Too much running?

If I'm doing 6-7 miles a day for the next four days, split into two/three runs, is that too much?


  • CMWheeler85
    CMWheeler85 Posts: 10
    No as long as your body is accustomed to that much and you aren't going to be running yourself into the dirt by doing so.
  • alfmaster
    alfmaster Posts: 29
    So long as you don't increase your runs by more than 10% on a week over week basis, you should be ok. Also, don't put intense workouts on back to back days as you need time to recover (Speed workout followed by a tempo workout the next day). You will increase the risk of injury plus lose any benefits these workouts give you.
  • Ninguneado73
    Ninguneado73 Posts: 832
    What are you trying to accomplish?