Starting Over...Again

smsteed Posts: 9
edited September 21 in Introduce Yourself
Hey everyone! I've been a member of this site for a long time now and have been trying to lose weight on my own, but it's not working! I have been seeing how much everyone supports each other here and decided that this is what I needed to really buckle down and lose those last 15 lbs!


  • pamelaholt
    pamelaholt Posts: 1 Member
    I'm doing the same thing. I know I need to stay focused and if I can work this website into my daily routine and keep my goals in front of me I will be successful. Thanks!
  • amtrust
    amtrust Posts: 178
    Yes, the support it great! If you need more MFP friends...add me!
    When I binge or have to "begin again"...MFP encourages me.

    Best wishes to you! :smile:
  • aprueitt
    aprueitt Posts: 91 Member
    Welcome back. Feel free to add me as your friend. We all could use good support. :)
  • amyfly
    amyfly Posts: 137
    Hang in there! MFP has helped me lose 13 of the last 15 pounds I want to lose. I lost close to 50 pounds on my own before joining (over the course of a couple years) but was having a hard time maintaining, let alone reaching my goal weight. But 3 months on MFP and I am finally almost there! Before this i considered myself the ultimate couch potato and junk food junkie so if I can do it, anyone can:)! Good luck!!!
  • I hear ya, Im starting over again too. The summer is usually the slackest time for my workouts cuz id rather be out having fun and partying all my weight came from drinking unfortunatly i just started back up again today and am going crazy for the next 4 weeks lol its my own challenge for myself lol so i can fit back into my skinny jeans for university lol.
  • Hotabs
    Hotabs Posts: 41 Member
    Hi I know what you mean. I really want to lose 2 stone so guess what you can add me too. Track you food each day you are going for a stone so just think you will there for Christmas.
  • lmberner
    lmberner Posts: 3 Member
    Hi there,

    I have hit rock bottom AGAIN! I really need to get these last 20 pounds off. I have started to "diet" with my hubby....he has lost 29 pounds and I have gained one over the last 7 weeks. I know that men lose weight quicker or easier. BLAH...I am frustrated. I joined to gain support and let my fingers type instead of using them to snack!
  • smsteed
    smsteed Posts: 9
    Thank you all for the support! :smile:
  • hi! oh yeah, i am back and joining myfitpal AGAIN. this time I hope to stick around until i reach my goal. my body and blood pressure are telling me enough is enough :blushing: . 25th wedding anniversary coming up too :) best wishes to all! :flowerforyou:
  • Hey there! I am totally the queen of "starting over" I always start with tons of motivation and then somewhere waver. I really want to stick with it this time! But i know we can help each other here. Lets get that weight off!!!

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