how many calories do you burn with moderate aerobics

Hello All,

I have been exercising every day for 60 days now! YAHOO... I never thought I would be saying that! I thought I would try something new. My question is... how many calories do you burn when doing moderate intensity aerobic activity?


  • rybear24
    rybear24 Posts: 2
    Hello monica, I know you dont know me im actually new to this website myself but I am going to college to become a personal trainer and have studied many different topics on excersise. I dont know if my answer will help but the answer is: it's different for everyone depending on your height, age, weight, and gender. As an example i tracked my heart rate and input my information at the machines at my gym and I burn roughly 300cal in about 30 minutes, as well it depend on your muscle to body fat ratio obviously more muscle means you will burn more. I hope this helped in some way good luck!

    Ps. Doing aerobic activity will mainly help burn and shrink your fat cells so it might really be a nice change espically if youve been doing more so anarobic excersises to build muscle, and this will confuse your body so changeing things up once and awhile will help stop your body from plateauing and staying at the same weight.