Issues Staying Under the Allotted Sugar Amt:(

I track what I eat very carefully, but the one area I'm always over on in my food diary is the sugar amount. This happens easily by lunch too-not even getting to dinner. I don't feel like I'm eating particularly sugary foods, it's usually oj, a waffle, toast, a sandwich and fruit. Any less and I don't think I'd be eating a healthy amount. Tips? Additionally, how do I compensate in other eating areas?


  • purpleipod
    purpleipod Posts: 1,147 Member
    I don't even track sugar.
  • Joocey
    Joocey Posts: 115 Member
    I track what I eat very carefully, but the one area I'm always over on in my food diary is the sugar amount. This happens easily by lunch too-not even getting to dinner. I don't feel like I'm eating particularly sugary foods, it's usually oj, a waffle, toast, a sandwich and fruit. Any less and I don't think I'd be eating a healthy amount. Tips? Additionally, how do I compensate in other eating areas?

    What's your sugar amount and limit?
  • Pearsquared
    Pearsquared Posts: 1,656 Member
    Your best best is to not worry about the sugar amount, especially if a large amount of your sugar is coming from natural sources like fruit. Is your orange juice fresh squeezed, or do you buy a brand? Often, they'll add sugar to the OJ on top of the naturally occurring sugar, and that can make it really high. Overall, though, unless you have troubles with sugar levels (e.g. diabetes), don't worry about your sugar count because it lumps fruit sugar and added sugar together, which isn't really representative of your overall diet.
  • ChrisRS87
    ChrisRS87 Posts: 781 Member
    I'd limit your fruit intake. It's ultimately better than your candy bar, but once it hits the blood stream the body treats it the same way. You can and will gain fat by eating exhorbitant amount of fruits (you aren't, but this is just a warning). Check out the glycemic index on fruit, berries are one of my favorites (raspberries in particular) for their low sugar content.
  • sgtlee13
    sgtlee13 Posts: 66
    I'm always over too because I do a lot of juicing. Sometimes breakfast itself can put me at my limit. Depending on where your sugars are coming from (ie. what type they are) makes a difference. Waffles? probably not so good. Fruit? better choice. I'm told you can adjust your limits on here somehow but I couldn't figure it out so I pretty much just don't pay attention to it. Just my humble opinion though :)
  • CantStopWontStop92
    CantStopWontStop92 Posts: 165 Member
    I track what I eat very carefully, but the one area I'm always over on in my food diary is the sugar amount. This happens easily by lunch too-not even getting to dinner. I don't feel like I'm eating particularly sugary foods, it's usually oj, a waffle, toast, a sandwich and fruit. Any less and I don't think I'd be eating a healthy amount. Tips? Additionally, how do I compensate in other eating areas?

    What's your sugar amount and limit?

    My daily goal is 34. So for instance, today I'm already at 71 @_@
    Thanks everyone for responding, it's giving me helpful things to consider!
  • jwdieter
    jwdieter Posts: 2,582 Member
    Avoid processed sugar, and ignore the sugar tracker on MFP.
  • Thinbest
    Thinbest Posts: 4 Member
    I am having the same issue and the only drinking calories I consume in a day is coffee creamer, hard to stay away from foods with no sugar since most have at least a few grams.
  • moni_tb_192
    moni_tb_192 Posts: 188 Member
    I decided to just give up on that... If I want to eat yogurt, bananas or pancakes with syrup, I WILL! :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
    I care more about the rest of my macros tbh :)
  • Uselessly_Irrelevant
    Uselessly_Irrelevant Posts: 58 Member
    I am so sick (and frankly pissed off) with all the added sugar and salt in EVERYTHING that's packaged that I am just boycotting eating anything I don't make myself. I don't like doing it, and I'm lazy, but I have enough time in the day to make my own foods so I just think of it as a requirement.

    I know it's probably not the advice you want to hear, but cut out the processed foods and make your own meals if you really want to have the most control over the amount of sugar that gets into your body.
  • annmakos
    annmakos Posts: 3
    How strange. Carbs ARE sugar... :tongue: From my knowledge of nutrition information, they don't count good carbs as carbs and bad carbs as sugar...perhaps that is why the option is available on the chart - so you can count them separately on your own if you wanted?
  • ayankeefan51
    ayankeefan51 Posts: 135 Member
    I have also had issues staying under my sugar because there can be many grams of sugar in breads even whole wheat, which I'll have for breakfast and lunch. I don't drink anything other than water and iced tea, the powdered kind, and that's only because I tried to give up sugar all the way and would be exhausted or ready to kill ppl, because I don't even drink coffee either. I just try to stay within my range for sugar and if I go over oh well. I always make sure to stay below my calories for everything which works. I'm steadily losing weight even though I go over the sugar intake sometimes. But I also try to stay under the sodium range as well. That's more important to me because excessive sodium can cause weight gain on the scale. Unless you have a health issue such as diabetes, I wouldn't stress about the sugar too much. Worry about staying within your calories and sodium ranges and you'll lose weight. Note: I also workout everyday as well so that helps as well.
  • Joocey
    Joocey Posts: 115 Member
    How strange. Carbs ARE sugar... :tongue: From my knowledge of nutrition information, they don't count good carbs as carbs and bad carbs as sugar...perhaps that is why the option is available on the chart - so you can count them separately on your own if you wanted?

    From a body composition viewpoint, certainly. But sugar may have other effects on your mood or energy levels though.

    Anyway, if the only sugar in your diet is coming from fruits and a glass of orange juice... and assuming you aren't just filling up on dried cranberries or something, you probably don't need to worry about it.
  • axfisher83
    axfisher83 Posts: 3 Member
    I tend to triple, sometimes quadruple, my sugar counts due to all the fruits and veggies I eat in a day. In Weight Watchers fruit and veggies are counted as 0 points, you can eat as much as you like. If it's good enough for Jennifer Hudson, it's good enough for me! :)
  • Tiznonay
    Tiznonay Posts: 124 Member
    Avoid processed sugar, and ignore the sugar tracker on MFP

    Can you elaborate on this? Cuz im sick of being guilted by the recommended sugar level on here. I cant get NEAR my recommended calories without going way over on sugar, and I dont even take in sweets or soda
  • Joellen457
    Joellen457 Posts: 5
    I agree that fruits are good carbs. It's just best to remember that too much of a good thing is never good. Think balance and moderation.Only monkeys survive well on so many bananas.
  • Squamation
    Squamation Posts: 522 Member
    I started tracking my sugar as well and its always over.

    One cup of my milk (for my protein shake) and I'm halfway to my daily limit.

    I would cut out any juices, and as long as you're getting your sugar from whole foods (fruit) and not candy or sweets than it will probably be OK.

    If you're serious about getting close to your daily allotment of sugar the only option is to severely cut down on your fruit. Sad but true.
  • BarackMeLikeAHurricane
    BarackMeLikeAHurricane Posts: 3,400 Member
    Sugar is just a carb. As long as you're eating enough fats and protein, your carbs/sugar aren't particularly important unless you have a medical issue that requires carbs/sugar to be monitored.

    However, it should be noted that fructose and sucrose can only be stored as liver glycogen and not muscle glycogen. The liver can hold 100-120g glycogen so anything more than that will be converted to triglycerides. As long as you still have a calorie deficit this will even out. Just try to make most of your carbs glucose and not sucrose or fructose. Fructose in particular has been shown to decrease exercise performance, increased likelihood of gastrointestinal distress, and increase perception of exertion.

    Here are some studies: effects of glucose....pdf

    As long as you're under your calorie goal, you'll lose weight. Some people find that sugar (even from fruit) causes them to have more sugar/carb cravings so keep that in mind.

    For information on setting your macro target, read this: