tried using this 5 times...

never works! keep gaining not losing

Need support!!anyone have any tips to share for people who cant seem to get a good handle on this. I'm Gaining not losing and this isnt good. need advice.


  • _Danno_
    _Danno_ Posts: 165
    Without looking at your food diary it's hard to give advice but you should stick to the basics,

    1. make sure you have set a realistic calorie target that you can hit
    2. Eat your calorie target every day
    3. Don't worry about too much about the type of food you are eating to start with just hit the target
    4. You must log everything you eat, if you cheat you're only cheating yourself
    5. Drink plenty of water if you can diet drinks if you don't like water, always avoid using your calories in drinks if possible.
    6. Be patient it's a marathon not a sprint.

    Good luck, add me if you want I'm uk based and I log on everyday
  • SherylAnn80
    SherylAnn80 Posts: 5 Member
    thanks for the advice
    I meant to thank you a while ago