New Today

Hi my name is Chrissy and I am from Ohio. My health is really failing at my young age of 36 sooo I am here to get help and motivation to help me loose weight :) I would like to meet someone to converse with an help with motivation. Very happy to be here and go along with everyones journey.


  • tamalea
    tamalea Posts: 107 Member
    Hi Chrissy from Ohio. I am Tam from Kentucky. Welcome aboard, you will love this place. Feel free to friend request me if you need one. :flowerforyou:
  • murphmom7
    Welcome Chrissy. I want to welcome you to a great website. You will find a lot of friends and motivation here. Feel free to add me as a friend, as I am too along for this great ride of losing weight.
  • Lesley25
    Hey Chrissy! I am also new to this website and I am enjoying it so much! It really does motivate you to do what you have to do and still enjoy life! I wish you lots of luck and many blessings on your journey!!! You can also add me as a friend!!!