night time eating



  • ladymnlite
    ladymnlite Posts: 19 Member
    I've often wondered the same thing because I work a late shift. By the time I get home, it is close to midnight and I'm hungry. Now, I won't feel so bad about having my snack before bed. I always do my best to burn off extra calories so that I stay within my limits.
  • simplybee713
    What a great question and very informative answers. Guess I had it wrong all these years. Now I won't feel so bad about making popcorn at 9:30pm.
  • ggxx100
    ggxx100 Posts: 520 Member
    I just had my dark chocolate and its almost 1 AM...

    By no means the first time, and it hasn't affected my loss in the least. I changed countries and time zones three times while I was losing weight so my meal times were very irregular. Your body doesn't think, "Oh, its past 8pm lets store these calories and make her gain weight!"
  • MalkaChana
    MalkaChana Posts: 6
    I'm certainly not an expert, but I see it this way. Calories are calories, regardless of what time they're consumed. Theoretically, if you stay within your calorie limit, it makes no difference if you eat them all in the morning or in the night. However, I think night eating is problematic because people tend to be less cautious about the amount they consume at night. That's party because they're probably eating in private and/or are tired and don't feel like recording everything they eat.
  • Not at all, I can tell you from experience (which I know anecdotal evidence doesn't mean anything), I eat around 1000-2000 calories and then go right to sleep almost every single night.

    Simply put, if you take more calories in than you burn, you store the excess calories a body fat, if you consume less calories than you burn, your body takes body fat off to use as energy
  • hiyomi
    hiyomi Posts: 906 Member
    I saw a documentary once where they specifically would feed sumo wrestlers at night to make them gain, but idk for sure if its proven!
  • nickyfm
    nickyfm Posts: 1,214 Member
    Still calories in vs calories out. It doesn't matter what time you eat at.

    I just know that my night time 'hunger' is often cravings. I tend to be more predisposed to over eating at night, because of tiredness leading to lack of willpower etc, so i try to have all of my calories by dinner time.
  • mistesh
    mistesh Posts: 243 Member
  • ggxx100
    ggxx100 Posts: 520 Member
    I saw a documentary once where they specifically would feed sumo wrestlers at night to make them gain, but idk for sure if its proven!

    Ah the whole, eat a giant meal and nap after trick..that must be the life.

    I'm sure if sumo wrestlers ate the same amount in the morning and/or spread it out into tiny meals they'd still maintain their fighting weight..