that is working well, plus it is cheap. My goal is to lose this weight and get back into my Size 10 jeans and feel good again. I hope it is possible since my excercise is limited. Am hoping that improves. So starting today I am taking charge of my eating and am going for my goal.

    Good luck to all of you and if you have any suggestions for a body that decided to fall apart please give me a holler. I want my life back and my body. It wasn't perfect, but I miss it the way it was.....
  • Olive32214
    Olive32214 Posts: 543 Member
    I have a child with special needs, well she just turned 13, but she's still my baby.
    I'm on here daily and look for support and also give it back.. You can add me..x
  • roanne42
    roanne42 Posts: 4
    Hi -- I've been where you are many years ago. I also didn't then have access to a gym. Here's what worked for me:

    1. Yoga/Pilates. It's amazing how much you can strengthen your muscles simply by supporting your own body weight. There's a bunch of wonderful yoga/pilates dvds.

    2. Small free weights: 3 lbs and 5 lbs. If you've got a discount or used sports shop nearby, you can pick these up pretty cheap. There's a number of websites that provide simple home exercises with weights using everyday household items (chairs etc...). The best way to tone muscles (not bulk them up) is through repetition and small weights work just fine for this.

    Hope this helps. Keep it up -- 3 kilos in 6 weeks is great!
  • marinatan1982
    marinatan1982 Posts: 19 Member
    Thank you all so much for the words of encouragement.

    I'm trying to fit in 10-15 minutes of exercise throughout the day, but I hope that I'll switch to a more structured program during summer... and when my endurance gets better :)
  • marydhastings
    marydhastings Posts: 132 Member
    I post stuff all the time, and I'm full of information if you need it.
    My diary is public, take a gander at it, if it interests you , add me (:
  • marinatan1982
    marinatan1982 Posts: 19 Member
    Thank you :) We'll see what happens in a few months.