I can not lose weight, what am I doing wrong? :[

I have been going to the gym nearly every day for three weeks with my cousin. We stay anywhere from an hour, to an hour and a half. Typically, our workout routine includes: (I am aware that three weeks is not a very significant amount of time, but it is for us so far!)

Five minutes on both the hip abductor/adductor
Five minutes on two different arm machine/five minutes on each machine [not sure of the name]
Crunches [60-70]
Another ab machine [Not sure of the name]
Treadmill for anywhere from 30 minutes to one hour.

Now for us, it seems like a thorough workout. Unfortunately, neither of us has lost weight.
My cousin, has not lost any [Although, she is mainly looking to tone her legs]
Whereas I am wanting to lose about 100lbs all together. [Some days my scale says I have lost a few pounds, other days it says I gain]
Additionally, I am aware that muscle weighs more than fat, but when will all of that kind of even out to where I will burn more calories?

I am getting very frustrated. I will admit that I have not been eating 100% great; however, I have made huge changes to my diet. I have been eating much healthier and have cut out all soda. I am also constantly drinking water.
I even bought a Fitbit the other day hoping that this will keep me encouraged to stay up and moving by counting my steps as well as calories burned.

I honestly do not know what I am doing wrong; I do not want to give up but, and I know that this is not something that is going to happen over night. I know that this will be a long journey...But, shouldn't I see SOME weight loss, even a tiny bit?

Lastly, I will say that the one thing I have noticed is my endurance at the gym.
As embarrassed as I am to admit it, my first day I could only do 5-10 crunches. Now, I am about to do a set of 35 and a little later, do 35 more. I am able to stay on the treadmill at a faster pace and even longer; as well as differences on a few other machines.

Does anyone have any tips that could help or any ideas of what I could be doing wrong? Perhaps more cardio?
I am working very hard and hoping that I will see some results soon; even if its not major.
*I will start logging my food daily on here, starting today.

Thank you in advance,

Feel free to add me!


  • alyhuggan
    alyhuggan Posts: 717 Member
    How much do you eat a day?
  • megsmom2
    megsmom2 Posts: 2,362 Member
    All that exercise won't really make you lose weight. Being at a caloric deficit will. Exercise will help with that, but it really is all about what and how much youre eating. Cardio exercise can help you create a bigger deficit, though...and its good for you, so don't stop doing that...but maybe not every day.
    Start logging your food. Weigh everything. Log brutally accurately. Stay within the calories that the MFP calculator will give you...but DO NOT eat only 1200 calories. You don't want to do this fast, you want to do this smart, right? And..and this is the good part....EAT BACK YOUR BURNED CALORIES. Or at least most of them. It gives you more and better food choices. No binges, no deprivation....ice cream! Chocolate! Really!
    Keep going to the gym, its good for you...and you say your endurance has improved. That's awesome! Now...get your food intake working for you too! YOU CAN DO THIS!!!:wink:
  • LiveYourLifex163
    LiveYourLifex163 Posts: 19 Member
    I have been typically staying within my 1,500 calories per day.
  • alyhuggan
    alyhuggan Posts: 717 Member
    Thankfully you aren't on this 1200 calorie rubbish, just keep going with what you are doing, 3 weeks isn't awfully long to see results, for some people it takes years. It took me around 4 months to see any results on myself but now I see them weekly at the very least. Just keep going at it :)
  • mbow1977
    mbow1977 Posts: 213
    It would help if you made your diary visible so that we could have more of an idea if you are going wrong in any particular area
  • dietstokes
    dietstokes Posts: 216 Member
    Are you weighing/measuring all of your food? What about water intake? And your sodium levels. Also, what are your sources of calories? Processed food or fruit and veg? These are all important things for you to reflect on. If you don't have a food scale, I would invest in one as it is way more accurate than just using measuring cups/spoons.
  • kdiamond
    kdiamond Posts: 3,329 Member
    Well first of all I'm not sure what kind of a fitness plan that is. It isn't going to get you anywhere, that's for sure (not being mean, just honest because it isn't good to waste your time). I would advise getting on a tried and true plan, since it does sound like you're dedicated to going to the gym. Maybe New Rules of Lifting for Women, and keep doing your cardio along with it. Crunches and adductor machines are a waste of time for someone who is trying to lose fat.

    Secondly, eating "around" 1500 calories isn't good enough...you have to weigh, measure and log everything, you could be eating more than you think.

    Stick to a good workout plan and make sure you're eating 1500 calories and you should start losing weight in no time. :flowerforyou:
  • MaydayParadeGirl
    MaydayParadeGirl Posts: 190 Member
    You're FEELING the change and that sometimes comes a lot sooner than seeing actual weight loss. The think to remember is exactly what you said, you're going to see an up and down in weight when you're body is gaining muscle. Just dont' get discouraged because the fat that you are doing better in your work outs and that you are doing more each time. Don't burn yourself out and honestly just make sure you're looking at what you're eating adn figuring out if it's working against you.
  • quiltlovinlisa
    quiltlovinlisa Posts: 1,710 Member
    Log it in your diary. I find it really helpful to see how I'm hitting my nutrients during the day (I track fiber, iron, carbs, protien, fat and I've adjusted the amounts to better reflect how I'm trying to eat) While getting the deficit is important, because you can't lose without it, hitting your nutrients is vital so you can feel energized and healthy while losing.

    I started with a hundred pound goal and so far I've lost 14 pounds. Now some days when I exercise I eat 1700-1800 calories and still have a deficit, so it's possible you're not eating enough.

    I think logging in the diary would be the best thing you could do for yourself. It at least would give you a way to look back and really see how you're eating to help you figure out to best tailor your eating.
  • TeytonsMILF
    Have you measured yourself? Sometimes the scale doesn't move but your losing inches.
  • AmyRhubarb
    AmyRhubarb Posts: 6,890 Member
    I have been typically staying within my 1,500 calories per day.
    And do you eat back exercise cals? Weight loss is more diet than exercise, but of course you want both. :smile: But make sure you are eating enough food. Great job on making changes to what you eat - that was definitely a process for me. Logging my food was very eye opening, and changing eating habits not only to healthier foods, but making sure I was getting enough protein, hitting the healthy fats and carbs, took some time, but has made a good difference for me too.

    Honestly, I'd back off on the cardio & crunches and bump up the resistance stuff. There are countless threads and success stories here from gals lifting and lifting heavy and getting great results. Squats, deadlifts, lunges, etc - great workouts with great results, and these will work your legs and butt, and will do more for your core than crunches will.

    Hit your local library and grab a copy of New Rules Of Lifting For Women - awesome book with excellent info. Then have a look at this thread for inspiration: http://www.myfitnesspal.com/topics/show/709987-how-wrong-i-was-600-days-of-mfp-lotsa-pics
    More inspiration here: http://www.nerdfitness.com/blog/2011/07/21/meet-staci-your-new-powerlifting-super-hero/

    Good job hitting the gym and making the changes!
  • coreyreichle
    coreyreichle Posts: 1,031 Member
    I concur with your routine not really being anything that will get you anywhere fast, in regards to weight loss.

    Most gyms I've been too have a circuit room. I would suggest doing that. World Gym's is kinda cool, as they have a signal there that lets you know when to change stations. All in all, I think their circuit is 30 minutes. I would then add another 45 minutes on the treadmill.

    I would not hit the gym daily, however, doing the same routine. You need muscle group recovery. Perhaps, do the gym M, W, F; and Tues/Thurs go for a run/jog/cycle.
  • jessgetshealthy
    Do you track how many calories you are burning? Invest in a Heart Rate Monitor. Totally
    worth it!
  • LiveYourLifex163
    LiveYourLifex163 Posts: 19 Member
    My fitbit tracks how many I have burned! I have it synced up with MFP