HRM on Vacation?

I'm leaving for Cuba in 4 days (1.5 weeks in regular hotels, 1 week in an all inclusive) and I was wondering if other people bring their HRM's on vacation? I wont have access to internet for basically the whole time I'm gone so I wont be able to log calories, but I was thinking of wearing it for a few random days just so that I can guess at my calorie burn so I know how much I can eat but I wont wear it every day because you have to wear it on your arm and I don't want to have a weirdo tan line. I have a Body media fit link and find it quite accurate. I walk basically constantly on vacations like this (sitting on a beach doing nothing makes me feel sick cause I'd rather be out seeing the country) so I'm guessing I burn double what I do at my desk job.

Thoughts? Would you bring it?


  • dwh77tx
    dwh77tx Posts: 513 Member
    I see what you are saying, as I love my HRM, but being that you are going on vacation, don't bring it. Be active, enjoy yourself, but give yourself a break from the calculations.
  • KettleTO
    KettleTO Posts: 144 Member
    I agree with the previous poster. Be active, don't go crazy with the food or alcohol and enjoy your vacation.