

  • Cmuchoa
    Cmuchoa Posts: 161 Member
    Drinks lots of Water - Hot water too - sautee baby spinach, kale or cabbage in olive or coconut oil - drink
    3 tablespoons of mineral oil - try doing some simple yoga moves or lay on yr back and lift yr legs one at a time - I have a nutribullet but a blender will work too, cut up a cucumber, 2 celery stalks, 2 tbl of ground flax and a bottle of water and puree and drink.

    I am so sorry - if you take any type of laxatives like Metamucil or Fiber One you must drink tons of water if not the stuff will solidify inside of you and make matters even worse.

    Hope you feel better real soon !
  • Mrsmorman
    Mrsmorman Posts: 29 Member
    Seeing that you are a lapband patient I think you need medical expertise. I'm sure no one on here can help you with this problem. I've seen videos on youtube of people having problems with their bands causing various problems. Do you think that may be the cause? Either way I think you need to be persistent with a doctor to find out the cause.Hope you get some relief soon.
  • bgudwien
    bgudwien Posts: 26 Member
    You poor thing!! That's got to be miserable! You definitely need to go back to the ER. To stay regular, try taking half a capful to one capful of Miralax daily or two gummy probiotics daily. I also try to eat Fiber One bars or the cereal.
  • trentwiggly
    trentwiggly Posts: 74 Member
    Why haven't they given you Fleet? I was given it prior to a colonoscopy and it is really powerful stuff.

    Definitely go to the ER. There is no reason to continue suffering like this with no answers. I hope you are well soon.
  • wordena
    wordena Posts: 177 Member
    Please go to a hospital. If you're in pain and have taken all of those medicines.

    For the next time this begins to happen here is some advice so that it doesn't get this bad again......

    Have you tried home enemas? Not an "oral" enema, but through the other hole with actual fluid? Under normal circumstances you could repeat this several times a day. With up to a liter of water each time. Some people can even do 2 liters. You can buy kits at most pharmacies. This sounds gross, but while receiving the enema, you can also angle the upper part of your body facing down with pillows, to make sure the enema really is reaching the upper part of your bowels.
    Hope this helps in the future
  • FitBlackChick
    FitBlackChick Posts: 215 Member
    I'm sorry you're feeling unwell :/ I've been there, so trust me I know how you feel. How's your fiber intake? Are you getting in lots of fruits and veggies? I recommend apples, pears, pawpaw, bananas, and for veggies broccoli and corn are really high in fiber. Also you could add some extra things to your meals, like milled flax seed (a tbsp has like 3g of fiber in it). When I have tummy troubles I take a few days to stop worrying about carbs and what not and make sure I hit my fiber intake.

    Hope this helps :flowerforyou:
  • MizzTweezy
    MizzTweezy Posts: 250 Member
    Seeing that you are a lapband patient I think you need medical expertise. I'm sure no one on here can help you with this problem. I've seen videos on youtube of people having problems with their bands causing various problems. Do you think that may be the cause? Either way I think you need to be persistent with a doctor to find out the cause.Hope you get some relief soon.

    i was wondering the same thing about the band, because that is the side where the port is where it is all collected.. that area gets sore for a few days like it gets irritated and then subsides, but right now I don't feel that "flare up" I wonder if scar tissue could be an issue, I have had 3 different surgeries in my tummy as well.
  • LoriInnerStrength
    LoriInnerStrength Posts: 12 Member
    I'm a personal trainer. Gas-X ALWAYS works for me and my clients - we're all eating a lot of fiber and if you're not used to it the gas can really bring your digestive system to a halt.
  • jgill5
    jgill5 Posts: 3 Member
    Mineral oil works really well. Just take 1-2 Tablespoons.
  • christine24t
    christine24t Posts: 6,063 Member
    Have you been vomiting?

    ETA - Just saw you have the lapband. I would probably go in, considering you've had stomach surgery.
  • MizzTweezy
    MizzTweezy Posts: 250 Member
    I'm sorry you're feeling unwell :/ I've been there, so trust me I know how you feel. How's your fiber intake? Are you getting in lots of fruits and veggies? I recommend apples, pears, pawpaw, bananas, and for veggies broccoli and corn are really high in fiber. Also you could add some extra things to your meals, like milled flax seed (a tbsp has like 3g of fiber in it). When I have tummy troubles I take a few days to stop worrying about carbs and what not and make sure I hit my fiber intake. Hope this helps :flowerforyou:

    You know what the dr told me today? that banana's and apples will constipate you.. I never knew that.. I don't even know if it is true?? anyone else hear of this? I haven't tracked my fiber but I am sure gonna have to switch one out to include it, maybe the sodium, since I always fall below that, and that has been steady for several months..
  • bregalad5
    bregalad5 Posts: 3,965 Member
    oh you poor thing. go back!!
  • MizzTweezy
    MizzTweezy Posts: 250 Member
    Have you been vomiting?

    ETA - Just saw you have the lapband. I would probably go in, considering you've had stomach surgery.

    no vomiting. felt unhungry this morning and afternoon that was it.. I know that vomiting is a sign of an obstruction.. I think I don't have a complete obstruction If I did have one, I would believe it to be partial, because of the ability to pass water through, but nothing else.
  • bwcrouch
    bwcrouch Posts: 105 Member

    Tips for relieving constipation:
    ◦Make sure you are drinking enough water, at least 6 to 8 glasses a day.

    ◦Exercise. Inactivity is one of the key risk factors for constipation. Exercise helps decrease the time it takes for food to move through the large intestine, limiting the amount of water your body absorbs from the stool. Aerobic exercise also stimulates the natural contraction of internal muscles. Simply walking several times a day can help relieve constipation.

    ◦Get enough fiber. Increase your intake of foods that contain fiber or use a fiber supplement. The fiber in wheat bran and oat bran seem to be the most effective at relieving constipation. Other good sources of fiber include berries, raisins, pears, prunes, and vegetables.

    You can also try chewable fiber pills or a fiber powder that you can add to shakes and smoothies.

    Increase your fiber intake gradually, and increase your water intake as well, as fiber absorbs water.

    •Try other aids such as milk of magnesia, laxative teas, probiotics or magnesium supplements.

    •Keep a food journal and watch for patterns. Certain foods, like cottage cheese or cheese sticks, may have a tendency to plug you up. If you decide to eat these foods, take a stool softener.

    •If necessary, take an over-the-counter laxative. However, try not to rely on laxatives so that your body can learn to function on its own. Over time, overuse laxatives can weaken the bowel muscles and actually make constipation worse. Laxatives can also interfere with your body's ability to absorb vitamins and other nutrients
  • elm7f
    elm7f Posts: 27 Member
    My son has had issues before and one of two things always works for him. 1) mix apple & prune juice or buy it premixed in the baby section. I heat it and have him drink it very warm. Or 2) eat canned apricots followed by a big glass of warm water. Good luck. I hope you feel better soon.
  • jsanders1965
    Seeing that you are a lapband patient I think you need medical expertise. I'm sure no one on here can help you with this problem. I've seen videos on youtube of people having problems with their bands causing various problems. Do you think that may be the cause? Either way I think you need to be persistent with a doctor to find out the cause.Hope you get some relief soon.

    Exactly! Get to a doctor, now... I work as a nurse and your post concerns me. Please get help! I hope to hear you are doing much better soon!
  • ordnaj3la1
    ordnaj3la1 Posts: 49 Member
    Drink prune juice, lots of it. Makes you go like THAT.
  • vhuber
    vhuber Posts: 8,779 Member
    I had this problem quite often even with all my fitness & water consumption but was told to take 800 mg of HIGH POTENCY MAGNESIUM (they are soft gel oil & can be found in Walmart by Nature Made) until you clean out then go to 400mg a day after that. I drank lots of water & ate fresh fruits like apples, pears, strawberries but blueberries really help. Also see a chiropractor, they work on your stomach to release tension in the bowels. I swear by doing these things!!! I feel your pain and discomfort!!!
  • TheBaileyHunter
    TheBaileyHunter Posts: 641 Member
    I had this issue just a little while ago (while drinking 18 cups of water a day) and I ended up getting some Senna tea (health food stores - Smooth Move) It took a little longer then the box said it would, and I took some at night before bed and then again around 2pm the next day and FINALLY things started moving...Now everything is back to normal, but it took a few days and a lot of frustration.

    In your case, you've tried a lot of hard things for your body, maybe something natural (but still not good to take too much of) along with getting back into the doctors and having them do a proper scan/colonoscopy might be the next course of action.

    Always better to find out now rather than wait and suffer more, possibly causing damage.
  • flutterbye811
    flutterbye811 Posts: 86 Member
    So sorry you are going through all of this! :(

    I agree that going back to the ER or urgent care is your best bet- even if you have to wait for a while once you get there (I know the ER can take foreverrrr) it's best to get checked out again and see what they could do sooner than later- better be safe than sorry, especially if all that you've been doing isn't working.

    And, please keep us all posted on how you're doing!!