I know exactly what I need to do I just cant seem to do it



  • crumbtinies
    crumbtinies Posts: 29 Member
    I struggle with this same thing sometimes. I know everything that I need to do, I just have trouble doing it. What finally worked for me is to NOT start with every single thing I need to do. I began by picking just one thing out of the pile and working on that until it became habit. Then I choose something else. It was hard at first, I felt very impatient and didn't want to just focus on one aspect. I wanted to be able to do it all right at the start. But that all or nothing approach hadn't gotten me anywhere. It was hard to get past my all or nothing mentality, but I kept at it. It's been slow, but at least it's been steady. Like several of the other responses, don't think about everything you need to do, think about what you need to do next.
  • ashmike12
    ashmike12 Posts: 23
    First and foremost: allow yourself to be HUMAN. Humans are imperfect beings, by nature. We are fallible. That means we WILL stumble. It is not a matter of IF but WHEN.

    I've lost close to 150 pounds and one of the girls here at the office said one of the things she really likes about the way I'm approaching my weight loss is that I allow myself to be "bad" - or have something that most would consider "off program." I count it, but I have it.

    I've noticed that EVERY time I tell myself, "OK - NO MORE BROWNIES EVER!" That's all I want.

    It's all about realizing where you're at - knowing your limitations, and not feeling guilty for being human. Yes, have the brownie. Go to Chik-Fil-A, get a brownie, have it, enjoy it, log it, then move on. It's not about being "super spectacular all world woman" and going to the gym for 2 hours every day and not letting one morself of refined sugar cross your lips, and thou shalt drink nothing but spring water and have lettuce all day long. It's about finding a way to develop a healthy lifestyle that you can LIVE WITH.

    Lest we forget that motivation is a funny t hing. Usually when you find a reason that is big enough, you'll be willing to do the work. When where you're at bothers you enough to make you want to actually do something about it, you will. It's the whole, "When the student is ready, the teacher appears..." sort of thing.

    Hang in there....Little steps....then more little steps....

    SO VERY VERY TRUE! We/I can be so impatient when I dont see results right now, its all little steps of progress....
  • I live by this advice,

    In three months you are going to look back and wish you had started today. The time passes anyways, may as well be closer to the person you want to be in three months instead of looking back and wishing that today you had committed to changing.
  • Uselessly_Irrelevant
    Uselessly_Irrelevant Posts: 58 Member
    Ekkk I don't know if I will ever LOVE fruits and veggies! I would like to love them. Too bad they don't taste like cupcakes!

    Fruit is nature's candy! I am a very picky eater, and I honestly hate trying new things as far as food goes. But I decided if I don't try it, I'll never really know what I like and what I hate. There has to be more than 2 vegetables and 3 fruits that I liked.

    Something I've been doing for a little while now that maybe you can give a whirl: Once a week I buy one new fruit and vegetable to try. If it's a vegetable generally I will cut a few slices and try some raw, some steamed, some baked and some fried (fried vegetables is ALWAYS tasty by the way lol) - not good for you, but it's a start to trying new vegetables. I have tremendously increased the amount of fruits & vegetables I eat now, because there are so many yummy ones.
  • valarielala
    valarielala Posts: 15
    For me, it was watching Fat, Sick and Nearly Dead. That one led to watching other food documentaries. I had a sudden epiphany that I was killing myself with food. A lot of people criticize those movies as propaganda and fear mongering, but for me, they worked. And my husband felt the same way, which has helped a bunch. We literally cleaned out our kitchen of all processed foods. We went on a shopping spree and bought tons of whole foods. We are mostly vegetarian, but we both like meat so we give ourselves permission to eat meat if we want. Oddly, we rarely want that; fish seems to work. I'm very overweight, and was 245 when we started this in January. I try to work out, but I'm less motivated there. I still feel "too fat" but I make myself go. It helps, but what has really helped has been changing my diet. I've lost 35 pounds and that I attribute almost entirely to my diet.

    I stall and don't lose as much as I want, and then I feel sorry for myself and have a coke, which tastes like syrup and makes me want to puke, and then I get a nice glass of water, and push my way through my whinging and start all over again. You do have to find what works for you, but I guarantee that a change in what you eat is a great start. Find foods that give you energy. Try juicing (not as a fast, but just try it!). Try smoothies. Try no meat Monday.

    The one other thing that I've learned on this journey is that, regardless of food that I eat, or a crossfit work out that I muster through, the most important thing I have to do is to love myself. I HAVE to make room in my heart for me, to care about me, to want a healthy heart (literally), a healthy body, a healthy spirit. These things aren't separate and they feed each other. When I look back to myself just 20 pounds ago, the way my body felt was bleah, and the way I viewed the world was bleah. If that was my worldview, it's no wonder I had no motivation to help myself. I had to change the way I thought entirely.

    I wish you luck!
  • luvtabasco
    luvtabasco Posts: 11 Member
    How right you are! I am glad i read that today. I am starting (again) now and looking forward to 3 mos from now!
  • Rockstar_JILL
    Rockstar_JILL Posts: 514 Member
    Knowing what to do is not the same as wanting to do it.

    When the desire to improve outweighs the desire to overeat/be lazy/whatever, only then will you see results.

    ^^ I like this answer. You really gotta want it bad enough. Then you will succeed.
  • alpenpam
    alpenpam Posts: 27
    Here's what worked for me:

    1) Take pictures of yourself in underwear or bikini.
    2) Look at them for a long time.
    3) Cry.
    4) Toss out all the junk food.
    5) Buy healthy food.
    6) Start exercising.
    7) Feel so much better!
  • jljshoe1979
    jljshoe1979 Posts: 325 Member

    Fruit is nature's candy! I am a very picky eater, and I honestly hate trying new things as far as food goes. But I decided if I don't try it, I'll never really know what I like and what I hate. There has to be more than 2 vegetables and 3 fruits that I liked.

    Something I've been doing for a little while now that maybe you can give a whirl: Once a week I buy one new fruit and vegetable to try. If it's a vegetable generally I will cut a few slices and try some raw, some steamed, some baked and some fried (fried vegetables is ALWAYS tasty by the way lol) - not good for you, but it's a start to trying new vegetables. I have tremendously increased the amount of fruits & vegetables I eat now, because there are so many yummy ones.

    I never thought of starting off frying new veggies to work them into my diet...what a great way to transition more types of veggies into your diet.

    Also, with fruits I have had success heating (specifically, grilling) fruits like pineapples, peaches, etc...it brings out more of the natural sugar and makes them taste even sweeter.