PLEASE someone help weight or girth loss in 5 months



  • mumof5
    mumof5 Posts: 328 Member older sister told me this happens when you hit 40...the numbers just seem to go the wrong way!! your just old!! ;)
  • I also have been having the same problem. I am 36 years old, and started this journey in early January. I have been eating pretty healthy for quite a while now, but started eating even healthier, cutting out nearly all processed foods this year. I have been exercising at least 3 days per week at the gym for 1-2 hours at a time, plus one day at home doing Jillian Michaels Ripped in 30. I do strength training and cardio, and have definitely gained muscle tone and I can tell my heart is healthier.

    However, I really haven't lost much weight at all. In fact, I keep gaining and losing the same 4 pounds over and over. I have tried adjusting my calorie intake from 1200 to 1350 to 1475, and almost always eating back 50-75% of my exercise calories.

    There has been only one week this whole nearly 5 months that I didn't do my exercise routine (I was sick). I usually only have one cheat day on the weekend. And I don't know what else to do. I will keep exercising and eating healthy, but as of last week, I have given up on counting calories. It isn't getting me anywhere. I hate to say it, but I feel like the only way I will ever be able to lose weight is to go back on the Atkins diet, because that is the only way I have been able to successfully lose weight before. I lost almost 50 pounds 10 years ago, and kept it all off until this past year. That was when I decided to try eating more of a balanced diet, adding back in some extra "good" carbs.

    So believe me, I feel your frustration. Hope that we can both find something that will help us. Even though I gave up on calorie counting for now, I am not giving up hope of losing this extra 20 pounds!