Body By Vi 90 Day Challenge

Just wanted to know whether anyone has tried the Body by vi 90 day challenge diet and if so, whether they have had any success with it so far. Having meal replacement protien shakes twice a day seems a bit difficult but I wanted to kickstart my weightloss which seems to have really slowed down and just wanted to try something different. I have approx 25 Lbs to go to reach my goal.


  • LoraF83
    LoraF83 Posts: 15,694 Member
    What do you think Body By Vi can give you that you can't do yourself?
  • sassychicamy12
    I've been using the shakes for the past month and lost 6 lbs! I feel good, strong and motivated. If nothing else, it makes an easy meal with little prep that is easy to take with you. So much of dieting is being ready when hunger strikes and these shakes have been a great help with that. Good luck!
  • Wetcoaster
    Wetcoaster Posts: 1,788 Member
    You lost 6 pounds because you were in a calorie every other MLM it is an over priced product.
  • Etienne54
    Etienne54 Posts: 88 Member
    To me, Body by Vi is a scam like any other dieting product out there.

    These companies feed on those who're impatient and don't feel like doing the effort to actually lose the weight by eating healthier and exercising.

    There's no magical recipes to weight loss, you can probably read all about it on MFP forums. As soon as you get your mind straight and have the determination to start a sincere program* on here, the sooner you'll see results.

    Good luck!

    *Sincere program ; quite simple. Eat at your recommended deficit, exercise and make sure to eat your exercise calories back.
  • quirkytizzy
    quirkytizzy Posts: 4,052 Member
    There is no "kick starting" weight loss. Your body will drop the weight as it does. Meal replacement shakes work because they put you in a calorie deficit. You can achieve the same results by eating real food that adds up to the calorie deficit the shakes do.
  • michellemommyof4
    hi, I received 60 days of the transformation kit from a friend who gave up after 30 days. I started seven days ago, drinking 2 shakes a day plus one meal and snacks in between and I have lost 3 pounds this week. I don't say it was all just the diet, but it did help me to exercise more as I had a lot more energy...
    I think it is a great product only because it was free, I really wouldn't have paid for it. nor would I ever try to sell it
  • Crankstr
    Crankstr Posts: 3,958 Member
  • PetulantOne
    PetulantOne Posts: 2,131 Member

  • Wetcoaster
    Wetcoaster Posts: 1,788 Member
    This is what Visalus does.....they spam forums hoping to covert people. Then they get shot down and magically a new poster comes in praising Body By Vi.
  • michellemommyof4
    i am not praising them ..
    i got it for free.. it is working. yes i am new but i have been reading posts teeing to get help with my journey
    and thanks for making me feel welcome :(
  • charmcitygirl69
    I lost 15 pounds my first 30 days on the program, and seemingly gained more energy as the days went on. I am not saying I could not have done it otherwise, but the shakes simply help me plan my meals and make sure I am eating something decent twice a day. Do I think it is the only way to do it? No, but it is good for me because of my busy lifestyle. As for the one poster who is implying that lazy people do it, I also go to the gym 5 days a week and work up a good sweat! So, it is the combination of diet, exercise, and the shakes which monitor two meals a day that is providing success.
  • jqh23
    jqh23 Posts: 311 Member
    I am 114 days into my 90 day challenge. I find it too hard to stick with drinking 2 shakes a day as meal replacements. I was somewhat strict with it for the first 30 days and then fell off the wagon a bit, by only having one shake a day, or having 2 but still eating. Initially I saw a lot more inches than actual weight coming off. Currently, I probably have 1 shake a day, every other day or so.. and I have lost 17 pounds and 25.5 inches. I don't see anything wrong with it, as people do the same thing with protein powders in their smoothies as meal replacements. You still need to eat well.

    I had a hard time not feeling hungry because I am a nursing mother and need something more sometimes.

    I am wearing jeans now that didn't even fit me right before I got pregnant (granted, I was the heaviest I ever was due to quitting smoking).. but I am happy. I was discouraged by how much money I spent on the product, but I have made it last.. I probably still have enough powder for another 30 days of shakes if I continue with 3-4 shakes a week. But when I look at all the inches I have lost, I am grateful I made the first step to losing some of this excess weight and putting me in a better mind frame to continue on a healthy lifestyle.

    I understand what you mean about a jumpstart. I needed something to get rid of at least 10 pounds so I felt like what I was doing made a difference, and guess what? It did.. it motivated me.. and I am continuing to make advancements in my diet and exercise regime everyday.. changes I plan to make as a lifestyle change.

    I understand people who say, don't do fad diets, once you stop doing it, you'll gain it all back.. yeah, if you go back your old ways; but that is going to happen with any 'change' you make.

    Anyway, feel free to talk to me more about it if you'd like!
  • jqh23
    jqh23 Posts: 311 Member
    I will also echo the busy factor. I work 10-12 hour days and spend 8 hours a week in the car commuting.. then I come home to a crazy @$$ toddler and a large house to take care of. Some days, I wouldn't eat for like 6-7 hours, but when I had my shakes.. it allowed me to blend something up (I mixed mine with spinach and fruits mostly) and drink it while I made my son something to eat, cleaned up the kitchen, etc. when I wouldn't have eaten anything previously.
  • vanalynn
    vanalynn Posts: 1
    I personally don't have time to make meals all the time. I have been on Body by Vi for 2 weeks and lost 6lbs. I do one to two shakes a day depending on how my day goes. I love that there are so many recipes and I prefer these shakes over slimfast. I usually have at least 1 shake a day, for breakfast, lunch or dinner. After I get off work I go to the gym and run about 2 mile. When I am done at the gym around 6pm I come home and need to eat something but I am usually not hungy - thats when i have a shakes because I need something that isnt too much and too time consuming to make. I like the shakes and I bought the SHAPE up kit - 2 shakes a day for $99. You can stretch that out to 2 months if you only do a shake a day. Just thought I would give you my unbiased opinion as I am not a salesperson, I'm just enjoying the product.
  • onwarddownward
    onwarddownward Posts: 1,683 Member
    Yeah, it's yummy. It put me in the hospital having cat scans for migraines. Turns out the headaches were from the MSG and sucrolose in it.

    I'll stick to eating right with real foods and working out.

    There are NO shortcuts.
  • N4monsters
    N4monsters Posts: 44 Member
    Body By Vi isn't for everyone just like protein powders, some vegetables, ANYTHING if you want to get technical. I have been eating under my calorie needs (not BMR) forever now. I started the Body by Vi as a protein shake after working out. I figured I'm buying protein powder and all this stuff from GNC that I'd try BBV. I hve lost 2lbs and 5inches total on my lower body. I have been eating the same amount of calories as before to try to lose weight. I hate coming on the forums because people like to bash other people. Maybe because they are insecure with themselves, who knows. I don't care what anyone thinks of me. I will tell you this. BBV was the right choice for me, I have more energy for my 4 kids, training for my half marathons, and feel full after drinking my shakes. It worksfor my busy schedule and I'm happy with the results I'm getting.

    Everything is bad for you if you don't do stuff in moderation.

    BBV is NOT a miracle drug.
    It's about YOU relearning to treat your body better with good nutrition.
    It's about YOU relearning what it's like to feel good again.
  • Wetcoaster
    Wetcoaster Posts: 1,788 Member
    "I hve lost 2lbs and 5inches total on my lower body. I have been eating the same amount of calories as before to try to lose weight."

    That is not possible unless you changed your activity level.
  • zeezeemum
    zeezeemum Posts: 9 Member
    I have decided to try out the Body by Vi Challenge for 30 days only. It's not that I am looking for a quick fix, but wanted to try something different. I have already lost 35 lbs by reducing my calories and excercising since January this year. I have still got 21 Lbs to go to reach my goal but I think my weight loss has stalled due to probably eating the same thing everyday and more or less doing the same kind of exercise and my body must have kind of got used to it. As I said its just trying something different and to give my body a jump start that is why I have not gone for the 90 day programme but instead I am just trying it out for 30 days. I do have my reservations about meal replacements but because I have read on this forum that adding protein to meals is beneficial especially if lifting weights I thought it may be a good idea to try something different whilst also increasing my protein intake. Thanks to everyone who has contributed, whether in favour or against it. I can see both sides and really appreciate your comments
  • Wetcoaster
    Wetcoaster Posts: 1,788 Member
    "t I think my weight loss has stalled due to probably eating the same thing everyday and more or less doing the same kind of exercise and my body must have kind of got used to it"

    That is not possible.
  • ImtheOnethatsCool
    ImtheOnethatsCool Posts: 212 Member
    Nice spamming OP. 3 posts ever, and 2 are for this worthless product.