Weekend Sabotage

Help! I'm getting really frustrated with myself. I am sabotaging all my work during the week on the weekends. I eat pretty well during the week. I mostly cook at home, and try to eat as clean as possible. Then the weekend comes.... and I just go a little nutty. I find myself saying "Oh, it's the weekend, no biggie." Well then Monday hits and I feel quility and I am not losing anything (of course). I don;t even attempt to track! So how do you guys stay on track during the weekend? Here is my life... I have three kids 13, 10, and 2 and two step kids 13 and 12. I'm married and we have a busy busy life. So on the weekends we just grab things from one baseball game to the next or the next activity. My husband is not healthy by any means, so I really don't have that motivational partner or support at home. Help!!! I have 15 pounds to lose (which truly isn't a lot when you think about.) Help to end my weekend sabotage! :sad:


  • teagirlmedium
    teagirlmedium Posts: 679 Member
    Have you tried to pack a lunch and snacks or eating before you go to the games or activities? I do that before I go to the movies or go to a friends place that way I do not have such a strong urge to eat random stuff or at least eat a lot of random stuff.
  • leeanneowens
    leeanneowens Posts: 319 Member
    We eat out a lot on the weekends. I just make sure I log everything and try to choose the lowest calorie options of the things I like. I also don't stress if I go over a few hundred calories for the day.
  • jweisshoff
    jweisshoff Posts: 74 Member
    I agree...pack yourself a cooler filled with cut up veggies, water, popcorn, string cheese, almonds, fruit, protein bars etc. Pack some sandwiches or a salad. Maybe swing by a Subway for a healthier option than ball park foods. I always have a little stash in my car of healthy portable options- (rice cakes, almonds, granola bars) in the event I get hungry and need a little something to tide me over....or an option when there is a family stop for ice cream.
  • karma20079
    karma20079 Posts: 2
    I am in the same boat unfortunately! I find that tracking everything, even the bad stuff holds me accountable, also logging my food on myfitnesspal really makes me think about what I am going to shove in my mouth because everyone can see it! Its is a challenge for sure and I battle it daily. I to have a son and all his snacks become my snacks..I cant stand it..I worked out today and I tried to burn the 5 oreo cookies I ate and then some extra calories just to make an impact.
  • dgrei320
    dgrei320 Posts: 66
    i make snack packs with different unsalted nuts and dried fruit on the weekends to take with me everywhere. i also make sure if i have to eat something like pizza , i opt for a veggie one and eat it before 1pm so my body has time to burn it off when im on the go. hope this helps:)
  • Doodlewhopper
    Doodlewhopper Posts: 1,018 Member
    I hate to say it, but save the song and dance. Im not here to nurture excuses. Excuses makes us fat. Youre not unique, we live the same hectic life & walk the same path; only difference is some of us want to succeed more than you. We are willing to do the hard things. We dont recognize excuses. We do what it takes.

    I hope the best for you, but you gotta step up your game.
  • 22workout
    22workout Posts: 36
    I agree with what the other people are saying. Load up on snacks (not too much) but make them healthy. and if you're STILL getting the urge to eat junk and skip the healthy remind your self "Why should I sabotage myself when I have came this far?'
  • endoftheside
    endoftheside Posts: 568 Member
    Packing a cooler helps a lot. We have also, on a surprising number of occasions, ended up eating in the car in the parking lot of a grocery store (rotisserie chicken, salad bar, veggie plate, yogurt, fruit, Zbars, etc.).

    I also had to change the way I think about restaurants. There are places I can eat a decent meal and not blow a day's worth of calories. I look for places that have decent salads (not wilted iceberg with hothouse tomatoes :sick: ) or meat/veggie options. There are some places we used to love that just aren't worth it anymore (at least not for a random busy Saturday), but we have found new places, so it works out.