You can die from eating 530 calories a day. so liquid dieter



  • July24Lioness
    July24Lioness Posts: 2,399 Member
    Doing the HCG diet is very different then doing a Very Low Calorie Diet by itself. I am a medical professional and I went to a clinic that specializes in the HCG diet. I have Hashimotos thyroiditis and I believe that it was made worse from stress from a deployment to iraq. When I came back I went from a steady 174 pounds to the 208-213 range (im 5 11) For 2-3 years I could not shed a pound dispite 1500 calories a day and exercising 5 days a week for 1 hour or more. I started the HCG diet in February of this year and lost 40 pounds by the beginning of May. I was put on a 750 calories diet during my injections. I can tell you that the first few days of the diet I was a little light headed, but it was more because I was cutting most of my carbs (except carbs that I got from veggies) after the third day however I was able to maintain my energy because of the HCG and B12 shots I was getting. HCG itself will not make you loose weight, but it allows you to maintain the very low calories diet because the HCG is designed to take fat stores from your body and feed a baby. So the theory is that if you take HCG for dieting your body is getting most of its calories from fat stores within your body. I totally believe that this diet can help you get to a goal weight. however it is up to you to maintain it. you cannot go back to your old habits as with any diet or healthy eatinging program. There is absolutely no history of severe side effects reported with this diet. Usually the side effects that you read about with HCG is due to women who take much larger doses for fertility treatments. About 10X the amount you are getting with the HCG diet. I have maintained my new weight now for over two months by eating calories recommended by this site. I truly believe that the HCG diet could prevent alot of people from getting unnecessary weightloss surgeries. Of course the majority of the medical community will not tell you this because they want to make that money on those surgeries. they will not make much money on a $60 a week injection series. BTW you should do this diet under a Dr. Supervision, do not be fooled by the scammers selling HCG over the internet!!

    Great post!!!

    Just as I mentioned, when I am finished with the HCG thing, I am going back to Primal Blue Print as my way of eating for lifetime maintenance!!!
  • Becky_Boop
    Bump for when I'm on my pc not my phone
  • MacMadame
    MacMadame Posts: 1,893 Member
    I truly believe that the HCG diet could prevent alot of people from getting unnecessary weightloss surgeries.
    You've kept your weight off for just two months and you don't have a history of long-term obesity either. Talk to me about unnecessary surgeries when (a) you've kept your weight off for 5 years and (b) studies show WLS being no more effective than dieting (instead of 10x more effective).
  • servingthealiens
    servingthealiens Posts: 144 Member
    The Dailymail. Yeah, now THAT'S a reliable source of information right there. It's a tabloid. Not saying liquid diets are healthy, but what happens if you have the stomach flu for a couple days and can't really eat? You're going to die?