33 years old can't loose the weight...Can someone relate?

The first two weeks I saw amazing results then these pays 10 weeks, I haven't seen much after all that I havent even lost any lbs. I weighed 186 in March now in May I still weigh the same!!!! I eat clean and run hard every day I even throw in crunches and burpees and strenghthing. Nothing Nothing...I'm getting fustrated and ready to say screw it. What am I doing wrong? Is it my diet? Do I need extra carlories or less carlories? What diet can someone recommend for me I'm 5"7 and I weight 186lbs and I'm 33 female whos angry at ones self that I even less myself get this big in the first place. My daily carlorie (suggested intake is) 1,500 cal.

I want to hear from those who have struggled but found a solution that worked. Not those whom have started at 20 years of age and only lost vanity lbs and are now fit. I want those who were like me. Never worked out whole life like me. I need tips and solutions.



  • wohlgangerc
    wohlgangerc Posts: 12 Member
    Your caloric intake look's like it's where it should be and you are running, so it's likely that you are converting fat to muscle. Measure the rest of your body to be sure that you aren't actually losing fat. If your waist or bust aren't being reduced, you should see a doctor as you may have a metabolic disorder.
  • Hotpink001
    Hotpink001 Posts: 7
    Thanks...not to be weird but my behind seems to be bigger than ever. And my calves are hard. My stomach went down. My bust shrank. But no weight loss. So this is normal? I mean I could build muscle without gaining just remaining the same?
  • Iron_Lotus
    Iron_Lotus Posts: 2,295 Member
    Toss the scale and break out the measuring tape.
  • Hotpink001
    Hotpink001 Posts: 7
    Okay sounds good!
  • ddky
    ddky Posts: 381 Member
    You say your suggested intake is 1500, but you don't actually say that is what you are eating... and you have not been logging. But I am 5'9 and started Jan 1 weighing 209, today I am 187. I am losing around a pound a week. I wish it was more, but I am happy with it. I log everything unless it is a cheat day. I eat 1500 calories a day and my only exercise is a 30 minute walk and some dumbbell work while watching television. So if you are indeed eating 1500 calories and running, then maybe you are not netting enough calories. I don't know how much running you do, but if it is a lot, then you need to either up the calories or cut back on the amount of running that you do. Good luck to you.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,867 Member
    Do you weigh and measure everything or are you just eyeballing. I would suggest that your calorie estimations are off somewhere...either in or out or both. It's really just science and math...if it's not working then that's usually the case. Otherwise you might want to get checked out by a doctor...there's a host of medical conditions that can make all of these calculators pretty much non-applicable...medications as well can reduce your metabolism.
  • runzalot81
    runzalot81 Posts: 782 Member
    Are you logging daily? Are you eating back your exercise calories?
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,867 Member
    You don't even log...my guess is you over consume calories.
  • Hotpink001
    Hotpink001 Posts: 7
    I dont really use this fitness pal that much.
  • Hotpink001
    Hotpink001 Posts: 7
    An hour of running on a mile track. I eat Chicken and broccoli and water water water. I dont cheat much unless its out to eat even then it's all meat and I dont care for sweets or junk I love veggies.
  • jwdieter
    jwdieter Posts: 2,582 Member
    I think a lot of people are in a similar boat. They don't really know what sort of calories and macros are going in, and they don't know what they're burning. And then they get confused.

    The next step is to start tracking your food and exercise.
  • MrsBozz1
    MrsBozz1 Posts: 248 Member
    Hi :smile: your diary for today says you've only eaten 802 calories. That's not enough. Maybe try eating more, closer to 1500 and track it for a little while to see if it makes a difference. Especially with running your body needs more fuel. Just my opinion :smile: I wish you the best of luck! Keep at it, don't give up!! It will happen, it just might take some time! :flowerforyou:
  • jljshoe1979
    jljshoe1979 Posts: 325 Member
    Thanks...not to be weird but my behind seems to be bigger than ever. And my calves are hard. My stomach went down. My bust shrank. But no weight loss. So this is normal? I mean I could build muscle without gaining just remaining the same?

    Since it has been a few weeks since you have seen any weight change, it could be you are gaining muscle and losing fat. I know others have mentioned it, but do get a tape measure and start taking your measurements...

    also, I read where some others had not seen you log your food...try logging it for a week or two - just to see your calorie intake.

    Finally, if you can try measuring everything out. It was a real eye opener for me to see what a size/portion/serving really was - even with healthy food.
  • Timshel_
    Timshel_ Posts: 22,834 Member
    Gotta log, gotta log, gotta log.

    Unless you are tracking everything you eat, all the exercise you do, and seeing what you caloric deficit is again you total daily calorie expenditure you won't know for sure you are doing the right thing.
  • Timshel_
    Timshel_ Posts: 22,834 Member
    Things that are found on the forums with these kinds of posts are:

    - Actually eating more calories than you think (including food and drinks)
    - Calorie burns are less than what you think
    - Daily goals for calorie intake are too low or too high
  • medicvaldez
    medicvaldez Posts: 42 Member
    www.keto-calculator.ankerl.com Sounds like your macros are off. this might help
  • 3dogsrunning
    3dogsrunning Posts: 27,167 Member
    You aren't gaining any significant amount of muscle unless you are doing strength training (heavy for you) and eating in a surplus.

    Are you logging your calories at all anywhere?
    If not that would be my first step. Just log what you eat now, weigh and measure.

    I would also suggest stop "dieting" ie eating chicken broccoli and water water water. That isn't sustainable. Eat mostly whole food, and a little of what you like that fits within your calorie and macro goal.

    Keep in mind that tons of cardio and low calorie intakes can often be problematic when trying to lose weight.

  • aprilsirota
    aprilsirota Posts: 17 Member
    Put the scale in the garbage. Use a measuring tape!
  • rezn8
    rezn8 Posts: 263 Member
    First off, make sure you are logging everything. If you are, then you need to eat enough. The 1500 should probably be your base caloric intake without the exercise. Then if you burn say 500 calories, you probably should be eating back at least 80%. It's easy to lose the first 2-3 weeks of excercising, then your body starts to store water as it attempts to replenish/repair your muscles. Secondly, if you under eat, your body will begin to start storing fat and slowing the metabolism. It's a fine balance. I've twice had to add calories after a short plateau and saw immediate results the following week.
    One other thing is as some have mentioned, there is some truth to getting rid of the scale and using the tape, but you shouldn't be there already.
    I'm 5'6" and started at 196lbs. Was down as low as 148 but then added 6-8lbs doing Asylum 1 and 2. Waist has stayed the same at 5" less than starting weight and steady at about 154 lbs.
  • katsyear2019
    katsyear2019 Posts: 17 Member
    Have you seen your Dr. lately? The same thing happened to me about a year ago. I went in to see my Dr and told him I've been working out, eating right and nothing. It turned out I had Hypothyroid. I started seeing results again after being put on meds.