How do you start your day?



  • mideon_696
    mideon_696 Posts: 770 Member
    Wake up
    get up
    teeth and hair
    get dressed
    Let dog out
    Grab lunch
    Head to work.
  • jerber160
    jerber160 Posts: 2,606 Member
    I was not expecting all these responses. Am I the only one who spends almost an hour looking at myself in the mirror?
    to steal a line from a show I just worked on, " You are so cute." Your age seemed apparent to me after the 2nd 'look in mirror'... don't be offended, I really wish I was you back then. I wasn't... so here I am now.... you made my morning...
    Oh and I staggered out of bed earlier than the alarm, brushed teeth, threw on clothes, grabbed hrm and phone, went to gym and struggled through 45min on the elliptical (Pitiful and couldn't get heart rate up to meaningful calorie burn level) ... came home for coffee and biscotti, made sure mfp friends are logging in by sending out messages,,,, now waiting for a guy to give me an estimate on a new furnace. working afternoon shifts.
  • Poods71
    Poods71 Posts: 502 Member
    Alarm goes off at 6am, hubby presses snooze a few times.
    Wait for hubby to come out of bathroom.
    Have a wee.
    Weight myself (determines mood for the day lol)
    Have a wash.
    Brush my teeth.
    Look in mirror and decided that we need make-up STAT!
    Do make-up.
    Get dressed.
    Drag kids out of bed.
    Make kids breakfast.
    Shout at kids (about 20 times) to hurry up and eat breakfast.
    Clean up spilled juice, milk whatever has been spilled today.
    Tell eldest daughter to get dressed continously till I am sick of hearing my own voice lol
    Wrestle youngest into some clothes and fix her hair.
    Make my dad a cup of tea and some toast.
    Double check I have everything the kids need out.
    Get to work.
    Have breakfast.
    Go on MFP
    Oh, ye and so a bit of work lol
  • jerber160
    jerber160 Posts: 2,606 Member
    I was not expecting all these responses. Am I the only one who spends almost an hour looking at myself in the mirror?
    to steal a line from a show I just worked on, " You are so cute." Your age seemed apparent to me after the 2nd 'look in mirror'... don't be offended, I really wish I was you back then. I wasn't... so here I am now.... you made my morning...
    Oh and I staggered out of bed earlier than the alarm, brushed teeth, threw on clothes, grabbed hrm and phone, went to gym and struggled through 45min on the elliptical (Pitiful and couldn't get heart rate up to meaningful calorie burn level) ... came home for coffee and biscotti, made sure mfp friends are logging in by sending out messages,,,, now waiting for a guy to give me an estimate on a new furnace. working afternoon shifts.

    and I just went back and read your profile. BIG CONGRATULATIONS. wow..
  • 5ftnFun
    5ftnFun Posts: 948 Member
    Wake by 7:00 a.m., pee, weigh myself, make bed, feed & water cats, pet & love on cats while I make coffee, log onto MFP, eat, dress, brush teeth, makeup, on with the day.
  • icmuse
    icmuse Posts: 263 Member
    work days:
    - pry myself out of bed
    - morning drugs/ water / coffee
    - workout
    - drink my protein shake as I mess around online
    - take the dog out for a walk
    - shower/ makeup/ hair
    - off to work

    days off:
    - try to sleep in - almost impossible as I get older
    - make huge french press of coffee
    - drink said coffee leisurly for as long as I want
    - after that do whatever I feel like that day
  • chickadelta
    chickadelta Posts: 43

    I have provided a helpful graphic so that you may better understand my mornings.

    same here
  • MackieMotivation
    MackieMotivation Posts: 25 Member
    05h45: Alarm wakes me up (If i havent already woken naturally).
    05h47: Bathroom for a shower, cleanse, moisturise, brush teeth.
    06h00: Dry hair, put on make up, tong hair pick an outfit and get dressed (swap bag if required).
    06h25: Turn on Bean to cup machine and make 4 shots for my travel mug.
    06h30: Clamber out to my car with my handbag, lunch bag, gym bag & work heels drive to work singing to the radio/ipod and drink my rocket fuel coffee.
    07h25: arrive at work and have breakfast (which is I pack) then reply to messages/fb/mfp.
    08h00: pour a green tea and get to my desk to begin the day.
  • icmuse
    icmuse Posts: 263 Member
    I was not expecting all these responses. Am I the only one who spends almost an hour looking at myself in the mirror?

    Mirror is to be avoided! I don't want to deal with coronary first thing in the morning :tongue:
  • SmartAlec03211988
    SmartAlec03211988 Posts: 1,896 Member
    6:00 hop out of bed.
    6:02 exercise.
    7:02 cook breakfast.
    7:30 hop in the shower.
    8:00 get dressed.
    8:15 hop on the computer to type a post about how I get my day started.
  • trud72
    trud72 Posts: 1,912 Member
    up at 6.30 am :grumble:
    drink a water bottle of water before out of bed
    kiss hubby :love:
    wee :blushing:
    dressing gown on
    shout to kids
    put kettle and computer on
    get papers in(my 3 kids are paperboys)
    count papers
    drink Tea x2
    upstairs teeth,and dress
    down again breakfast

  • Hellbent_Heidi
    Hellbent_Heidi Posts: 3,669 Member
    Up at 4:15AM...dress for gym (brush teeth, etc) in bathroom, make coffee, pack lunch grab pre-packed gym bag, kiss still-sleeping man goodbye, and drive to the gym. Workout from roughly 5:15 till 7 or 7:15 AM....shower, dress, head to work by 8:00. Saturdays its similar, except I GET to the gym around 7:15 and don't have to go to work. Sundays I "sleep in' till about 7:00 :ohwell:
  • melindasuefritz
    melindasuefritz Posts: 3,509 Member
    iced tea
  • PaleoChocolateBear
    PaleoChocolateBear Posts: 2,844 Member
    Coffee, and I do it for public safety, without it people might get hurt
  • SueGeer
    SueGeer Posts: 1,169 Member
    Up at 6.45
    Wash hair
    Put kettle on
    Brush teeth while kettle's boiling
    Make tea
    Wash face
    Get dressed
    Load & set washing machine
    Wake son
    Drink tea
    Take meds
    Pack brekkie & lunch for work
    Wash up
    Go to work
  • michellemybelll
    michellemybelll Posts: 2,228 Member
    wake up way too fracking early.
    pour first of multiple cups of coffee
    get breakfast together
    eat breakfast; more coffee
    wash face/brush teeth
    put workout clothes on
    hit the gym for an hour +
    catch a hot yoga class for an hour
    home/shower/change for work
    make lunch
    more coffee
    commence work...
  • BeachGingerOnTheRocks
    BeachGingerOnTheRocks Posts: 3,927 Member
    Up at 6:39, cheerful and bubbly, pop on my clothes
    Wake my daughter for school with a little song
    Make coffee
    Go back and wake my daughter for school, no song
    start breakfast
    Get upset at my daughter who is now at least sitting up in bed, beg her to get up!
    get my daughter's breakfast to the table
    Go throw her clothes at her head and beg her to dress because she's now late
    Hunt down hairbrush and brush her hair while she eats her eggs
    Youngest daughter wakes up 3 minutes before I have to take older daughter to school, runs through house screaming with joy, waking her dad for the day
    Toss both kids in the car, coffee in hand
    Drop daughter at school
    Go for a 20 minute drive along the coast to listen to music and watch the sun finish rising over the coast (aka, give dad a quiet house for 20 minutes to enjoy his coffee and the news)
    Come home and start my day at 8:15.
  • MNA76
    MNA76 Posts: 1,541
    4:00 a.m. Wake up to my alarm
    Get out of bed
    Get dressed for the gym
    Wash my face, brush my hair, brush my teeth
    Grab my gym gear and go
    Come home from gym and shower
    Log my *kitten*
    Make breakfast/pack lunch
    Do hair/makeup/get dressed
    Leave for work
  • Jawa1201
    Jawa1201 Posts: 3 Member
    5:00 Alarm, must get up ... OK .... I'm up
    adjust closet door to block light from sleeping wife
    turn on bathroom lights
    next outfit in rotation
    lights out
    kiss wife
    quiet down the stairs, don't wake baby
    fill thermos with coffee
    fill bottle with water
    grab packed lunch
    grab my phone, work phone, pager, wallet, keys, glasses
    shove the above in work bag
    drink glass of water
    install shoes
    OTD 5:30
  • AlsDonkBoxSquat
    AlsDonkBoxSquat Posts: 6,128 Member
    hear alarm think "shut it you *kitten*"
    turn off alarm
    fall backward back into bed
    think, if I don't hit the brinks I'll end up injured from a race
    look in mirror and think "so that's what tired looks like"
    make coffee, feed dogs, walk dogs, lock dogs back in bedroom with hubs
    pack bags for the day (purse, work bag, gym bag)
    arrive at gym at 5:30 am
    look in mirror and think, damn that looks good
    lift more
    shower & dress
    swear at other motorists
    sit at desk between 730 & 8