Broke my leg - any exercise suggestions

I broke my leg last Thursday, thankfully I'm only in a cast up to knee. I know I won't be able to do anything for 2 weeks but after that I will hopefully be in a walking cast. Does anyone have any ideas of cardio exercise I can do. I normally walk 4 miles a few times a week but thats not going to be possible for awhile. Any suggestions would be helpful
Thanks in advance


  • Panda86
    Panda86 Posts: 873
    Might sound funny, but I know of someone that broke their leg, and for exercise they borrowed a wheel chair and did laps around the track... It may sound silly, but they got some really toned arms from it, and some cardio work. Might be worth a try.
  • hill242
    hill242 Posts: 412 Member
    I don't know about cardio, but you could probably do some upper body weight lifting. Presses and the like.

    But otherwise, I'd say give your body a rest. I think breaking a bone is a traumatic stressor on your body and maybe you should rest a week or so and eat really well to fuel a quick, successful recovery. I have no scientific evidence to back my opinion up, so take it for what you will.
  • pavanneh
    pavanneh Posts: 65 Member
    Use stretch bands with your good leg and do upper body Calisthenics and as someone suggested upper body work, but with light weights and higher repetitions-circuit traning. That would give you more of a cardio workout until you can do a walking cast.
  • weaklink109
    weaklink109 Posts: 2,831 Member
    Can't suggest exercises, but I do want to suggest that if you are not already doing so, add a calcium, magnesium zinc supplement to your diet, along with vitamin D to help your bones heal more quickly. (You need D, as well as the magnesium and zinc in order to more fully absorb the calcium.)

    When my husband broke his kneecap, he immediately started those supplements, and when he went in for a checkup about 6 weeks after the injury, his doctor asked what he was doing. It seems he had operated on an 18 year old guy with a similar injury the same week he treated my husband, and now he was marveling over how much faster my 50 year old husband was healing. He was very impressed when informed.

    Good luck with healing.
  • weaklink109
    weaklink109 Posts: 2,831 Member
    Can't suggest exercises, but I do want to suggest that if you are not already doing so, add a calcium, magnesium zinc supplement to your diet, along with vitamin D to help your bones heal more quickly. (You need D, as well as the magnesium and zinc in order to more fully absorb the calcium.)

    When my husband broke his kneecap, he immediately started those supplements, and when he went in for a checkup about 6 weeks after the injury, his doctor asked what he was doing. It seems he had operated on an 18 year old guy with a similar injury the same week he treated my husband, and now he was marveling over how much faster my 50 year old husband was healing. He was very impressed when informed.

    Good luck with healing.
  • jenn559
    jenn559 Posts: 11
    Oh my gosh, I just sprained my ankle 2 days ago!! I know how you feel! I use to jog on my treadmill every day for 30 minutes now I'm aking myself the same question. What I'm I gonna do without exercise?!
  • chrisc2006
    chrisc2006 Posts: 21 Member
    Thanks for the reply - I thought about the calcium but never thought about the other supplements. I'll definitely add that to healing regimen
  • shoegirl1
    shoegirl1 Posts: 8 Member
    Pilates is a great exercise anytime, but especially when your ankle or leg is injured. I love Winsor Pilates. You can adjust the workout so you would not affect your injury. Good luck!
  • TrainingWithTonya
    TrainingWithTonya Posts: 1,741 Member
    Boxing drills. You can do the punches while sitting in a chair or my favorite on a stability ball and get the heart rate up for cardio while not doing anything to harm the leg.