I'm new here! I need supporters!

I'm Rob, an 18 year old guy from Ohio! I'm an introverted individual who thinks a lot but barely socializes. I'll be starting college in the fall as a freshman majoring in chemical engineering.I have a passion for math, writing, and science, and actually a few of my poems have already been published. Aside from my education which seems to be most of my life at the moment, I want to change my physical appearance and focus on building a social circle, considering I don't have many friends. I have one brother and two sisters, they're all naturally thin. I'm not fat, but I'm far from being in shape. I've never been overweight but I've never really been in shape. I never take my shirt off at the beach, blah, blah, blah, . I always dream of having a six pack, sadly the dream never came true. This fall I'm starting college as a freshman, and I want to make a change. I want to be hot, I don't want to sound cocky but I'm a pretty good looking guy, if I had an awesome body to match, I know I would feel amazing. I started the insanity workout a week ago, and I literally passed out, but I'm still going strong in week 2 and I already see results coming in. I currently weigh around 150 pounds and I want to loose about 30 pounds.I'm a short guy, around 5'5'' so I want to slim down and build a little muscle so I don't look like a kid and more like a man. I hope to complete this goal before the end of the summer around August. I think its possible considering I workout extremely hard 6 days a week.


  • MzPix
    MzPix Posts: 177 Member
    Hi. Welcome to MFP. I'm also a Capricorn in Ohio. Congrats on your endeavor to start college. I teach at a college.
    What does chemical engineering lead to in life? I've never really gotten to know any chem engineers because most of them work for companies that I boycott (Monsanto, Bayer, Dupont, etc.)
    Feel free to friend me if you want. Good luck on your journey to improve you!
  • Thoth8
    Thoth8 Posts: 107
    hey rob, good luck, I used to be introverted too, i still am for the most part. our weight loss goals seem to be a bit different, but hey, good luck to the both of us, adding you!
  • capricorn_dude95
    thanks bro!