Any very big ladies done C25K? Easier alternatives?

I keep seeing friends having great success with C25K but I think it is too much for me - has anyone had success at a heavier start weight? Are there any easier/slower/lower impact alternatives?

Thank you!


  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    if you think C25K is too much, start with just walking.
  • untogether01
    I'm getting ready to start wk 3 (after taking some time off due to a sore knee), and I would say the first couple weeks were easier than I thought, but I know it gets harder. For me, I don't "run" per se, more like a quick jog. My advice would be to try it; like the program says, don't worry about speed, just following the program. Walk at whatever you're comfortable with, and jog slowly during the run portions.

    Feel free to add me.

    Good luck!