Does anyone use strive???

Hi does anyone of you use strive? I've used it today and you burn lots more calories using it rather than just using my fitness pal, bit worried it will be to high and I'll eat to many calories


  • LelahCookson
    LelahCookson Posts: 4 Member
    I am actually having the same wondering!! Have you had any answers since January? I am addicted to my Strive and even bought the Play, it has motivated me to be a lot more active during my day. I also like that it automatically links my "calories burned from steps" right into myfitnesspal. However, I wonder if it is making me eat more than I should?? I know I have added a lot more strength training into my week and therefore could be gaining muscle weight, but it is really frustrating when I have made TONS of changes in my lifestyle for the better and ended up gaining 3 pounds recently!!!
  • kimmie185
    kimmie185 Posts: 550 Member
    That's really funny, I've been wondering the same thing actually. Every time I log into MFP, I seem to have more calories I can eat. :) I have not gained weight yet because of it.
  • shadow2soul
    shadow2soul Posts: 7,692 Member
    I don't have a Striiv, but just from searching it on google, it looks to be similar to fitbit (which I do own).

    The thing about MFP is it estimates your total calorie burn based on your height, weight, age, gender, and activity level you selected. It doesn't actually know if your more or less active.

    Fitbit, Striiv and other similar devices have a better idea of your actual activity level in any given day since you wear them all day long. Since they have a better idea of your activity level, they also in turn have a better estimate of your total daily calorie burn. I have days where I am so inactive, my fitbit will actually deduct calories from my MFP goal and then I have days where I'm so active that I get additional calories added.

    For me: I have been letting fitbit and MFP communicate, eating around the calorie goal (net calories) that MFP states, and I am still losing weight. I feel better about eating my calorie goal now, since I know that my fitbit has a good idea of what I burn each day and it will adjust MFP to reflect that.

    I hope this helps.