I just can't stick to it



  • craigmandu
    craigmandu Posts: 976 Member
    Problem 1, you are stressing your gym bill - stay away from McDonalds, that'll save you money
    Problem 2, No weight loss, - see problem 1's solution

    Kids ALWAYS say they hate you, they only love you when they want something!
    Hate means you must be doing something right :)

    Eat clean, no fast food, nada, stay away from the salt..

    But in the end, it doesn't matter what any of us say, YOU have to want it more than anything else.

    Good Luck

    I stress over the bill because it is my responsibility. My hubby is the one buying McDs, not me. Just thought I would throw that out there,

    You've got alot of frustration going on right now. CALM DOWN! Take a deep breath. This is something you can absolutely do, never think you can't.

    What do we tell our kids: "If your friend jumps off a cliff, would you?"....yes it's childish, but tell him you don't want anything from there.

    Record your foods/drinks....I gain more information about myself by recording my bad days than my good days. Remember, no one day kills your goals...but consistently having them does.

    I understand your original and follow on posts are vents...but really, it sounds like you have alot of inner turmoil going on. Make peace with yourself. If everyday is a constant battle with yourself, and if you don't feel pride for having had a good day, everyday will be a bad day.

    You know you have what it takes to make it work. You know it is not as hard as you "want" it to be. Start planning your meals, go to the grocery store and buy what you need for meals that meet your calorie goals.

    I know you can do this...everyone here knows you can do this.....DO YOU?
  • YolieCreator
    YolieCreator Posts: 173 Member
    You have got to find a way to get some of your negativity out. You can't turn it all in on yourself. It could be part of the reason you're not losing. You could be sabatoging yourself mentally. I can be a really negative person myself. I have about 120 pounds to lose, and I have felt terrible about myself for a long time. Maybe the contest was a bad idea. It can be really hard in the beginning to see the progress you are making. I have a 5 yr old son too and trust me he can be a horrible pain, but you have to know he doesn't hate you. And the problems with your husband can get better. Don't focus on everything all at once. It will always overwhelm you. I'm sending you a request if you would like to add me. Sorry you're having such a rough day
  • jimfoxer
    jimfoxer Posts: 34 Member
    First off - I'm sending you as much positive thoughts and love as possible. I haven't read a lot of the replies, but often times people who mean well can come off cold and callous. You are obviously hurting, and you need some positive encouragement. Also, simply saying "never go to McDonald's" doesn't help. Because when given that option, many would feel like just throwing in the towel and saying, "I'd rather stay fat than have to give up everything." You don't have to give up things you love - or even an occasional trip to McDonald's - it's just, as the saying goes, "everything in moderation".

    But allow me to offer some advice that will really help you: I'm sure that you are keeping a food journal - if not here online, somewhere else at home. Add a new column for "Satiety", that is, how full you feel after eating a certain food and for how long it lasted before you were hungry again. You will notice that your kids' fruit snacks will rate very low on that scale, although they took up your daily calorie allotment. There is a reason why many people on here, as well as experts, say that you should have protein at every meal and snack. Protein is one of the things that tells the brain that you are full (when I ate vegetarian for two years, I didn't eat correctly and didn't have enough protein in my diet, and I actually gained more weight than when I wasn't eating veggie!)

    Try this next time: At 3 o'clock when you have the munchies, instead of reaching for your kids snacks, prepare some chicken breast and broccoli (I'm not advocating the frozen food section, but if you are so limited on time, you can use it in a pinch). That will have less calories than your kids snacks, and since you feel like you ate a meal it will trick your brain from feeling like you need to have something else soon. Plus, the protein will keep you full. One thing I love to do when I'm hungry: sliced chicken breast in an egg white omelet. How I prepare it, it comes in at 150 calories and keeps me full for hours - where one ounce of Pringles (also 150 calories) wouldn't even take away my hunger for a second! The omelet is one of the meals that is high on my satiety list, and that I go to often when I'm hungry. Salad by itself is very low on my satiety scale, but when I add black beans and chicken, it goes quite high. So start recognizing how "full" a food makes you feel, so it will help you when you need to make choices to ward off hunger pangs.

    Good luck and don't get discouraged! Every day that you are watching what you eat, is one day that you didn't binge on a pint of ice cream or a box of donuts without thinking about it. Every day without a pound lost is still - more importantly - a day without a pound gained. All the best to you.
  • YoYo1951
    YoYo1951 Posts: 370
    bump to read all the great tips later. You can get thru this if you have the right mind set. When I fall off the wagon, it is hard to jump back in. But that is why you are on MFP. To learn and to change your ways. This is a lifestyle, not an event. It takes planning and lots of hard work. You Can Do This! Another suggestion, change your self talk. A lot of can't in your story. You can, if you choose to!
  • xxnellie146xx
    xxnellie146xx Posts: 996 Member
    Problem 1, you are stressing your gym bill - stay away from McDonalds, that'll save you money
    Problem 2, No weight loss, - see problem 1's solution

    Kids ALWAYS say they hate you, they only love you when they want something!
    Hate means you must be doing something right :)

    Eat clean, no fast food, nada, stay away from the salt..

    But in the end, it doesn't matter what any of us say, YOU have to want it more than anything else.

    Good Luck

    I stress over the bill because it is my responsibility. My hubby is the one buying McDs, not me. Just thought I would throw that out there,

    Just because he buys it, does not mean you need to eat it.

    When you ready to lose weight, you will do it. Right now, it seems that you have a lot of excuses why you can't. It's not easy, but it is possible. You need to have your own motivation and determination, no one can help or hinder your weight loss. You make the decision of what to eat, you decide how much you will or won't exercise.

    There is nothing wrong with not being ready yet. Just because you want something, doesn't mean that you are at the point to achieve it. You need to be willing to forgo the excuse and make things happen.

    I wish you the best.
  • 5ftnFun
    5ftnFun Posts: 948 Member
    OP, their are some very long winded posts here, lots of advice, lots of bro-science and some total nonsense. It really doesn't matter what you eat.....it really doesn't. If you eat at a caloric deficit you will lose weight. That's physics, you can't trump it. Don't over think it, log your food, accurately, calculate your TDEE and create a healthy deficit. TDEE- 15/20% is a good start. Don't worry about sugar, sodium, carbs, protein, mcdonalds papa John's, waffle house or anything else, maintain a deficit. If you exercise some, great, if not, it doesn't matter. Maintain the deficit. Here is where what I am saying and what others are saying meet. OVER TIME you will want to make better choices.......right now, keep it simple, calorie deficit is all you care about. Right now your calories in are exceeding your calories burned, therefore, you are gaining. Reverse that and you are good. And as an aside, whoever that was that said calories in/calories out is nonsense, you either need back that up with some science or shut up.

    Agree with this approach. Get the calories down first, then work your way from there.
  • mamax5
    mamax5 Posts: 414 Member
    Well, I stepped on the scale today...mostly because I noticed my pants were a tad loose. 3 lbs are gone...Plateau has been broken through!! Woop Woop!
  • jen_zz
    jen_zz Posts: 1,011 Member
    OP, their are some very long winded posts here, lots of advice, lots of bro-science and some total nonsense. It really doesn't matter what you eat.....it really doesn't. If you eat at a caloric deficit you will lose weight. That's physics, you can't trump it. Don't over think it, log your food, accurately, calculate your TDEE and create a healthy deficit. TDEE- 15/20% is a good start. Don't worry about sugar, sodium, carbs, protein, mcdonalds papa John's, waffle house or anything else, maintain a deficit. If you exercise some, great, if not, it doesn't matter. Maintain the deficit. Here is where what I am saying and what others are saying meet. OVER TIME you will want to make better choices.......right now, keep it simple, calorie deficit is all you care about. Right now your calories in are exceeding your calories burned, therefore, you are gaining. Reverse that and you are good. And as an aside, whoever that was that said calories in/calories out is nonsense, you either need back that up with some science or shut up.

    Agree with this approach. Get the calories down first, then work your way from there.

    ditto. dont stress urself. just eat at a deficit to start with, no need to.stress out abt too many tips. once u start losing due to deficit u will feel better and start to incorporate more healthy choices. good luck on ur journey.