Holiday/Vacation - Temptation!

I'm off on a cruise soon and wandered how you guys cope with the temptation of all that lovely food 24/7. I'm only going for the week but have been known to put on nearly 7lb in that time as I find it hard to resist the FOOD! Any tips please how you cope with these all inclusive breaks!


  • Reeceybaby1988
    but have been known to put on nearly 7lb in that time

    so you think you can overeat and gain 7lbs in a week?

    3500 calories to a lb (roughly) x 7 days = 24500 calories

    add this to your maintenance, lets just say 2000 calories per day

    would mean you need to eat roughly 5500 calories PER DAY to gain 7lbs of fat...

    enjoy yourself, the weight gain will be mainly water, which you will shed in the first 1-2 weeks when you come back anyway!
  • phieaglefan
    phieaglefan Posts: 107 Member
    I have been fretting as well. In two weeks, DH and I are off to an all inclusive for 5 days. I'm close to goal, but still a bit worried about all that temptation! I'll try to focus on all the fresh fruit that will be available. :ohwell:

    And thanks Reecey for the numbers. That sure helps.
  • nikkinz
    nikkinz Posts: 30 Member
    I went to an all inclusive in mexico for two weeks. I ate whatever I wanted and didn't workout, although I was always on the go while there. I gained 4 pounds. It is a month today I got back and I am back to the weight I was before I left. If you're prepared to put in the work when you get back its amazing how quickly you can bounce back. You could also hit the gym if they have one onboard to burn a few of those extra calories.
  • jqh23
    jqh23 Posts: 311 Member
    Depending on what cruise line.. the food isn't as good as it used to be.

    Either workout daily, limit yourself to one "splurge" meal a day, or just work your buns off when you come back!
  • viragoeap
    viragoeap Posts: 107
    I think that part of my problem is that when I see food, particularly in a buffet style, I just have to eat it. I guess if I keep away from the sugars, I won't crave as much! I have another couple of weeks here on the wagon before I go and get into the habit of watching my portions etc. Some good positive stuff here for me to take note of, thanks!
  • jqh23
    jqh23 Posts: 311 Member
    Again, not everything on the buffet is as good as it looks! Fill half your plate up with salad and then enjoy some other things, just in smaller portions. Don't go back up and use a small plate @ the dessert buffet.
  • smather0315
    smather0315 Posts: 14 Member
    I take my own water bottle and keep it filled all the time. I also try to take the stairs as much as possible and walk in the cities to see the sights. As far as the food not being as good as it used to be, I ONLY eat splurge food that is TOTALLY worth it. If the dessert (or item) is just ok, leave it! I am also "trying" the three bite rule. When it is AWESOME, I only need 3 bites. We will see how that goes.

    Enjoy vacay!
  • kyylieeeeee
    kyylieeeeee Posts: 197 Member
    I'm going on a week-long vacation soon. I fully plan on eating and drinking whatever I please. It's one week of my year that's meant specifically for relaxation and pure enjoyment-- and to me, that means not worrying about what I'm eating. It doesn't mean I'll purposely binge because I'm on vacation, but if I want a giant buttery lobster roll (mmm New England here I come!) with fries and a few pints of beer, I'll most certainly eat it!
    And then the day I get back from vacation, I shall hop right back on the wagon with eating healthy and exercising.
    My advice is to enjoy your vacation, get in physical activity and vegetables where you can, but don't say no to a dessert just because it has a lot of calories! That's what the other 51 weeks of the year are for.
    Have fun!
  • Mrsfreedom41
    Mrsfreedom41 Posts: 330 Member
    Keep in mind how hard you worked to get where you are now. Also, what I do as I look at all the bad choices as having green worms in it. Gross, I know, but it works for me. Good Luck to you.