Fitting in exercise while working 16+ hours per day

I need some tips for ways to squeeze in exercise when working long hours at a sedentary job. Please read the entire post so you know my situation before you comment because I'm not at a typical desk job!!

I'm a tour guide. I give one day tours from Las Vegas to the Grand Canyon and back. We drive for about 10 hours per day, then 4 hours are spent showing the guests various spots in grand canyon national park. There's no hiking, it's just leisurely strolling around looking at the scenery. Then two hours are spent preparing the van and writing up paperwork. It usually totals about 16 hours, sometimes more sometimes less, plus half an hour to and from my home. I do this 5 days per week and my days are a non-consecutive.

Because I'm driving, I absolutely have to be well rested so I don't fall asleep at the wheel, so waking up early and exercising in the morning would not be good because I'm always exhausted after exercise. On my days off I'm so tired I'm lucky if I can pull my self out of bed by 2 p.m. (arrive home from work 3:00 a.m.)

Do any of you experienced and creative exercisers have any ideas for how I can fit a little more exercise into my crazy schedule?


  • meshashesha2012
    meshashesha2012 Posts: 8,326 Member
    why not offer a guided hike during a few of those guided tours? that to me seems to be the most logical way to do it since you're already walking.
  • cldommer
    cldommer Posts: 4
    why not offer a guided hike during a few of those guided tours? that to me seems to be the most logical way to do it since you're already walking.

    That's a good idea, but it's illegal for me to do so because you have to have special training and certification to be a hiking guide in grand canyon. Also, the company I work for decides what points to visit so I'm not really free to take groups to any places where we could do some hiking :(
  • Nessalee77
    Nessalee77 Posts: 78 Member
    It's a hard one but you are a lot better off than those working long hours at a desk! If you can't fit in any you can take comfort in that, even the strolling around is helpful.

    I would try to fit in 15 minutes of interval sprints (find a 100m straight line, run up, walk back, repeat for 15 minutes) in between getting back and doing your paper work.

    If you can fit in another 15 minutes at any point during the day that would be perfect, but even one lot of 15 minutes would be a great help.
  • Cheeky_0102
    Cheeky_0102 Posts: 408 Member
    I work a lot and study a lot, but I try to fit in a few short workouts in my day

    can you do some 10 minute trainer sessions on breaks?

    I totally get not wanting to be sweaty at work though, I have no idea how I would do what I do if I couldn't wear yoga pants at my desk, or if I had to brush my hair daily (lol - I wish I was kidding!)