Too Tired To Train!

Hi everyone,

I've only been part of MFP for two weeks, but have managed to lose 5 pounds through diet alone, my most successful diet ever :)
Now I feel like I should be exercising as well as I don't actually have a massive amount of weight to lose, but I need some serious toning up.

My problem is, I work at a hotel serving breakfast in the mornings (which I have to get up at 5.45 am for) work for four hours, then go home until I start my shift on the bar working another four hours until 10pm (and don't get home till nearly 11). Although it's only an 8 hour day, I don't get enough sleep at night between shifts so I'm constantly tired and feel unmotivated to work out.

Anyone have any tips?

Also, should I be logging my time at work as exercise? Although I'm not constantly walking around at work I am on my feet for the full eight hours.


  • Becky_Boop
    You put you're time at work under "lifestyle" in the profile settings, It would probably count as an "active" lifestyle.
    As for tiredness, could you get a power-nap between shifts? Just an hour or so should make you feel a little more energetic.
    I wouldn't count it as exercise but when you go into settings mark your daily activity as active. Then that will adjust your cals you should be taking in for an active person. Then what ever extra exercise you do track. Like if you walked to work on day and usually don't. Things like that.

    Also what do you do between your shifts? And how many days a week do you work?

    If you could just find a half hour to do a basic home workout that should help tone you up. If you have cable there is a ton of free ones on demand that are short workouts. If you could do a few a week that would be worth trying.

    Also make sure you are eating good healthy fuel for your body. I didn't look to see if I could see your food diary or not. But I know alot of people just look at cals but it's over all health that will give you good energy. Eating lean proteins and simple foods are going to give your body a lot more energy.

    Also keeping yourself hydrated will make you more energized as well. If you are that active for you job then you should be drinking a lot of water through the day. I would shoot for at least 10 glasses.
  • MrMaddness
    I've found that exercise actually makes me feel more energized once I shower off after it. Try getting in a 20-30 minute workout at home between jobs, that might actually energize you for your 2nd job.
  • summersk
    summersk Posts: 59
    My recommendation is this: Start some type of exercise routine! I understand how tired you are feeling right now and you think if you workout you will only be more worn out right? WRONG! Exercising actually gives you more energy through out your day, therefore because of the weird hours you are working you need to start working out. Also a good workout will allow you to get a better, more restful nights sleep, even if it is only 5 or 6 hours of sleep. I used to work the evening shift at a factory a few years back and when I first started I was tired all the time. I was getting home and to bed around 11:15pm and then not being able to fall asleep until sometime after midnight, then I was getting up at 6:30 am to get my daughter up and ready for school. I decided to start walking to help lose weight and tone up a little and an amazing thing happened, I actually had enough energy to make it through the day and when I got home at night I was able to fall asleep as soon as my head hit the pillow ( a big deal for me since that is a very unusual occurrence for me except when I'm working out!). Hope this helps out with your weight lose and energy levels. Good luck! :smile:

  • balfonso
    balfonso Posts: 370 Member

    I agree with summersk. Exercise DOES give you more energy! I wake up at 4.30am to get into work 3 or 4 times out 5 during the week, and as soon as I finish work, although I'm usually tired as I may or may not have had my 8 hours sleep (usually 5-6hrs) I try my best to get a work out at the gym for at least an hour OR I squeeze in some bodyweight & cardio interval training at home for 10-20minutes or even 30minutes walk around the park. My job also keeps me on my feet and I've been logging it in as I use my heart rate monitor with most activities I do. :)
  • kayleigh333
    Thanks for the feedback :)

    Between shifts I do all the usual stuff - cleaning, washing, ironing, cooking, and then I do a lot of work for uni as i'm training to be a graphic designer. I do manage to get around 10 glasses of water a day though.

    I found something on the message boards about the couch to 5k program, and working out 3 times a week for less than an hour seems like an achievable way to start incorporating exercise in to my weekly routine, so I've just downloaded the podcast and I'm going to give it a go today :) hopefully I can build up my exercise from there!

    Thanks again, hopefully I will feel more energized after my first workout and motivated to keep at it!