bad habits

I have my "go to" foods when I am having a rough week. I love ice cream and chips. I am having a hard time with moderation and logging what I eat. I am on here daily but I don't input my food. I could use some accountability on being reminded to log. thanks


  • ice cream an fast food :3
  • Fast food doesn't phase me. but with chips I hit the bottom of the bag and I am like where did they all go :/
  • tptouchdown
    tptouchdown Posts: 30 Member
    For me monitoring my food was the biggest part. I never realized how much 'bad' food I actually ate. Once a started to understand the amount and type of food I was eating it was much easier to find ways to cut back and soon I found that I was always at or below my goal without really trying......Just do it!
  • PezAzul
    PezAzul Posts: 42
    Best accountability I've found is to open your diary to at least your friends.. Make sure you hit "complete this entry" each day so your friends can see what you logged.
  • I'm breaking some bad habits myself! Giving up fast food and trying really hard to give up soda, too! Feel free to add, I'd love to motivate you. :)
  • Most days are good days for me and eat healthy, but with weather getting warmer..... makes that ice cream harder to avoid. My dairy is open, but I don't always put what I ate down. I log my foods at least once a week. really need a kick in the butt to do it more often. And I must admit the cravings are not as bad as they were last year.
  • justjennnie
    justjennnie Posts: 39 Member
    I hear you- I used to eat buckets of ice cream. :noway:

    Do you like bananas? If you do, freeze them, add a bit of water and a splash of almond milk and blend. It becomes the texture of ice cream. you can't tell the difference. it's guilt free! I like to call it nice cream. :tongue:

    Also, freeze blended fruit juices to Popsicles, blend smoothies to keep cool. it may not be ice cream, but it'll hit the spot.
  • i used to be addicted to soda and candy but gave that up. the problem with fast food is that i livve near too many takewayz :\
  • kcrxgirl
    kcrxgirl Posts: 114 Member
    Maybe don't allow yourself to eat a meal until you've logged it? Just hop on your phone and add it real quick, before you even take 1 bite. I'm on here 3-4 times a day logging meals and snacks. If I don't keep up with it I find I may be way over by the end of the day and not even realize it.
  • bgudwien
    bgudwien Posts: 26 Member
    Bad habit--eating leftovers from my children's plates! That's a sure fire way to gain unwanted weight. Ugh.
  • Coke and Chinese Food are my go to foods. I am trying so hard to break this. I am actually doing a "eat clean 3 day challenge" for myself. This is to test myself and show myself I can do it. This is why I made a MFP. I noticed that making my diary public makes me more aware of what I am eating.
  • ladyoflb
    ladyoflb Posts: 73 Member
    I hear you- I used to eat buckets of ice cream. :noway:

    Do you like bananas? If you do, freeze them, add a bit of water and a splash of almond milk and blend. It becomes the texture of ice cream. you can't tell the difference. it's guilt free! I like to call it nice cream. :tongue:

    Also, freeze blended fruit juices to Popsicles, blend smoothies to keep cool. it may not be ice cream, but it'll hit the spot.

    I will HAVE to try this!!!
  • newmein2013
    newmein2013 Posts: 674 Member
    I'm sorry to say that I don't think you're going to find what you're looking for as far as someone policing you to make sure you log. You need to find that motivation from within. You either want to get healthy and fit or you don't. I'm not saying this to be mean. I'm just telling it like it us. There's only so much support you can get from the boards or your friends. The rest has to come from you. You have to be honest with yourself and be willing to face the reality in black and white, or red. Even you still eat your ice cream and chips every day, just getting in the habit of logging is a huge step forward. The rest will come in time.

    Regarding the ice cream & chips.... I would suggest something like Skinny Cow, Blue Bunny or Weight Watchers and Pop Chips, Stacie's Pita Chips or even flavored mini rice cakes. I'm sure there's more healthy versions out there also.

    Best of luck to you.
  • Bernadette60614
    Bernadette60614 Posts: 707 Member
    For me, there is no such thing as one cookie, one chip or one scoop of ice cream. I know this and I don't keep this stuff in the house.

    My rule: If I want a 'cheat treat" I have to eat in out of the house and only one serving.

    Second, are you not logging in because you are concerned about what you are eating? Try doing it without judging yourself. I have 3,500 calorie days ...and I mean just one day.

    I like this saying: It isn't the goal, it is who you become in the process of pursuing the goal.
  • TehNoms
    TehNoms Posts: 86 Member
    Fast food doesn't phase me. but with chips I hit the bottom of the bag and I am like where did they all go :/

    I have the same problem with that Pirates Booty stuff. Oh man, I open the bag and its gone.
  • Thank you it is nice to know I am not the only one.
  • mommy8777
    mommy8777 Posts: 15
    I hear you- I used to eat buckets of ice cream. :noway:

    Do you like bananas? If you do, freeze them, add a bit of water and a splash of almond milk and blend. It becomes the texture of ice cream. you can't tell the difference. it's guilt free! I like to call it nice cream. :tongue:

    Also, freeze blended fruit juices to Popsicles, blend smoothies to keep cool. it may not be ice cream, but it'll hit the spot.

    This sounds really good!!! Awesome ideas :)
  • Yellerie
    Yellerie Posts: 221 Member
    For the chips you can try separating them into serving sizes using ziploc bags & a food scale. Actually even the ice cream if you buy some freezeable rubbermaid containers & separate servings into the containers by weight on a food scale could help. I find that it keeps me from eating multiple servings of things I love & otherwise may notstop eating once started.
  • BunnyW22
    BunnyW22 Posts: 33
    Fast food is ALWAYS my go to food when I'm having a crappy day. Funny that's the topic because I'm having a craptacular day today. Instead of stuffing my face with fries I'm doing something else I love that always puts me in a much better mood: listening to Christmas music. It sounds silly but it works every time. I'm trying to think of non food related things to comfort, reward, or celebrate from now on.
  • If I'm having a bad/lazy day, out comes the tinned foods like meatballs or noodles. Sounds innocent, 1100+ cal for a basics packet of noodles for one and a tin of meatballs!!

    If I'm having a terrible day, then Chinese or KFC for me.