Tried Restor Slim green coffee bean w/ raspberry ketones

I'm wondering if anyone tried GNC's Restor Slim green coffee bean w/ raspberry ketones? Please post results. I'm not interested on opinions or judgements. I'm just looking for facts on your experience with this product. Thanks!


  • jeffd1224
    jeffd1224 Posts: 1
    YES, I've tried this exact brand. I tracked myself because i also tried a few other "fat burner pills" Physio Burn was the other (I dont recommend it, to many pills) but anyways I did these excact ones and lost 16lbs in a month. Now with that said I also did a kickboxing class for an hour 3 times a week. I didnt change my diet at all, I was a little more cautious of what I ate but that was more because the class was so challenging and i felt so good after I didnt want to ruin it with fast food or ****ty food. I liked these a lot because it was one pill, twice a day. I felt nothing like jitters, or anxious or anything like that. Honestly I didnt feel any difference in taking them except I lost weight. I will say though that I didnt just take the pills and sit around, I worked my but off 3 days a week (not a whole hell of a lot) but better then nothing. Now I've kicked it up to 5 days a week Kickboxing and have lost an additional 15lbs but thats been over 2-1/2 months with not taking anything. I could be a million times better with my diet etc... But you dont care about any of that and im not tell you that you have to work out while taking them, I'm just telling you everything I did cause I dont want to give you false expectations. You may lose a good amount of weight just from taking these supplements and changing your diet, this is my next move. I will be buying these again this week, tracking my progress and seeing how i did with a diet change (just more cautious) and doing kickboxing 5 times a week and going to the gym 3 times a week. Hope this has helped. I know it was a little (a lot) long winded but i just wanted to tell you everything I had done. Good luck, Jeff
  • neanderthin
    neanderthin Posts: 10,156 Member
    How does one post results from 1 ingredient in a sea of variables. I will say that a calorie deficit will enhance the effect of any supp.