When should I exercise?

elisexp Posts: 10 Member
I go to school every weekdays. Should I do my cardio before school or after school? And the strength exercises, how often should I do them?


  • jordanlell
    jordanlell Posts: 340 Member
    I go after I'm done with classes, but that's strictly personal preference. I get really sweaty and don't want to use the locker room showers because I'm shy :blushing: So it's always the last thing I do on campus before going home, so I can shower right after. But the key here is personal preference. Do it when you want to, because that's when you'll keep doing it.

    As far as strength training, there are a couple different schools of thought, but I think the main idea is that you should give each muscle group 48 hours rest in between workouts. You could do all muscle groups in one day and take a day in between, or you could do lower body one day and upper body the next, or some variation of that. I hope that makes sense. Cardio can still be done daily, if you want.
  • I have the same dilemma but I find it helpful to do cardio right when I get home from school so that way you don't have to worry about being all sweaty and having to shower and wake up early before school. After I do cardio, I target certain muscle groups for strength training(upper or lower) and then do each one every other day. In total my exercise regime takes about and hour give or take a little
  • Cese27
    Cese27 Posts: 626 Member
    Whatever you can stay consistent with as long as you get you're *kitten* out their and do it
    KANSASGIRL69 Posts: 28 Member
    personally i get up and do an hour of cardio on an empty stomach before i do anything in the morning...it burns off the fat and glycogen stored during sleep which sets me up for more fat loss during the daily activities of life...and strength training is a must...i think a good choice would be before dinner and never on an empty stomach...good luck...
  • JulesAlloggio
    JulesAlloggio Posts: 480 Member
    I prefer to work out in the morning. That way I know I am done with it for the day and can focus on other things. I of course don't go to school but as a full time mommy and Fitness Coach, I make sure I take care of work outs nice and early. I do get up at 6:20 everyday.

    Good luck trying to find a schedule. Let me know if I can be of some help =)
  • alisonlynn1976
    alisonlynn1976 Posts: 929 Member
    On weekdays, I go to the gym at lunchtime if I can, and if that doesn't work with my schedule that day, then I go after work. On weekends or holidays, I go first thing. Strength training I usually do at home in the evening.
  • Sycoholic
    Sycoholic Posts: 282 Member
    Really, whatever you can stick with is best. Morning before breakfast is better for fat loss but you won't be able to maximize your workouts because you are running on an empty tank (burning body fat). I think it's this months issue of Muscle&Fitness that addresses the optimal time to workout and it makes sense. 4 or 5pm is apparently optimal. Your body has been fueled throughout the day so your energy stores are up, allowing you to maximize the potential of your workout and you're more flexible since you've been moving around all day. This reduces the chance of injury as well. I know I feel a huge difference working out in the morning vs. the afternoon as far as flexibility and energy levels.
  • CJ_Holmes
    CJ_Holmes Posts: 759 Member
    You have to find out what you can stick with. I like to get up early and get it done. I also need a snack and coffee first! I tried evening workouts so I could lift with my partner, but I just didn't have the same consistency. People will claim magic times that will burn more fat or whatever, but it doesn't matter if you don't keep it up. It's a personal schedule/energy thing. If you are someone who feels pumped after exercise, morning might be best. If it's a stress release, maybe evening!
  • elisexp
    elisexp Posts: 10 Member
    Thanks for all the help :). I will try my best to be consistent with my exercises. I just need to make time. :). I really appreciate your help. :)
  • Mrsallypants
    Mrsallypants Posts: 887 Member
    Cardio as soon as you get up on a fasted stomach, weight lifting later in the day after a small meal.
  • Whatever you can stay consistent with as long as you get you're *kitten* out their and do it

    What he said. You can read dozens of opinions about the ideal time of day to exercise . . . morning on an empty stomach for maximum fat burn, evening before bed for sound sleep . . . but the right answer is whenever it fits into your schedule consistently.

    Although I'd prefer to workout in the evenings, if I try it, my day will get in the way - so I do it first thing in the morning, when I can make it happen almost every day.
  • WildcatMom82
    WildcatMom82 Posts: 564 Member
    I say whatever works for you. I can't exercise first thing in the morning, the few times I've had to I've been overly tired and they have not been anywhere near my best workouts. If I'm going to jog with the stroller we usually go out around 10 or 10:30 and that's not so bad, I've had time to get moving and had something to eat. I do Turbo Fire when the kids nap around 2 PM and I feel like I kill it then.