Here goes nothing...

My name is Kim, and I am FAT. That's right... Fat, with a big capital F. I didn't always used to look this way. I look back at pictures of myself when I believed I was "huge" and would give anything to be that size again. A few weeks ago, I stepped onto the scale and the number screaming back at me was one I have never seen... not even after two pregnancies. I was so ashamed of myself, and even more disappointed that I had let my weight spiral that far out of control. On May 6th, I had had enough. Enough shoveling food in my mouth to make myself feel better, only to feel worse afterwards. Enough of eating when I wasn't hungry, and trying diets only to give up a few days later. I am taking control back of my life. I am so tired of feeling self concious. I'm tired of never finding clothes to fit because I am constantly gaining weight. I don't want to start a diet. I want to start a lifestyle change. In the last two weeks, I have eaten more clean than I ever have. I have stopped drinking soda, cut out my sugar intake, and started excercising. I have dropped 13lbs so far and feel better than I ever have. I am motivated, I am determined. In two years, I will be 30. I want to look back on that day and be proud of the person I am... not ashamed of the person I let myself turn into. I know there are hard days ahead. I know I will cry, I will get discouraged... but I want to do this. I want to do this for the Kim who has cried herself to sleep over her weight; for the Kim who's never been comfortable in her own skin. I want this, and I can do this.

I hope to meet some amazing people along the way :)


  • RobP1192
    RobP1192 Posts: 310 Member
    Just do your best and stick with it. Don't allow yourself to get discouraged and quit. You sound like you know what you want, now will power yourself and make it happen! We will support you!
  • Kxgz
    Kxgz Posts: 198 Member
    Sounds like you are ready to do this!
  • nonacgp
    nonacgp Posts: 132
    Kudos to you !! With such a positive attitude, you are on the right track to success.
  • katekross
    katekross Posts: 463 Member
    Hi, I'm Kate and I know the feeling!! I don't have any kiddos... but I am giving up on being fat too. I see a personal trainer twice a week and starting to clean up my diet. Welcome aboard. A friend request is on the way! Happy burning!!
  • chris_sy
    chris_sy Posts: 214 Member
    That's the attitude! You go girl! Just don't give up - even if you have a bad day - so what. Just get back on track and look straight ahead. You can do it :-)
  • michelle7673
    michelle7673 Posts: 370 Member
    You can do this!!!
    Feel free to add me -- I have an open diary for friends too :)
  • melb_alex
    melb_alex Posts: 1,154 Member
    you have taken the right steps :)
  • johned63
    johned63 Posts: 306 Member
    Welcome to MFP Kim! This has been a very beneficial site for me and there are some really great people here that can help when it is needed. I never thought a social site like this would be as great of a help as it has turned out to be. Good luck to you on this journey!