What do you consider a "binge"?



  • A binge to me would be any 1 meal that put me greatly over my daily caloric goal. 3000 calories in one sitting is a binge for me, not to say I haven't done it before..
  • princesspea234
    princesspea234 Posts: 182 Member
    Anything where I feel like my eating was outta control or that I didn't practice self control. Not a scheduled or decided treat like a couple of slices of veggie pizza or a couple of pieces of white chocolate or a glass or two of beer or wine.... more like McDonalds for breakfast, half of a pepperoni pizza for lunch, chicken fried steak and potatoes for dinner, a yummy dessert AND a bottle of wine and a couple of beers... oh my. That was last weekend for me. ; )
  • dgrei320
    dgrei320 Posts: 66
    whenever i binge, its usually pizza at night. 4 slices. and half a package of oreos plus the food from earlier which is usually healthy food. i find myself binging when i have been drinking with friends so i make sure to make it a rare occasion!
  • genofreek
    genofreek Posts: 75
    If I go over my limit and then keep eating like a tool because screw it, today is already shot? That's a binge to me. It doesn't have to be five large pizzas and a trip to Baskin-Robbins to qualify.

    I went all out yesterday and couldn't even bring myself to log everything. Feels bad, man.
  • wordena
    wordena Posts: 177 Member
    When I continue eating even though I am satisfied and no longer hungry. I don't binge on junk food, but I will binge on healthy entrees eating two or three times the normal portion. Generally I realize I'm either thirsty or Ive miss an important nutrient for a while. Like once for a few months I just completely forgot to eat meat. I couldn't figure out why I was binging on whole blocks of cheese and a gallon of milk.
    If this happens, I've learned not to blame myself. I just get on track again the next meal, and generally try to re-balance my life. Your life is a journey of choices and it's always good to remind yourself there's no set path.
  • baozytools12
    Anything over 10,000 calories. Legit no troll
  • cgirlygirl
    cgirlygirl Posts: 49
    Honestly...I considering a "binge" eating above 100-200 of my normally allotted calories if it is a non-workout day (few and far between) or using all my exercise calories on days that I workout. But that is just my personal opinion, of which I will probably get blasted for, but it does happen and I do binge on occasion!
  • fatfrost
    fatfrost Posts: 365 Member
    3x of my daily target, which usually requires alcohol, a big lunch and huge dinner.
  • VorJoshigan
    VorJoshigan Posts: 1,106 Member
    Anything more than 2231 calories in under 19 minutes.

    Or eating past hunger/satiety.
  • g33kmommy
    g33kmommy Posts: 104 Member
    A binge to me is eating something that I completely took out of my diet plan, and not caring. I did that before, and because I allowed myself that one huge dinner at Longhorns, or that one appetizer that I ate most of at Applebee's, I would gain weight and lose track and go into a slump.

    I'm doing my best to not binge on anything anymore. I find healthier alternatives to all the things I feel like I just "have" to have. Like chocolate. I don't think anyone could love chocolate more than I do. (Ok, I'm sure people do, but I'm just telling you how I feel here). I went out and bought several different Skinny Cow products that I allow myself two per week of, and they help curve my cravings. They are delicious, and they don't blow my calories for the day. :)
  • thelordismysheperd1
    thelordismysheperd1 Posts: 3 Member
    For me, there's 2 kinds of binges:

    #1 - The Accidental Binge - Lol we don't plan it, it kinda just happens. Maybe something bad happened or maybe it's almost bedtime and we think something silly like, "Well, it's after 10pm, so technically, these calories don't 'count' anymore!" So, yeah we binge on maybe eating the rest of the awesome salty dinner we made for our family while we had some steamed, unflavored chicken...again.


    #2 - The Scheduled Binge - This is my FAVORITE. This one, I don't feel guilty for! I actually schedule myself a cheat 'day'. On that day, I give myself full access to whatever comes across my path. I look forward to it all week and guess what? I actually don't eat that much junk! Lol! Yeah! I don't know if it's out of guilt or maybe my stomach has shrunk a bit, but when I pig out, it's not too bad. I stop before dinner time and begin drinking lots and LOTS of water! Trying to flush out all that wonderful salt I just inhaled. lol. Then the next day, I go for a longgg run. And it's funny but my body does VERY well when I allow myself this "off" day.

  • belle_of_the_bar
    belle_of_the_bar Posts: 474 Member
    For me, it's eating a pint of ice cream and/or a bag of chips in place of or in addition to my regularly scheduled meals. And I'm not talking single serving bag of chips. The big whomping family size. Ugh. Fortunately haven't done that recently, as I'm no longer allowed on those aisles in the grocery store.
  • Missjulesdid
    Missjulesdid Posts: 1,444 Member
    For me a "binge" is uncontrolled consumption of food without thought about it's nutritive value or often even its TASTE! Deciding to go out to eat and determining that I would like to indulge in dessert is not a "binge" even though it might have a TON of calories.

    For me when I used to binge, it would be out of anxiousness.. I'd often pace around and go to the food 20 or 30 times before giving in... and it wasn't about enjoying delicious food.. it was about getting large amounts of high sugar/high fat/high calorie foods in my stomach. It was a feeling of being completely out of control trying to get the food into my stomach as quickly as possible. It was like I could see myself and I was disgusted with what I was doing, but I honestly felt like I could not stop it until I was literally sick. Fortunately I wasn't a frequent binger.. maybe four or five times in a year.. but when they happened it was disgusting. This is TOTALLY different than if I was at a party and overindulged in lots and lots of foods that I was thoroughly enjoying... even though the calories consumed might be the same... a binge is driven by a wacko mental state of anxiousness and somehow I felt like the food would alleviate it (and it did, hence why it happened more than once) but an overindulgence is just driven by the fact that the food looks tasty and I caved into delicious temptation.
  • Ashwee87
    Ashwee87 Posts: 695 Member
    For me, it would be exceeding my daily net goal where it is more than 500+ calories over. But thankfully in almost 90 days, I've only had maybe 2-3 days like that.
  • jgcurry3
    jgcurry3 Posts: 172 Member
    Anytime im stuck in the field and have MREs, and junk food just to stay awake.
  • JDBLY11
    JDBLY11 Posts: 577 Member
    My definition of a binge is eating out of control and just shoving food in my mouth not because I am hungry but for other reasons. It is when I eat in excess, do not stick to program, and do not track.
  • Heyyleigh
    Heyyleigh Posts: 268 Member
    For me its all the things you all say- oh one cookie turns into 6, I start dipping into everything. I am not losing anymore, just maintaining. ( poor me right, but its been One Year ) I have a fitbit an work out hard everyday so yes I am at a point I can eat what the hell ever, but I dont. A good day for me is IF I CAN LOG EVERYTHING! I too give up logging all the crap sometimes...

    But all of you remember- there are 21 meals in week ( yes I break mine into 5-6 meals too but for this -lets just go with 21 ) Even if you completely blow 2 of these meals and they are a disaster, it wont effect you because you basically have learned to eat well the rest of the time. We are all human and there is so much delicious food around us all the time! Its just hard..........but we keep at it everyday and we win in the end! A real turning point is you learn not to throw in the towel and eat everything in site just b/c you had a bag of cookies and milk! and you contimue to exercise each day no matter what you ate, it works! Everyday is new and a new chance to suceed!
  • JDBLY11
    JDBLY11 Posts: 577 Member
    For me a "binge" is uncontrolled consumption of food without thought about it's nutritive value or often even its TASTE! Deciding to go out to eat and determining that I would like to indulge in dessert is not a "binge" even though it might have a TON of calories.

    For me when I used to binge, it would be out of anxiousness.. I'd often pace around and go to the food 20 or 30 times before giving in... and it wasn't about enjoying delicious food.. it was about getting large amounts of high sugar/high fat/high calorie foods in my stomach. It was a feeling of being completely out of control trying to get the food into my stomach as quickly as possible. It was like I could see myself and I was disgusted with what I was doing, but I honestly felt like I could not stop it until I was literally sick. Fortunately I wasn't a frequent binger.. maybe four or five times in a year.. but when they happened it was disgusting. This is TOTALLY different than if I was at a party and overindulged in lots and lots of foods that I was thoroughly enjoying... even though the calories consumed might be the same... a binge is driven by a wacko mental state of anxiousness and somehow I felt like the food would alleviate it (and it did, hence why it happened more than once) but an overindulgence is just driven by the fact that the food looks tasty and I caved into delicious temptation.

    I have experienced this exact thing. That is what I consider a binge. Amazingly I have not even been tempted in this area in months. I have no desire to do this. I am not sure what changed but I am glad it did.
  • hauntao
    hauntao Posts: 130 Member
    Consider binge eating like binge drinking - going way overboard in a small amount of time (being a day or a weekend or what not) in an unhealthy way.

    Same here.
  • quirkytizzy
    quirkytizzy Posts: 4,052 Member
    For me there's a switch that goes off mentally in my brain and I can't think or do anything else until I start eating, and continue and continue eating. Thousands of calories in 30 minutes. So much eating my jaw hurts from chewing so much in a short period. It is the exact same mental process I had going on when I tried to quit smoking five million times. Some switch just gets flipped in my brain and there is no turning it off.

    This is what I consider binge eating.

    I think the term "binge" gets used too lightly here. A binge is a sincere mental health concern, the overwhelming urge to eat and eat until you are passed the point of being sick. An emotional outburst that leaves you feeling drained, confused, and filled with self-loathing. It is just as much a psychological problem as it is physical.

    Medically, going over your goal by 100 or 300 or 500 or even 1,000 isn't a binge. That's just overeating.

    A binge constitutes large amounts of food, eaten in a near panic, that equals thousands of calories over.