*Waves* Hey I'm new!!

sarahlazenby Posts: 2
edited September 21 in Introduce Yourself
Hi everyone, my names sarah and I'm 22 from torquay in devon! I'm a very big girl and I have PCOS too.

I need to lose weight! I would like to have a baby in the furture and at 20 stone is not going to happen and its not safe, so to get me what i want I need to lose wieght!

I recently lost my job and have alot of time on my hands! Im going to be a carer for my mum soon (as she is a very poorly woman) so at the moment I have alot of time on my hands and all im doing is eating! There is only so much housework and daytime television one person can cope with!

Wishing you all luck with your journey!


  • Hiya Sarah, I'm Cath from South Wales, you've made a really important step joining MFP (this coming from somone who only joined a week ago and hasn't had my first weigh in yet) It is such a motivational and inspirational place to be. I've got to lose 80lbs, so I too am on a very long road. Just think positive and before you know it the weight will be coming off and you'll be hearing the patter of tiny feet thanks to your determination and hard work. The thing to do is - if you have a bad day - and you're human so you will - get on here and announce it and the support will absolutely pour in to get you back on track. It's so hard I know, if only losing weight was as easy as putting it on. Good luck on your journey, feel free to add me as a friend if you fancy doing some mutual support. Welcome again. :happy:
  • hey sarah!, welcome!
    good luck with your weightloss
    im sure you'll do brilliant. and remember housework burns calories :)
  • EileenB42
    EileenB42 Posts: 125 Member
    Hi Sarah,
    I am a housewife so I can understand where you are coming from. housework only goes so far.

    feel free to add me as a friend if you need the extra support!

  • i need to loose a couple pounds for my sisters wedding. I am such a procrastinator. I am not really overweight per say ....i could loose like five pounds.. i had a baby about a year and a half ago. I am still breast feeding but i hate exercise ...its something i have to force myself to do. mainly, i need to change my bad eating habbits. i am going to cut out sugar. i am a big sweet tooth! i am only 25, but diabetes runs in my family. i am going to try to prevent that as much as possible.

    thanks for reading and good luck to you all!
  • terrijayne
    terrijayne Posts: 31 Member
    hello sarah im terri from bournemouth!! add me if u wanna chat!!
  • oh shoot sorry sarah. yes i will be your buddy. help me too! i thought i was posting to everyone. i am a stay at home mom too. I love watching movies. we have netflix and wii and a nice flat screen so it's a huge huge temptation to just lay in my bed and watch movies all day. i am going to try to save it for my bed time treat :)
  • Wow! What an amazing response! I wasn't expecting it. I've tried several ways to lose weight before mainly WW and SW and I loved doing SW but I just cant afford it!

    I'm a veggie (well pescetarian) and I love cooking! What are the recipes like on here?

    I am gonna really need the help and support as my fiancee isn't very supportive with weight loss! Probably becuase he doesn't have a weight problem himself!

    I offically start tomorrow, so my diary will be open for you all to have a look at if you want to!!!

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