Plantar Fasciitis .... please help!

Please, please help me decide what to do!!! I've been dealing with a pretty severe case of plantar fasciitis and it's finally just gotten so painful that I think maybe I need to stop working out (I've been alternating ripped in 30 and C210K) until I can get it resolved BUT I really don't want to stop working out. I'm so frustrated. I would really love to hear from anyone who has had experience with this and what you did to remedy and resolve it. Thanks so much for any help!



  • sunglasses_and_ocean_waves
    sunglasses_and_ocean_waves Posts: 2,757 Member
    OK so I can't post the url to the search results. Look up. See the search button. Search plantar fasciitis. There are tons of posts already written.
  • mjculbertson4512
    mjculbertson4512 Posts: 157 Member
    Don't forget to check your shoes. You may need a new pair. Try to roll a tennis ball under your foot while you are seated to relive the pain. Exercises for the foot. Back up your training schedule a few days or a week and repeat while your body recovers.
  • hunterman95
    hunterman95 Posts: 49 Member
    I had PF several years ago. It was not at a time in my life when I was working out, so I don't know that I can help very much. My foot Dr. gave me cortisone injections every few months. Those helped with the pain a lot. But again, I wasn't working out either. After dealing with it in this manner for 4 years (and resisting my Dr's suggestion that I have surgery), he told me that often it will just go away after 5 years. Sure enough, after about 5 years, the pain just went away. That was 3-4 years ago, and it has not bothered me since. I know that doesn't help you right now. You might look into the cortisone injections, and if that doesn't help, perhaps try something low-impact to the feet, like bicycling, or rowing.
  • faith_76
    faith_76 Posts: 199 Member
    I have developed the same thing. I have read don't go barefoot or wear flip flops. Stretching your foot in the morning. Rolling your foot on a tennis ball, icing it. I just ordered a planter fasciitis sleeve to wear when you sleep, proper running shoes. If none of this works it may be time to see a podiatrist. The last thing I want to do is quit c25k so I'm hoping mine will improve. Good luck
  • mjculbertson4512
    mjculbertson4512 Posts: 157 Member
    Mine went away when I started exercising and got a great fitting pair of shoes. I do still have problems with flip flops, but not going bare foot! Thank goodness.

    I did get shoe inserts and still wear the heavy duty ones at work. For working out I just wear my running shoes. At home, I am usually bare foot.

    The shoe issue has been a bugger for me. I finally went to a real athletic shoe store after many attempts at finding the right shoe. These folks specialize in measuring your foot and assessing your gait. Many miles on my shoes in the last month. Everyday walking and four 5K races.
  • Guamybear
    Guamybear Posts: 1,061 Member
    Mine got so bad that I couldn't walk and had to go on disability from work for a few weeks. I would get inserts and stay off your feet as much as you can.
  • onwarddownward
    onwarddownward Posts: 1,683 Member
    I had to go to the podiatrist and have plastic insoles made. That fixed it. I never ever wear flats or high heels. Just shoes wih good arches.
  • Doodlewhopper
    Doodlewhopper Posts: 1,018 Member
    Stop all activity that requires your feet and go sit on the couch.

    Avoid cortisone at all costs instead request ultrasound treatments.

    If you hurt in the morning, sleep while wearing one of the PF immobilizers/boots/socks (google)

    Use a vibrator hand massager every chance you get. Ultrasound and vibrators stimulate the flow of blood, which is what you want. Tendons and ligaments do not have the same blood supply that muscles have and so take much longer to heal.

    After the pain leaves walk a few minutes daily in the grass while barefoot. You will have to slowly strengthen your foot. Depending on how bad your PF it may take a year.

    PF didnt become an issue until the 1960's with the advent of new "improved, stability" shoes. The basic cause of PF is over use of weak feet...IE inflammation. In the future do not wear padded, motion control shoes are arch supports. Wear minimalists shoes and go barefoot every chance you get.

    Why Barefoot Runners Have The Edge On Shoe-Wearing Rivals

    Evan Hobbs Evan Hobbs
    Tuesday, 18 May, 2010 - 16:04

    Your foot is a marvel of 26 bones, 33 joints, 3 arches, and over a hundred muscles, tendons, and ligaments. For millions of years humans went their entire lives barefoot. Runners competed in marathons and even broke the 4-minute mile barrier wearing only leather slippers.

    And then sometime at the end of the 1960s the modern running shoe was invented and suddenly our foot became deficient and could not function without arch support and heel cushioning. How did this happen?
  • cookn_mama
    cookn_mama Posts: 228 Member
    Go the The Good Feet Store. Best investment. Tried doctor inserts. Didn't last long.
  • AlissaFL
    AlissaFL Posts: 80 Member
    I had this starting in 2003. I went to a physical therapist and had ultrasounds done to relieve the pain along with stretching/ strength training. I bought good arch supports for my running shoes and stopped wearing shoes without arch support. I started doing yoga about a year ago and I have noticed that all the balancing/stretching while barefoot has actually helped my PF. Oh yeah, and I also saw a chiropractor and he would adjust my feet and massage them really well, which helped too. Good Luck!
  • TrailRunner61
    TrailRunner61 Posts: 2,505 Member
    See a podiatrist asap. You must stop this process or you will get bone spurs too. They are even harder to treat.

    For quick relief, freeze a plastic bottle of water, then put it on the floor and roll your foot over it slowly. Ibuprofen may help some too.

    If your pain is horrible upon standing after sleeping, try this before getting up. Straighten your legs and point your toes towards your head, hold for a count of 10. Repeat 10 times. It makes a BIG difference. Put a memory foam type rug next to your bed so it doesn't hurt as much to stand. If this doesn't help, get those boots that keep your ankles at a 90 degree angle. Wear padded slippers when you get out of bed.

    I hate to say it but you'll probably have to slack off on your exercise some. I had to do water aerobics with firm water shoes for a few months.

    After seeing a podiatrist and getting orthotics and good running shoes, I rarely have pain.

    I'm sorry and good luck! I know how painful this is but you can overcome it! <hugs>
  • fyoufat
    fyoufat Posts: 85
    For me personally, it has gotten much better after loosing a little weight (I sitll have a lot to loose), alternating shoes, NO flipflops (I wore those cheap old navy 2.50 flip flops throughout my whole pregnancy), frozen water bottle on the floor while you put your foot back and forth on it, and making sure to stretch my calves and feet/toes all the time. I still have it but not so bad.
  • daisiesinmay
    daisiesinmay Posts: 17 Member
    I had PF about two years ago. I had switched jobs from a job where I wore athletic shoes and was on my feet all day, to where I sat all day and wore flats. You would think I would be better off when I was off my feet, but I had gotten so used to the arch support that wearing the flats was killing me. Anyway, I went to see a foot doctor. She wrapped my foot/arch in a tape that I wore for a week straight. Yes, I wore a plastic bag over my foot in the shower. You can youtube the proper way to tape your foot if you want to do it yourself. Did this twice and it helped a bit each time. I also did frequent stretching, both standing, and with a towel/band. I also rolled a golf ball under my foot during the day. I would roll an ice bottle after workouts. All of these things helped. Though, I admit, I had a cortisone shot and that probably gave me the most relief. Oh, and I started wearing shoes with arch support regularly, and worked my way slowly back down to flats (less drastic of a change). Nowadays I mostly wear flats, but if my foot starts to hurt, I'll treat myself to a good day of arch support.

    I found I had to slow down a lot on high impact exercising. Are there less impacting ways of training that you can do to keep going? I hope you find something that works for you. Unfortunately, its going to take time to get over.
  • dsjohndrow
    dsjohndrow Posts: 1,820 Member
    I have had that damn thing chasing me around since 2003. Here are the things I have tried.

    - Night splint
    - Ultrasound
    - Massage
    - Chiropractic
    - Staying off it for 6 weeks in a day cast.
    - Rolling it on a hard ball
    - Getting $300 inserts.
    - Cortisone injections
    - Stretching
    - Rolling on ice after a walk or run
    - Sketchers cantilever shoes
    - Payer
    - Kineso taping
    - Losing weight
    - Podiatrist
    - ART technique chiropractic

    I saw 3 podiatrists and 2 chiropractors. Except for one chiropractor, pretty much no help.

    So, the best things I have done are lose weight, twice daily warm stretching after a hot bath, Sketchers shoes (better than my expensive inserts!) and prayer.
  • hezzie92
    hezzie92 Posts: 15 Member
    I had a pretty bad case a few years ago in the middle of doing C25K. It was so bad I was on crutches for a little while - hurt to put any weight on my foot. What eventually worked for me was rest (I hated that part), a boot worn at night that stretches the foot, new running shoes, correctly fit, and a heel wedge insert for my shoe. I think it took about a month for things to get back to normal.
  • Mrsfreedom41
    Mrsfreedom41 Posts: 330 Member
    Hubby had this - went to the foot dr. and he gave him cortisone shots for a while. He then went to the Good Feet store and got a pair of their inserts. They were pretty expensive, but helped him a lot. He uses them all the time. Also, some of the Dr. Scholls inserts help.
  • salladeve
    salladeve Posts: 1,053 Member
    I am also dealing with this right now, I've had it about a yr. I finally started getting some relief with really god walking shoes, with inserts. I have also learned to listen to my body when it comes to exercise. if i am in considerable pain I rest and stretch the foot. If it is feeling good I walk, slowily at first, picking up speed if I continue without pain. There is no quick fix for this, but if you take it slow I do think you'll find some relief.
  • OregonLaurel
    Sorry, no time right now to read the other posts but here is my experience:

    I had PF in both feet, worse in my left and was in a boot for 3 months. STOP DOING THE EXERCISES THAT HURT like running, etc. You can damage it further, including complete rupture of the fasciitis and you will be in a serious world of hurt!

    Get in to see a sport's MD right away if you can afford it. They may refer you to PT... DO THIS if you can.

    If not:

    -STRETCH, especially your calf, soleus, hamstrings, IT band.
    -ROLL your foot on tennis balls
    -Consider going to a local thrift store and getting a boot that looks hardly used (they have a ton around here. I paid $80 for mine at the PT office and see them at the thrift store still in the plastic for $5-10)
    -SUPER FEET insoles are the BEST over the counter insoles you can get.
    - wear good quality, supportive shoes (no flipflops, no barefeet, etc)

    most of all REST, REST, REST REST your foot. It will NOT get better while continuing to use it. I had to cycle and swim for 6 months and give up running, walking, aerobics, HIIT, etc. It took me the better part of a year to be completely over it but I know people who did not give up running and then ended up in a boot for 4-6 months and surgery. You don't want to go that route!
  • OregonLaurel
    you may want to read up on PF to get an idea of what might have caused it so you can avoid it happening again.
  • goodtimezzzz
    goodtimezzzz Posts: 640 Member
    wow so much misinformation here...P.F. is easily CURED..I suffered for a year before I discovered 2 things....number 1..its the need a wider shoe with minimal support and very LITTLE arch support..this is key and you ABSOLUTELY MUST GET RID OF THE TRIGGER POINTS IN YOUR CALVES! anyone want to know more contact me..I have helped tons of sufferers free of charge..Its Sunday and have a great Blessed day
    Kristian Rocco nyc