
i finally have had a day where i have gone crazily over my calories and macros and feel good after going on a run and doing day 2 of insanity. and i was going in for a second icecream but i said noooooooo!

feel brilliant- havent had one of these in sooooo long! my eating habits have recently got so out of hand. hopefully it will give me the willpower to continue to get days like this!!!!


  • atuchon
    atuchon Posts: 234 Member
    That's great!!!

    Is this your first time doing Insanity?!
  • lucyhross
    lucyhross Posts: 87 Member
    yes- gods know how ill get through it! ill be sooo pleased if i do!
  • atuchon
    atuchon Posts: 234 Member
    You can do it!!! I just finished recovery week and start Month 2 tomorrow! I'm pretty But I have read that everyone starts seeing the most results in Month 2 so I say bring it on!!!