"Get 'em to the Greek" fitness challenge Starting June 1



  • Shweet_heart
    Shweet_heart Posts: 51 Member
    Since I've been lacking some motivation lately, I think this is exactly what I need. Count me in!
  • januarygal175
    i am ready for a challenge so count me in
  • helpfit101
    helpfit101 Posts: 347 Member
    I'm interested in something like this, but how about the details. Can you post more about how the challenge is organized? What is the fitness test about? What are the challenges like? Do they interfere with my regular workout schedule? I am also taking a two week holiday.. etc.. just curious about the details but sounds cool.
  • kendallsauntie
    kendallsauntie Posts: 101 Member
    I'm interested in something like this, but how about the details. Can you post more about how the challenge is organized? What is the fitness test about? What are the challenges like? Do they interfere with my regular workout schedule? I am also taking a two week holiday.. etc.. just curious about the details but sounds cool.

    I just created the actual group page a couple of minutes ago.

    There will be teams that are named for Greek God's and Goddess', each participant will be placed in a team at random (unless otherwise discussed). Since the weigh in's and measurements won't count towards your teams point total there will be points awarded for various things like being an active participant in your group, being under calories for the whole week, etc.

    How the challenges will be organized - On a weekly basis either my co-moderator or I will post the weekly challenge. The weekly challenge will include a food, exercise, water and "at random challenge." For example: Week 1 might be....Food - try 1 new-to-you food, Exercise - 25 lateral lunges, Water - 8 glasses, "at random" - take at least 1 30 minute walk during the week.

    The Fitness test - This is strictly to see how we are each progressing with our fitness. My co-moderator and I will choose 10-12 exercises (they will remain the same through out the challenge) that once a month the group as a whole will be "tested" on. NOTE: The fitness test will be for time. Basically, this is another way to track progress in addition to the weigh in's and measurements.

    Will the challenges interfer with your current routine? - I'm trying to make the challenges so that the exercise portion and possibly the "at random" portion can be integrated into any current workout.

    Will the challenge still be here when you get back from vacation? - Yup, have fun. Just let your team captain now when you are going to be gone so that they can let the moderators know and everyone will be on the same page. I'm trying to make this challenge as easy as possible. I totally understand life happens and I'm not going to penalize anyone for having things come up that cause them to not be able to perform a challenge.

    Hopefully I answered your questions. This is my first challenge that I'm running so I'm learning as I go too.
  • kendallsauntie
    kendallsauntie Posts: 101 Member
    I just sent out invites to everyone who expressed interest in the group. The sign up thread is up right now and I'm working on the thread for those who might be interested in being a captian.

    If you are new to this thread here is a link to the challenge group page..... http://www.myfitnesspal.com/groups/home/14286--get-em-to-the-greek-fitness-challenge
  • CJH2201
    CJH2201 Posts: 24
    I'm in!