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Does anyone use a personal trainer??



  • happydaze71
    happydaze71 Posts: 339 Member
    I have a trainer, I can only afford to see her once every 3 or 4 weeks, and she is ok with that, she knows I am 100% dedicated.
    She kicks my *kitten* harder than I could ever push myself and I love it. You may have to chop and change trainers till you find one you click with, but that's ok. There is someone out there who will be a great match for your requirements and help you meet your goals!
  • Healthynut31
    Healthynut31 Posts: 109 Member
    I have a trainer, I can only afford to see her once every 3 or 4 weeks, and she is ok with that, she knows I am 100% dedicated.
    She kicks my *kitten* harder than I could ever push myself and I love it. You may have to chop and change trainers till you find one you click with, but that's ok. There is someone out there who will be a great match for your requirements and help you meet your goals!
    Thank you!! I'm going to go ahead and get one.
  • djkprojects
    djkprojects Posts: 46 Member
    Well, I've been going to the gym only for couple of months and achieved great results without a personal trainer but that's because I set myself for it. I've been losing approx. 1kg a week, dropped from 34 to 30inch around my waist and that's only because of my diet.

    I was never in bad shape before and never paid any attention to the food I was eating but as soon as I started my diet I noticed big improvement and I can actually now for the very first time see my abdominals.

    I'm not an gym or nutritional expert at all but there is so much information online that one can figure out quick what to do to achieve goals set.
  • katisha7
    katisha7 Posts: 1 Member
    I have been with a personal trainer for 4 months and I love it. Your scale might not change much, but your size will definitely change. I bought a pair of jeans 3 wks ago and already had to get new ones. Don't give up. Trainers help you build muscle and strength. Remember muscle weighs a lot more than fat. Happy shopping!! You will need a new closet. mm
  • castelluzzo99
    castelluzzo99 Posts: 313 Member
    I have two thoughts:

    1) A personal trainer, if he/she is a good one, will help you fix any mistakes in form and do many other good things. I wish I could have afforded one when I had a gym membership.

    2) 2 lb in 3 weeks isn't that bad. I actually have only netted about that in a month. If you recently started strength training, you probably gained a bit of muscle to counteract fat loss. Have you been taking measurements? I ask, because in the month I've been here, I only lost a little bit (I think the 8 pounds it shows isn't accurate, because the first 6 lb came in the first week), but I have lost 3.25 inches in the waist and 1.5 in the hips. If I were only using the scales, I'd be very discouraged. Instead, I'm psyched at how my skirts are starting to get so loose! If you don't have a tape measure, you can pick one up for probably 50 cents at a craft or fabric store.
  • GiGiBeans
    GiGiBeans Posts: 1,062 Member
    I've been following a trainer's workout the past 3 weeks and am ecstatic. Do it!
  • 2aycocks
    2aycocks Posts: 415 Member
    After following the advice of well meaning MFP friends and upping my protein intake and increasing my exercise, I have decided to hire a personal trainer. I have been working my butt of increasing my workouts to 2 hours 3x's per week, all forms and weight lifting and strength training, and in 18 days (almost 3 weeks) have not lost more than 2 pounds. I feel in my heart that something is not right here and before I give up, I am going to try a different approach. A personal trainer it is...
    Does anyone on here have any advice as to whether I should just stick it out in the gym, or hire a personal trainer?? Any advice welcome, thank you.

    Why would you give up after only 18 days??!!!! You are doing great! Don't watch the scale so closely and give you body time to change. You will soon notice that your clothes fit differently, or that they are getting loose. that's where it counts!
  • toronto81
    toronto81 Posts: 17 Member
    I work out with a personal trainer twice a month.
    I like it because she pushes me to do just that little bit more that I probably would've stopped at. Now I've learned to not stop early just cause I feel tired or I can't do anymore reps. Just 1 or 2 more.
    I also like working with her because she teaches me an endless amount of exercises to keep me constantly changing & not doing the same thing over & over.
  • 1JenMilam
    1JenMilam Posts: 108 Member
    Make sure you know what you are wanting to focus on example- increase core strength, overall fitness etc. Interview the trainer not the other way around.
    A trainer is wonderful. He or She will help push you and you will realize that you can do more than you originally thought possible. At least that was what I found.
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,888 Member
    Ask my clients and they'll all say they love me....................well not really, but I get the job done.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 28+ years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • darwinwoodka
    darwinwoodka Posts: 322 Member
    Love my trainer! Going on 3 years now. ;^) Husband and I have never felt better! We work out with the trainer twice a week right now.
  • DrDrea411
    DrDrea411 Posts: 10
    I just ended a full year of training with my personal trainer. First off I know how expensive it is and I always looked at it as an investment in my health. So by the end of the year seeing her at least once a week for 30 minutes I have gone from 26.8% (at 5'7") body fat to 20% and I cannot believe how strong I have become. She pushed me to do things I never thought were possible or things I always feared doing (like jump squats on a bench in the middle of a crowded gym). But after every sweat drenched and exhausting workout I have realized I would have never done any of this on my own. I now have a totally different view on what a workout consists of and I realize that I don't need to spend 2 hours at the gym to get amazing results. I would tell you to go for it and get a trainer. Think of all the money we spend on frivolous things daily and this investment will be a lifelong gift. Good luck on your journey and get ready to get your *kitten* kicked to the point of nausea. :)
  • Dunkirk
    Dunkirk Posts: 465 Member
    Last year I did group fitness 3 times a week with a trainer, this year I do personal training twice a week. I prefer personal training rather than group training as I had been working the wrong muscles and not activating the correct ones in the group training, and I was never corrected. My PT and I are working on retraining my body to use the right ones. I had a bad knee injury about 5 years ago and my uninjured side was still compensating and 'protecting' the injured knee. My preference is PT.
  • Ninguneado73
    Ninguneado73 Posts: 832
    The trainers at my gym are OK. Mind you, it is a small apartment complex gym. I don't use them because, in the years I've lived here, I haven't seen any results.
  • melb_alex
    melb_alex Posts: 1,154 Member
    YES !!!!

    The best thing I did (mine is really hot too ;) )

    I hired mine because I wanted to increase endurance and strength training and I will honestly never look back he is phenomenal! As long as they don't spend your time and money doing cardio they are a great idea!

    You may not do those extra ten reps by yourself but YOU WILL with a trainer!

    best investment
  • danamariers
    danamariers Posts: 155 Member
    I have a trainer and I love it! (my friend and I go about 4x a week for a small boot camp class)

    He motivates us, keeps us guessing and working hard.

    My only caution would be to make sure you are serious- if you aren't willing to follow what your trainer asks of you, and you are going to fight them the whole way through, whining and complaining about how hard it is, that you're too tired or too weak then you may not be ready for training. (There's a mental component that accompanies the physical)

    For instance, there's a small group of us (3-5) who shows up for boot camp with our trainer and nothing is more tiresome, frustrating and blood-boiling when we want to move on, get sweaty and sore and the others say it's too hard and they don't want to do the exercises (then WTF are you doing in this class?!? Go home and stop wasting our time!!!) *End rant*

    So yes- personal trainers are awesome and now that I have one I wouldn't want to go back to the gym solo since I'll won't push myself as hard as I do when I'm working out with my trainer.
  • LoveMyLife_NYC
    LoveMyLife_NYC Posts: 230 Member
    first of all, you are losing weight! so congratulations on getting yourself started. it's supposed to come off about one pound per week, so don't be so quick to brush off your progress!

    i hired a personal trainer about a year ago to help me get through a back injury. my injury is now gone, but i wouldn't trade him for the world. he pushes me to do things i never would have thought i could do. i've gotten so much stronger mentally and physically, dropped 3 pants sizes, and am really starting to love my body.

    love training!
  • jakedner
    jakedner Posts: 186 Member
    I love working with a trainer!

    In fact, for mother's day this year my husband bought me a 20 session training package. I'm finishing some hot yoga sessions and will start working with my trainer in mid June.

    I have found that I gain when working with my trainer, but it is because I am building muscle. I lose inches and burn fat.

    Focus on how your clothes fit vs the numbers on the scale. Also make sure that your training is quality vs quantity and stick with it. I have gone 6 weeks at a time plateaued at the same weight, before finally moving the numbers on the scale. A trainer can help you get on track and make sure you are doing an effective workout.

    I wish you success what ever you decide! :)
  • Healthynut31
    Healthynut31 Posts: 109 Member
    Thank you all so much. I have decided that although I am happy with my current weight loss, I need help in pushing myself. So, with that being said, I am going to go ahead and hire a personal trainer. I am okay with the cardio, I just need help with form, core strengths, and just upper total upper body training in general.
    Thank you all so much for your helpful and influential advice. Will keep you all updated!! Good luck to us all!!
  • Healthynut31
    Healthynut31 Posts: 109 Member
    first of all, you are losing weight! so congratulations on getting yourself started. it's supposed to come off about one pound per week, so don't be so quick to brush off your progress!

    i hired a personal trainer about a year ago to help me get through a back injury. my injury is now gone, but i wouldn't trade him for the world. he pushes me to do things i never would have thought i could do. i've gotten so much stronger mentally and physically, dropped 3 pants sizes, and am really starting to love my body.

    love training!
    Thank You!! And, congratulations on your success!!