Friend recently diagnosed with epilepsy - help please


One of my closet friends has just been diagnosed with epilepsy. She is very concerned about gaining weight on her medication. Anyone who has epilepsy or has close friends or family with the condition have any tips for me to pass on? (regarding managing the condition itself or weight loss tips in relation to epilepsy).


  • I had epilepsy as a child. During that time I was on 2 different meds. The first was tegratol (sp?) and after a year or so my doctor changed it to topamax (sp?) because I was gaining weight. Topamax is supposed to lower your appetite. I can't say if it really worked or not. I have been over weight as long as I can remember.

    As far as managing the epilepsy itself, for me personally, I learned to recognize the signs. I would get nauseous, dizzy and start seeing spots, then I knew I needed to lay down on the floor and 99% of the time the feeling would go away after 10-15 minutes and I wouldn't have a seizure. I assume this would differ person to person.
  • zoodocgirl
    zoodocgirl Posts: 163 Member
    A close friend of mine has struggled with epilepsy since childhood. Some of her medications have caused weight gain. others haven't. Frankly I think that the small amount of weight gain one of her medications led to caused her to throw her hands in the air and blame it ALL on that, and now she leads a pretty unhealthy lifestyle all around.

    She should talk to her doctor about the side effects of her medications (instead of trolling internet forums for suspect advice, mine own included) and her concerns. If she can identify and avoid her triggers, she may require lower doses (steam is a big trigger for my friend, oddly). If she continues to exercise and eat appropriately, she should be able to compensate for most of it. And in the end a little weight gain is far less horrible than avoiding activities you love for fear of having a seizure.... or worse, having one while doing those activities and injuring yourself and/or someone else.
  • Joannesmith2818
    Joannesmith2818 Posts: 438 Member
    maybe your friend could bring up their concerns with the doc to get some specific / safe advice!
  • ze_hombre
    ze_hombre Posts: 377 Member
    The Keto diet was originally designed for people with epilepsy. Look into it and talk to the doctor about it before starting it.
  • Ejourneys
    Ejourneys Posts: 1,603 Member
    Epilepsy Foundation:
    Also, Trish Hughes Kreis blogs about epilepsy with specific focus on her brother:
  • ruthiejewell
    ruthiejewell Posts: 134 Member
    I also suggest your friend looks at a keto diet, used widely for kids with epilepsy and wish her well.
  • royvor
    royvor Posts: 271
    Hi, I have a brother who has epilepsy. Here is a website that you could pass along that is a community where people with E can all talk to eachother and support one another.

    Let your friend now she is not alone and that she can control them with the right medication.
  • thesmellofapples
    thesmellofapples Posts: 287 Member
    i would be more concerned with how the medication will affect her mood rather than her weight.

    although i can't name the medication(s) my sister is on, she gained quite a bit of weight. but i think it has to do more with the fact that with her condition, she doesn;t work and sits at home all day and refuses to eat well. on top of that, a once bubbly and consistently happy woman has turned into a complete downer. her mood draining any happiness from those she talks to.

    my fiance was recently diagnosed with epilepsy, and his medication hasn't affected his weight but recently he has developed sever anger issues along with depression. we're going to talk to his doctor soon about switching medications to something that might help the mood. i would rather him gain 50 pounds and be mentally stable.

    as someone who has experienced many seizures in my lifetime and know what damage they can do if left untreated, i suggest she focus more on how the medications help her and/or affect her personality more than her weight.
  • Alamo0809
    Alamo0809 Posts: 95 Member
    my daughter was diagnosed at about the age of 16. She is on this site, "andeeluna". I don't think her meds have caused weight gain but she loves to cook .... :-)
  • Rmazula
    Rmazula Posts: 58 Member

    From my experience I can tell you a couple things in terms of weight goes.
    1. Topamax makes you drastically lose weight (in a bad way; like 20 pds in a month). It also makes you not be able to think; there is a reason some refer to it as "dope-amax". Poor quality of life. Then when you change meds you will just gain the weight back and possibly more.
    2. Going on Depakote will cause your metabolism to slow down which can cause weight gain. It can also increase your appetite. For me though, it was worth it. Having my seizures controlled with no other symptoms besides about 30 pds of weight gain after going through 4 or so medicines was worth it. I have taken it for 10 years b/c it worked tremendously well. I have only now came off it b/c I want to have kids. I will say that while you are on it, it is about 2x as hard to get off the weight.
    3. I am on keppra now with very few side effects. It is the most safe. I can say b/c I am coming off depakote and onto keppra I have lost weight b/c my appetite & how I eat is changing (but I assume that is from going off the depakote).

    One of the hardest part is the medication changes to find something that works w/minimal and manageable side effects. Going through the process can be emotionally and physically draining. I was diagnosed at 16 yo and am now 30. One thing that has helped me the most are support groups on the internet, b/c it is hard to find ppl whom you can relate with. is a great site. There are also some groups on facebook. There may even be a local support group, some major cities have them. I am lucky to have such a wonderful, supportive family & husband. It can be hard for a lot of people to understand so that is really important.

    I wish your friend the best of luck!

  • beccarockslife
    beccarockslife Posts: 816 Member
    Is she worried about gaining weight or is she already trying to lose weight ?

    I wouldn't jump to tell her to lose weight on a keto diet which could potentially damage her if she's more worried about gaining weight in the future.

    I'm epileptic, have been since I was 21, I've taken a number of medications and I've been fit free for 8 years. It doesn't have to be a big scary thing, people live with it for a long time and no one even knows.

    I take Lamotrigine right now, I've no side effects and I'm losing weight as you can see :)
  • tabbykat6802
    tabbykat6802 Posts: 233 Member
    I am on Lamictal and haven't had a problem w/ my weight. I didn't gain weight b/c of the meds, but b/c of my eating habits.

    Epilepsy is a new condition for me. My1st seizure happened after a D&C for a miscarriage in 2008. I have only had a few since then, all of them my fault for not taking my meds on schedule(high risk pregnancy & new mommy sleeplessness fog).

    I would love to find some friends for support.
  • lewcompton
    lewcompton Posts: 881 Member
    My older son almost 14 was on valproic acid and now on a similar substitute for daily epilepsy treatment and yes he has a difficult time with weight. He lives with my ex wife and she has not been kind to his health/waist line... With focus on diet and exercise the effects of these drugs can be overcome but as with anything it will take sustained effort and diligence.
  • janinealfke
    janinealfke Posts: 93
    Dearest Kate,

    I was diagnosed with epilepsy as a 4 year old child. I was on 60 mcg or mg, can't recall....of phenobarbitol. I had no weight issues related to my medication, and was on it through my late teens and early twenties. I hope this will help your friend. Best of luck!

    Janine Alfke
  • Abnehmlog
    Abnehmlog Posts: 1
    I wouldn't jump to tell her to lose weight on a keto diet which could potentially damage her if she's more worried about gaining weight in the future.
    You realize that the ketogenic diet was & is a treatment for epilepsy? Even if she wasn't afraid of weight gain a ketogenic diet would almost certainly help with epilepsy.

    Please elaborate why a ketogenic diet could potentially damage her?
    To our knowledge it is safe over long term:
  • Rmazula
    Rmazula Posts: 58 Member
    Aside from the ketogenic diet, doctors are now introducing a "Modified Atkins Diet for Seizures" for adults as ketogenic has primarily been used for adolescents (I believe - please correct me if I am wrong). It is similar to ketogenic but not as strict (but still strict). I have high cholesterol (triglycerides) unfortunately so the "diet" wouldn't be good for me b/c it is high fat/protein and low/no carb. I can't have the bacon/eggs/cream etc. It is said that ppl do lose weight on it too. Just have to remember to work all "plans" (not diets!) like this with your doctors. I don't like to refer to this thing as a diet b/c it is really about getting your seizures in check first.
  • beccarockslife
    beccarockslife Posts: 816 Member
    I wouldn't jump to tell her to lose weight on a keto diet which could potentially damage her if she's more worried about gaining weight in the future.
    You realize that the ketogenic diet was & is a treatment for epilepsy? Even if she wasn't afraid of weight gain a ketogenic diet would almost certainly help with epilepsy.

    Please elaborate why a ketogenic diet could potentially damage her?
    To our knowledge it is safe over long term:

    Interesting first post, because we don't know her full medical history, because epilepsy could be one of many issues and she may be on other medications, because we don't know her and none of the people advising are her doctor.

    And yes. As an epileptic I am aware of the diet and it's failure and success rate.
  • choconuts
    choconuts Posts: 208 Member
    My 16 year old daughter was just formally diagnosed mid April, and started Trileptil. She's actually lost weight.

    Different epilepsy meds have different side effects. The most important thing, is to eat a balanced diet and get the seizures under control. My daughter is counting down the days until she can drive again. (6 months seizure free)
  • choconuts
    choconuts Posts: 208 Member
    Also, this site has been a huge help: