Messed up again...

The past three days i have eaten poorly, way off from my diet plan. I even binged two days ago. I'm trying to get back on track today and am looking for support.

i started my diet April 13th. I got off track because I set too many goals that I couldn't achieve. I didn't have enough energy to complete them, so I ate to try to get more energy...


  • boberrymom
    boberrymom Posts: 362 Member
    First off, don't "diet" just make healthier choices. Okay so now that you have done the deed and realize what you did, forget about, pick yourself up and keep going. You can do it!
    Don't fret just because you overate, pick yourself up, you're human, and keep on going and get on track. Set smaller attainable goals and only pick one or two a week to work on and check them off as you accomplish them, this will let you see your accomplishment. Every day reevaluate your goals if you have to to ensure they are attainable. You can do this.


  • starrynight1929
    starrynight1929 Posts: 92 Member
    First off, don't "diet" just make healthier choices. Okay so now that you have done the deed and realize what you did, forget about, pick yourself up and keep going. You can do it!
    Don't fret just because you overate, pick yourself up, you're human, and keep on going and get on track. Set smaller attainable goals and only pick one or two a week to work on and check them off as you accomplish them, this will let you see your accomplishment. Every day reevaluate your goals if you have to to ensure they are attainable. You can do this.



    Thank you Jess :)
  • cgrout78
    cgrout78 Posts: 1,679 Member
    Every day is a new day...and I agree with setting smaller goals and more attainable ones.

    Also maybe set yourself up with a reward system. I have rewards for myself like pedicures or new clothes etc as I reach a certain goal.

    Do your best each day to make good choices and there are going to be days that just flat out suck, you just need to pick yourself up at the next meal/day whatever and keep up the fight!
  • brogan1384
    brogan1384 Posts: 6 Member
    Please allow yourself those mess up days. We all do it. We are human. Give yourself grace. Ask yourself for forgiveness. Give "it" (food) over and move on.

    Do not allow yourself the guilt and shame. We all fall.

    Come on...we are all doing this together. Some of us are in different places on our journey; but it is the same journey.

    Now let's go!

  • Project_Jodie
    Project_Jodie Posts: 171
    I ate 20 of those pascal chocolate eclairs yesterday .

    We all do it! Today is a new day, so we stuffed up - no worries, today I will eat clean and train dirty to make up for it!

    Consisitency, don't throw in the towel because you had a bad day - get right back on track! x
  • Body_Peace
    Body_Peace Posts: 82
    I completely understand. Lately I've been binging like crazy! My week has looked like this

    Good,Good,Good, Binge,Binge,Good, Binge.

    It's really easy to get demotivated when this happens but then I realize, hey 4/7 days were good!
    I also realize that even if I gained some weight, It's impossible for me to gain much.
    I've decided that tomorrow I'm starting over, I need to realize how much weight I've lost since January so I'm starting over.

    I'm totally willing to join you and help you lose more weight! We can do this together! Don't let a few bad days get you down! Just think that if you hadn't begun dieting you'd be even heavier! But you're not! And that's amazing! (Even though Weight doesn't define you, it's good to feel healthy and happy with the number)
  • mwiechel
    mwiechel Posts: 77 Member
    Don't let those bad days get you down. Each day is a new day and a fresh start. Put these days behind you and move forward. We all have our downfalls,so what you had a few bad days, you can still keep going. Don't dwell on them.
  • Derpes
    Derpes Posts: 2,033 Member
    The process requires patience.

    Focus on the long term body of work, not a few bad days here and there.
  • 98777
    98777 Posts: 108 Member
    As others have said, it's to be expected that you slipped up. We all do. That doesn't mean you don't want this enough or that you aren't motivated. As they say, being defeated is a temporary condition. Giving up is what makes it permanent.

    There are two paths that you can take at this point. You can throw your lifestyle change out the window and quit, or you can continue trying and striving for what you want. If you quit and give up, you will not have lost anymore weight a year from now or may even have put some back on. If you don't give up, however, I guarantee that your slip-ups will have long been overcome in a year and you will have lost weight. The choice is clear. You can do it!
  • metacognition
    metacognition Posts: 626 Member
    The best advice that I can give is to make your diet like a spring. If you binge on one day, bounce back by eating cleaner and get your exercise in for the next few days. Calculate the amount of calories over from maintenance that you are and aim to knock those down by a couple hundred each day.

    For instance I ate 1,000 calories of birthday cake and a pretty big restaurant meal this week but still ended up at maintenance.

    If you wait several days before taking action, your body gets used to the lethargy, overeating, insulin spikes and whatever increased sugar fat and salt is in the unhealthy meals. Your taste buds learn to expect the overly rich foods and suddenly the healthy stuff tastes band and unappetizing. Your body gets used to not exercising and suddenly there is a feeling of dread every time you work out.

    Ideally you want to be able to train your body to enjoy healthy foods in moderate portions, and to spring back from exercise each day. That way no diet feels boring and even intense workouts are a breeze.
  • craigmandu
    craigmandu Posts: 976 Member
    Falling off the wagon is simply an opportunity to hop right back on it! Just try not to fall alot, keep a good grip on the siderails...that thing can sometimes move out from under you if you aren't holding on!
  • Yellerie
    Yellerie Posts: 221 Member
    That's ok don't beat yourself up about it. You know what you did it is now in the past just start again. I found for me it was helpful to start slow.I set up a 2013 fresh start list with things like layoff the soda (or cut back depending), minimize the coffee try using less sugar, eat more fruits & veggies, increase healthy protien, walk more, be better about taking my meds including vitamins those kinda kind of things & since I have I have found mysef making better choices everyday far from perfect but I can't complain I'm down 36 lbs almost my halfway point. I know I should really exercise more & such but it is a work in progress. I also didn't deny myself anything cuz for me that is a sure way for me to fail when I am craving something I will eat everything & anything until I finally get what I wanted in the 1st place so the 200 calories I may have used in letting myself splurge turns into 2000 by denying myself it. Just don't be too hard on youself & keep trying till it works & it will happen. However it takes patience (which I am very much still learning) You can feel free to add me if you would like I can try to support you as best as I can as we follow this journey
  • LeeLeeNP
    LeeLeeNP Posts: 2 Member
    Its a new day. Blow it off and do a new, healthier thing. Think of when you were a kid "DO OVER"! I have a problem getting back on track myself and have found "The Beck Solution" cognitive behavioral therapy approach to really speak to a lot of my issues. It may help you as well.
  • greenfalls107
    greenfalls107 Posts: 87 Member
    Oh honey, you are so hard on yourself. I wish you could reread your message as if someone sent it to you. Like I was beating myself up for a few off days. What would you say to me? Please, be as kind to yourself as you would be to others. We all make poor food choices sometimes. We are human.

    Since you recently started changing (not diet) your food habits, and already feeling lost I think you are changing things too drastic to make the new food habits long term. This must be the third time I said this today, in order to change your eating habits you need to allow yourself to eat food you like and enjoy. If you like cookies, make sure you are eating one serving at a time and your exercise and daily food allow for the cookies. If you want bacon, make it work for you. Changing food habits should not feel like a punishment.

    If you find yourself eating a whole box of cookies today. Its Ok. Yes, I said its OK. I just read an article on what makes a weight loss program successful. The major thing is attitude, and when you fall getting yourself back on track.

    Be kind to yourself. Be patient, and if you want cookies make it work for you.
  • mcw1976
    mcw1976 Posts: 47 Member
    2013 has been a big mess up for me. I had hernia surgery in December of 2012 and have fallen off the horse this year. Last year I lost 60lbs and have gained back 10lbs this year. I am trying to regroup and start again, it's hard to do. I can use all the help I can get this year... add me if you wish! Hopefully we can help each other out!