Most Imp weight loss tip



  • royvor
    royvor Posts: 271
    I think my tip is to start small, so take baby steps. We all have learned behaviors and they will not change in one day, one week, one month. Replace these unhealthy behaviors that are not working with new ones. : I say start with looking at labels for calories and measuring your food for portions.
  • stefi2107
    stefi2107 Posts: 52 Member
    It's not the end of the world if you have a bad food choice eating day so don't turn one bad day into days.
  • cassyrawr
    cassyrawr Posts: 8
    I am a list maker.... so I make a list of all the workouts I need to do for the week/month-all in bright colors. I also cross things off the list that I completed because it is SO satisfying to check off a workout :)
  • PrettyPearl88
    PrettyPearl88 Posts: 368 Member
    Don't deprive yourself 100% or else you'll binge on everything else!

  • shorty35565
    shorty35565 Posts: 1,425 Member
    1st of all, like others have said, you must really want it & be doing it for yourself. Because if not, it's hard to stick to.
    2nd, don't starve yourself. You will see a million girls eating 1200, most of them are doing this the wrong way. Eat between your BMR & will be good
    3rd, don't eliminate anything from your diet. Use moderation & if it fits your macros, eat it!
    4th, weigh EVERYTHING. I have a food school & weight it all, even liquids. I dont use the spoons. I believe weighing is most accurate.
    5th, prelog...plan out your days the night before. So u have everything already logged here when the day starts & u know what u can eat to hit your goals

    I think maybe you said 1 tip whooops lol
  • billmac
    billmac Posts: 51 Member
    Emile Coue reckoned willpower cannot overcome the sub-conscious. So we need to change our sub-conscious image of ourselves.
    Three Key Ideas of Émile Coué

    Every idea which exclusively occupies the mind is transformed into an actual physical or mental state.
    The efforts we make to conquer an idea by exerting the Will only serve to make that idea more powerful.
    You must put your trust in the Imagination, not in the Will. Think you are better and you will become so.

    So do a relaxing meditation. Visualise your current self and put that picture in a black frame. Now discard that picture and create an image of what you want to reasonably realistic! :) Put the new picture in a while frame. Return to the picture in the white frame at least once every day. You will be what you think you are..
    P.S. You have to follow the other great suggestions in the thread. However I believe this makes everything much easier.
  • Alexandra289
    Alexandra289 Posts: 330 Member
    Listen to what your body wants - you'll feel a hell of a lot better for going to the gym rather than eating a family sized bar of chocolates. However, sometimes you need to eat more or you're too tired to go to the gym - not an excuse to binge, but your body needs to rest and refuel so you have energy the next day.
  • Alexandra289
    Alexandra289 Posts: 330 Member
    Oh just one more - cut out anything artificial. This doesn't work for everyone, but since cutting out artificial additives and sweeteners, etc, 95% of the time, I very rarely crave anything. Save the fatty, sugary stuff for social occasions only and you won't want it on a regular day.
  • wibbley74
    wibbley74 Posts: 80 Member
    find an exercise you enjoy - if it's not a chore then you will stick at it
    track everything going in
  • Brandwil
    Brandwil Posts: 9
    I take the liberty of joining the conversation because I wanna lose weight and body fat percentage. I tried any programs but either I regained weight or I didn't lose. Please, could you give me some advices? I would like find the solution.
    Thanks a lot.
  • bigmike1974
    bigmike1974 Posts: 51 Member
    1) Track weight + measurements frequently but ignore the noise, focus on the trend. ( )

    2) If calories used is more than calories consumed you WILL lose weight, after that it is just details that help YOU to comply with your chosen means of reaching your goals.

    3) Set achievable short term goals, reward yourself when you achieve them (and they need to be things YOU value).

    4) Set long term goals and review regularly in light of the trends you are seeing in your weights and measurements.

    For me using the 5:2 diet (allowing me to create a calorie deficit over a week with very little effort) in conjunction with actually understanding what the reading on the scales mean (focusing on the trend rather than panicking over daily noise) means I am now making consistent and predictable progress after 20+ years of wandering in the wilderness trying every new diet that came along.

    Losing weight is simple (see 2) above) but that doesn't make it easy! Because it can be hard people like to over complicate it but if you track what your inputs (calories) and outputs (weight and measurements) then you won't go far wrong :)
  • Brandwil
    Brandwil Posts: 9
    What is the 5:2 diet?
  • bigmike1974
    bigmike1974 Posts: 51 Member
    Very simple. 2 days a week keep your food intake at 500 calories for a woman, 600 for a man. Most people split "fast" days into 2 meals. Personally I prefer a single bigger meal in the evening. Eat "normally" on non fast days. Initially if you are at a stable weight and don't change what you eat on the non fast days (i.e. you don't massively over compensate! Some over compensation is fine) you will loose about a steady 1lb a week (about 0.5kg) because you are creating a calorie deficit of 3-4000 calories over a week. Much easier than it sounds :)

    I think the original Horizon program that Michael Mosley did is probably available on iplayer in the UK or youtube?
  • Brandwil
    Brandwil Posts: 9
    This is not a diet too hard?
  • ironanimal
    ironanimal Posts: 5,922 Member
    Persevere, learn and improve.
  • LolasEpicJourney
    LolasEpicJourney Posts: 1,010 Member
    Never stop moving...

    While eating better is very important - I found that when I keep moving and pushing harding in my work outs is what really made the difference :)
  • thrld
    thrld Posts: 610 Member
    Honor your commitment to you.

    No excuses. No putting it off, no self-sabotauge.
  • jus_in_bello
    jus_in_bello Posts: 326 Member
    Life happens, you'll mess up, get back on track and don't feel guilty for getting off track and don't feel like you've failed.
  • mygrl4meee
    mygrl4meee Posts: 943 Member
    When your tired of logging and working out and just want a quick fix and wake up that perfect weight. Remember that you didn't wake up at that size so give it time and keep going.
  • Brandwil
    Brandwil Posts: 9
    Thank you to answer me. I tried any weight loss programs maybe much deprivation and because of that. Is it possible to regain weight with this weight loss program?
