Hypothyroidism and weight loss, anyone relate?

Hello, finally got my Endocrinologist to prescribe Armour as the Levo just wasnt effective, tried adding the T3 but had
allergic reaction. Have also reduced caloric intake due to no sugar cravings and fatigue is manageable now. Hoping a
member here can help with this topic. :wink:


  • This is my first post here actually, but I am hypothyroid and understand the struggles. I'm on brand name Synthroid and often thought about pushing for Armour after reading good reviews about it. To get rid of the carb/sugar cravings would be wonderful. I also suffer from chronic migraine and take amitriptylene as a phrophylactic and it just makes my appetite explode. I was in the best shape of my life right before I got pregnant with my first child, and it was after I had her that I was diagnosed with hypo, so I don't know if my pregnancy triggered something or what, but weight loss is nothing now like it was pre-kids. I am glad you found a drug though that is helping you!
  • SarahSmilesCA
    SarahSmilesCA Posts: 261 Member
    Hello, I have been living with hypothyroidism for over 20 yrs and have just recently got my tsh under 1. I tried everything, including Armour alone, but what finally worked for me was BOTH Synthyroid and Amour. I take them in a ratio of about 9:1. It has done wonders. MY doctor holds her nose as she writes the script because she doesn't quite understand the need for the low dose of Amour, but the blood work doesn't lie, she was amazed at my blood chemistry and weight loss on the last draw and my over all sense of wellness. I am no longer depressed and my anxiety is under control. (hurray)

    It has been a uphill battle for weight loss over the years. Right now the fat is coming off steadily, but I am taking a truck load of supplements and I spend 2 hours at the gym five days a week, strength training 3x a week, and cardio 2 or 3x. The exercise helps to absorb the meds. No one tells you this but it is true.

    You need to exercise and you need to stay away from things that affect the thyroid, like soy. Also be sure to take your meds first thing in the morning on an empty stomach and don't brush your teeth for an hour after meds. EVERYTHING and I mean EVERYTHING affects absorption and that does affect you in the long run. Be consistent with your meds, don't skip doses. I was not faithful in my meds for years because I really didn't want to get serious about it until I realized I was responsible for my health. Your thyroid affects every other hormone in your body and I had issues for years because I should have been more disciplined in the past with my meds and my blood work.

    I have to have my doc adjust the dosage occasionally because I take MCT and that tends to make the thyroid work better which can make you be hyperthyroid which is just as bad.

    Read everything you can on the subject. Especially about compound medications. They work wonders, they did for me.

    Good Luck, and feel free to email if you have any questions.