Weightless help!

Ok my stats are as follows...I'm 5' 9 1/2" I weigh 248 lbs I am lightly active nothing major
As I have bad knees and am waiting on dr approval more more vigorous exercise. I currently drink half my body weight or more in
Water daily, I eat healthy including lean proteins, lots if fresh veggies, some fresh fruit, and some complex carbs. I use myfitnesspal to keep track of my daily intake....I eat around 1200-1370 calories daily. In my first 2 weeks I lost 10 lbs and since then I have lost nothing over the past 6 weeks....I am not sure what else to do...I need to lose at least 70 lbs to he at a healthy BMI I'm stumped as to what to do...other than exercising when I get the ok....any help ideas advice are welcome. Please help me out!!


  • SOOZIE429
    SOOZIE429 Posts: 638 Member
    Doesn't look like you are eating enough. Figure out your BMR and eat at least that. I'm 5'7" and weigh about 188 and my BMR is 1500. You initially lost water weight most likely, and now you need to feed your body. And when you work out, you need to eat more.
  • Nelford76
    Nelford76 Posts: 2
    Your Total Calories seem real low for your height and weight. What do you currently do for exercise?
  • TwelveSticks
    TwelveSticks Posts: 288 Member
    Yep - I'm sure that you'll be swamped with replies saying this, but it's probably that you need to eat more, no matter how counter-intuitive that seems...

    Type your figures into an online TDEE calculator and you'll probably find your body needs around 2300 calories a day to 'break even'. You'll see a lot of recommendations on MFP to set a daily rate of TDEE minus 20%, which would mean you should be aiming to eat around 2300-460 = 1840 kCal per day.

    I suggest you try it - up your intake to more like 1800 a day for at least 2 weeks and see what happens...
  • hot2def
    hot2def Posts: 80 Member
    Your calories are WAY too low. Try the calorie counter on scooby'sworkshop.com to find your BMR. The use MFP to track. Good luck!
  • larissaj82
    larissaj82 Posts: 14 Member
    I used this app to calculate what I should be eating for calories I just plugged in my info
    And chose 2lb a week loss option it gives me a calorie total of 1370 so I've just been using that...
    As far as exercise goes I have been doing low impact walking usually about an hour to two hours a day with my
    19lb chunky baby strapped to me in a carrier....I also try to get a half hour a couple times a week on the elliptical machine
    When time allows....I was thinking about starting the 30 day shred DVD paired with some strength training exercises...I'm just getting
    Discouraged because I'm trying so hard.
  • JRadd14
    JRadd14 Posts: 206 Member
    Figuring out how many calories to take in can be a hard one. Someone suggested the BodyMedia device (aka BoddyBugg) and I'm going to get it in the next few weeks. It gives a fairly accurate count of how many calories you're expending. Then you can adjust accordingly as eating too many calories (weight gain) or too few (thus lowering your metabolism) can sabatoge your weightloss.

    Also, are you working out? I'm finding that even if I eat within a decent calorie range I don't lose much or I gain and lose the same 2 lbs. unless I'm working out!
  • larissaj82
    larissaj82 Posts: 14 Member
    So the scoobysworkshop calculator said 1840 like you said :) so is that what I should be eating to lose?! That seems so high to me it's almost scary :) do you recommend the 1840 or should I do a little less
  • JRadd14
    JRadd14 Posts: 206 Member
    Just read your latest post... a new baby? Uh, that'll do it...

    Get as much sleep as you can! Not gettng enough really can screw up your body and make you crave sweets and other things to keep you going. Also I believe that hormone levels can get out of flux and inhibit weight loss.

    I have a soon to be 2 year old but remember those early days well... Take it easy and nap when you can!
  • JRadd14
    JRadd14 Posts: 206 Member
    I used this app to calculate what I should be eating for calories I just plugged in my info
    And chose 2lb a week loss option it gives me a calorie total of 1370 so I've just been using that...
    As far as exercise goes I have been doing low impact walking usually about an hour to two hours a day with my
    19lb chunky baby strapped to me in a carrier....I also try to get a half hour a couple times a week on the elliptical machine
    When time allows....I was thinking about starting the 30 day shred DVD paired with some strength training exercises...I'm just getting
    Discouraged because I'm trying so hard.

    Yes, strength training will help too... It will help raise your metabolism and lean you out. Remember though you may get small initially (smaller measurements), but the scale may not be as quick to catch up... but it will!
  • larissaj82
    larissaj82 Posts: 14 Member
    Well he's not very new lol he just turned 7 months
    He sleeps straight through the night so I usually at least get 6 hours of sleep
    But I have a 10 yr old and a 6 yr old also so I'm going from 6am until 10-11 every day lol
    They keep me busy for sure...I've only lost 20 lbs since I had him 20 more to get to my pre preggy weight it's been agony trying to get it off

    Thank you all so much for your help I'm going to take all this advice an put it to work! Force myself to those 1800 calories !