Disgusted with myself....bad bad day!



  • curejenn
    curejenn Posts: 70 Member
    And also, while it may seem like you are getting fast results, if for every 2 lbs you lose you gain 1 back because of a couple of days of "binging" (and I use quotes because in all honesty you are probably hungry!! Which is different from binging), you may want to re evaluate your strategy!! And I dont mean that in a rude way! Its just that consistency will yield great resultS!!
  • ginijor
    ginijor Posts: 13 Member
    It happens to all of us. The key is to let it go, tomorrow is another day! Don't get so down on yourself or else you will be setting yourself up to fail. You can do this!
  • NanaWubbie
    NanaWubbie Posts: 248 Member
    It is what it is. You have confessed your sins, and by doing the logging and being honest with yourself you can now choose not to eat for the rest of the day. Now would be a great time for a good workout! Tomorrow is a new day. Forgive yourself and move on. We've all been there.
  • CharliesInCharge
    CharliesInCharge Posts: 278 Member
    one day wont kill ya
  • WinnerVictorious
    WinnerVictorious Posts: 4,733 Member
    Been a lot better this week after my all-weekend binge and tonight i have FAILED!! I was left alone in the house this eve and went on a bit of a rampage!!! I have MADE myself log what i have eaten to make me feel DISGUSTED with myself!!! I struggle when i am left alone!

    Hopefully it wont dent this weeks good work!!


    1) no one day or even one weekend will wreck you. just stop it from becoming a 7-day or 10-day binge.
    2) try to get over feelings like shame or disgust when you overeat. you are NOT perfect, so don't try to hold yourself to that ridiculous standard. shame and disgust have no place in an evaluation of whether or not you're meeting your dietary goals. disappointment? maybe. but not shame or disgust.
  • jzebracki
    jzebracki Posts: 112 Member
    We all struggle - and we all have bad days! The important thing is that you have more good days than bad days! Don't let it get you down. It is a plus that you are admitting it and that you logged everything! You are owning it, and you will conquer it!
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,865 Member
    Monday: 637cal
    Tuesday: 797cal
    Wednesday: 1195cal
    Thursday: inevitable

    Don't do that Hon.
    You deserve better.

    Eat at a sensible, SENSIBLE caloric deficit...say...oh...your TDEE minus 20%, and exercise. You'll be so much happier and you'll lose weight with much better odds of keeping it off.

    This, 100%. If you go with that 1,200 calorie goal, realize that it includes roughly 800-1,000 calories per day deficit already from you maintenance level of calories. You don't need to shoot under that goal. If you exercise, MFP expects you to eat those calories back too. Minimally, you should net to 1,200 calories. Grossly under eating the way you did earlier in the week makes a binge like this virtually inevitable.
  • Milliemocha
    Milliemocha Posts: 26 Member
    Good for you for being honest! There is no point feeling guilty as hell about it - it's not healthy. If you're not eating enough you will be so hungry you will crave anything and then just end up eating anything and everything in sight.... Trust me, been there!!
    Just take each day as it comes and try to eat enough so that you're satisfied then you will be less likely to make bad choices . Good luck
  • LauraDotts
    LauraDotts Posts: 732 Member
    i know i maybe should eat more but i thrive on fast results....i like to see the scales move immediately! it motives me, keeps me happy and *usually* keeps me focused however i find that i am thinking about naughty foods (mainly chocolate spread and flapjack from the bakery) everyday.

    My plan is to lose 1/2 a stone then introduce these foods i am craving in small quantities. like go and get a flapjack occasionally but eat half then save other half for another day.
    You won't lose more by eating that much less. Your body can only eliminate a few pounds of fat a week. If you ate nothing for a week it wouldn't change the amount of fat your body can eliminate in that time. Eating too few calories will actually slow down weight loss. The healthier you eat the faster you will reach your goal.
  • rainbowbow
    rainbowbow Posts: 7,490 Member
    So.... for lunch i had....

    2 hot dog buns with 1/8th cup shredded cheddar and mustard. 5 baby carrots, 4 broccoli floretts, 1 tablespoon ranch. 2 chocolate chip cookies, 1 slice of pound cake, 1 cup banana pudding. 2 fried "Chedder Poppers", 5 fried mushrooms.


    Welp, that was a stupid choice. Good thing tomorrows a new day!

    It's only a fail if you don't learn from it or give up because of it. :)
  • _Witsy_
    _Witsy_ Posts: 609 Member
    Judging by what you have logged in the last 3 weeks in your diary, most of your days you are way under. You are hungry. EAT!

    Seeing the scale budge quick by avoiding certain foods and being too restrictive with your calories could very well backfire in your face.

    You are binging now but you think you'll be able to introduce these items back in down the road? Why torture yourself?

    Up your calories by 100 a week until you find you can better control your binges and are still losing weight. Also...eat more and do some exercise. There is no reason to starve yourself. That scale will come to a hault inevitably.

    That being said...don't beat yourself up like this. Some of my friends may read this and chuckle considering I'm SO GUILTY of doing this....binging and then throwing myself into a dark hole....but hell....I at least recognize it's not good for me...and it's not good for you either. :flowerforyou:
  • If one of your close friends had a binge, you probably wouldn't say, "I'm DISGUSTED with you!" More likely, you'd say, "It happens to a lot of us. Have a look at what you ate and where it went wrong and just jump back on the wagon. You're going to be fine." As a rule, I try not to say anything to myself that I wouldn't say to someone else.

    I have a binge problem too - and I've just joined a group of people on MFP facing similar challenges. We're all trying to go 50 Days Without a Binge!
  • A few days ago I ate a 1/2 pound of salty corn chips in one sitting. The next day I ate lots of protein and veg, hit it hard at the gym, and bumped part of my binge over. Not the end of the world... sometimes snacking just gets the better of us, eh?
  • FitBlackChick
    FitBlackChick Posts: 215 Member
    Been a lot better this week after my all-weekend binge and tonight i have FAILED!! I was left alone in the house this eve and went on a bit of a rampage!!! I have MADE myself log what i have eaten to make me feel DISGUSTED with myself!!! I struggle when i am left alone!

    Hopefully it wont dent this weeks good work!!


    I had a bad weekend too. I don't mean I ate 500 cals over. It was really really bad. I ate WAY too much candy, chocolate and brownies, and my portion size for my Sunday dinner was more than it should have been. This weekend was a BUST and I felt totally disgusted with myself too. But unlike like you I couldn't bring myself to log in everything :embarassed: I felt like crap. It is possible that you don't eat enough in general. Do you know your BMR? I just found mine out and it turns out that I was netting well below that number for these past few months. That's probably why I struggle with binge eating. And that could also be why you struggle sometimes too. But even if it's not, just remember we all have bad days. Don't let it keep you down. No one is perfect
  • LesCalvert
    LesCalvert Posts: 29 Member
    I've had 2 really bad days this week in my dairy (yes my diary is open if you want to look). I could slowly feel myself slipping into my old habits. I confess I LOVE chocolate and I have a really bad sweet tooth. I do eat fruit but it doesn't really hit the spot.

    Like you I also have logged everything I had to eat on my bad days. I first of all wanna say well done you for being honest. Tomorrow is a new day and you can only do your best. Don't beat yourself up over your binge, move on and look forward to reaching your goal. Nobody is perfect.
  • FitBlackChick
    FitBlackChick Posts: 215 Member
    Just saw your diary. Seriously don't worry about today. You just don't eat enough in general, so your body is hungry! Eat more on a regular basis. Starving yourself is a short term solution. It will not help you keep weight off in the long run
  • Yani51
    Yani51 Posts: 48 Member
    Just saw your diary. Seriously don't worry about today. You just don't eat enough in general, so your body is hungry! Eat more on a regular basis. Starving yourself is a short term solution. It will not help you keep weight off in the long run

    ^^^ Agree.
    ** I notice that in 2 of the 3 previous days you consumed well under your 1,200 calorie limit. My guess is your brain triggered the 'starvation alert' system in your body and it responded by getting you to binge in an effort to try and save your life.

    I read you like 'quick results". In that case may I suggest you read this recent significant research report which relates....
    (Garvan Inst. is a highly respected medical research org.)

    IMO you may need to re-assess what your daily calorie limit should be for you. If you starve your body it will defend itself if you do.
  • LinCharpentier
    LinCharpentier Posts: 1,122 Member
    Here's how I do it i track my food for 7 days then add them up and divide them. And hope like heck that i'll be where my fitness pal wants me. I usually come out very close.
    But like my dietician said yesterday one bad day won't even show it's the ones you string for weeks on end that will hurt.

    So good luck and you will get this.

    See you lighter.
  • beccaalesi
    beccaalesi Posts: 5
    it gets hard sometimes i have no one to help stay one track hope it gets better
  • Check out my diary - it's open to the public. I've exceeded my entire daily calorie allowance in one meal.

    I thought it might make you feel better to know you're not the only one. :)