Stop the snacking - Please!

Hoosiermomma Posts: 877 Member
edited September 21 in Health and Weight Loss
I have been very happy with my progress on MFP but lately have been having a problem with snacking. I am a SAHM (wow, first time I put that down in print! :laugh: ) But that is what i am, so that means I am home and around food A LOT. In fact a major part of my job is keeping the pantry stocked and mouth fed! We have all sorts of healthy foods around and that is what I am eating, but more often than I should. Yesterday was nectarines, almonds, dried apricots, a fiber bar, (the splurge - Ritz Crackerfuls - yum!) and probably more! I realize that I am eating out of boredom and a futile effort to avoid laundry, my desk, yard work...,

What do you do?

How do you steer yourself away from the snacks?

I really believe this is what's keeping these last 5 lbs. attached!!


  • Kath712
    Kath712 Posts: 1,263 Member
    I finally realized how much I was snacking when I started logging EVERYTHING on MFP. I realized how much the calories/fat, etc. were adding up. Eventually, I stopped myself before eating, and asked, "Do I want to log this, or can I wait until the next meal?" Once I became aware, the snacking trailed off.

    Congrats on how far you've come! I'm sure you can do the rest!
  • well honey i have the SAME problem. i eat when im bored, but then whenever i was tempted i made myself leave the room or make some tea and asked myself why i was eating. did i really need the food? or was i just bored? so to distract myself i went on the computer or called a friend and within ten minutes the cravings went away. a good thing to do is to have a shower and brush your teeth, you're usually not tempted to eat anything after brushing. and drink A LOT of water, like to the point you're body thinks youre full cause you drank so much
  • I agree with what Kath712 said, log every bite you take. I try to pre-plan my day (I don't work from home) with snacks that fit into a specific sugar allotment - 37 grams a day. If my pre-planning shows that I'm going to go above and beyond my sugar total, I cut things out, and that usually starts with snacks.

    For example: I put down 4 prunes for my snacks today while I'm at work but with my breakfast, that put my sugar total way above the bar. I cut out the prunes and voila, just below the sugar allotment and four (tiny) unnecessary snacks off the menu.

    If you're *really* hungry for a snack, try something low sugar/low carb (those are what'll keep the pounds on!) like low-sugar turkey jerky.

    Good luck!
  • LotusF1ower
    LotusF1ower Posts: 1,259 Member
    I finally realized how much I was snacking when I started logging EVERYTHING on MFP. I realized how much the calories/fat, etc. were adding up. Eventually, I stopped myself before eating, and asked, "Do I want to log this, or can I wait until the next meal?" Once I became aware, the snacking trailed off.

    Congrats on how far you've come! I'm sure you can do the rest!

    Spot on posting Kath!

    I did a similar thing and was shocked when I realised what I had been consuming before I joined this site. If fact, ironically, I used to ask myself a very similar question like you did "do I want this to show on my log or wait and have something nice for tea?"
  • My worst was when getting lunch I always though "Oh I need to load up for the day" and I'd come away with a yoghurt, 2 chock bars and some crisps as well as my sandwich.

    Then on the way home grabbing a bar of something from the shop by the tube station for my hours ride home. And I thought I was doing well if I didn't have 4 full slices of bread with my dinner :)

    Everything adds up, but we don't need half of what we consume sometimes....
  • rose1617
    rose1617 Posts: 469 Member
    "snacking" isn't always a bad thing... if you choose the right "snacks".
    For example, I have breakfast, a small snack, lunch, a small snack, and then a small dinner.
    Breakfast I try to keep around 300 calories. Lunch I try to keep around 300 cals as well.
    I like to have a 1-200 cal snack in the morning and afternoon. If I follow my 1300 calorie regimen, that leaves me with around 300 calories for dinner (at the 200 cal snack limit). That is very well-balanced (and usually I don't eat a 300 calorie dinner - my stomach doesn't like to eat that much that late in the day, especially after a hard workout).
    I find this keeps my metabolism up and makes weight loss easier.
    My snacks are usually fruit, almonds, grilled chicken pieces, a small serving of brown rice, etc. Something healthy, but filling, so that I don't feel like I need to keep snacking on more and more throughout the day.
    That way I can "snack" and not upset my progress.
  • Hoosiermomma
    Hoosiermomma Posts: 877 Member
    Thanks all! lots of good ideas. I need the reminders. I like the plan of giving myself a calorie limit on snacks. I have been trying to wean myself of calorie counting but it might be wise to count up those snacks! I have gotten a pretty good idea of what is with in my limit. I like the distraction idea too and have used it - again needed reminding.

    I'm thinking of making a list of what i would like to do (besides eat :tongue: ) and review that for ideas when the snack urge threatens again! I will overcome!!

    Thanks - muchas! :flowerforyou:
  • Jennplus2
    Jennplus2 Posts: 984 Member
    I try to do one more thing before I eat my snack. Like a mini goal, "I'll take out the trash before I get my snack" then when I am done I most likely will have one more thing to do "ok, I'll clean up these grapes my kiddos just spilled then get myself a snack" ect. If I finish my task and still want to munch I will, but if I forget about it I must not really be that hungry. Or if I don't have a task to do I will drink a big glass of water and see how I feel in 30 mins.
  • If I feel like I might want a snack - I drink a glass of water first and see if I still have a "hunger" -- most of the time I don't. Or - grab a sugar free hard candy to suck on or a stick of gum or a tic tac or something. Seems to work for me. I hope it will for you too.
  • miss_amy
    miss_amy Posts: 351
    hello! snack queen here! lol i'm the worst! especially at work. i used to eat chips throughout the day at work because i sit at a desk all day and it tends to get very boring. now, i'm trying to be better with my snack choices so thanks for all the snack tips! this is by far my biggest struggle so far. i've switched from a bag of regular, bad-for-you chips to either 1 serving of popchips (love them! only 120 cal/serving) or fruit. it's been a few weeks and so far, so good. i definitely noticed that logging all of my calories makes me want to stay on track, so i'm going to keep doing it!

    one day at a time! lol :)
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