
Hi everyone, just found this site, and hope it will inspire me to lose some weight..


  • kliermann
    kliermann Posts: 514
    welcome and it has helped me greatly
  • kliermann
    kliermann Posts: 514
    speaking of u can add me if you would like haha
  • I am also new to this site. I hope this site will help me.

  • ButterPecanBaby
    ButterPecanBaby Posts: 21 Member
    Hi! I'm new as well. If you'd like a supportive friend feel free to add me! Good luck with your weight loss.
  • rybear24
    rybear24 Posts: 2
    Hello im new too, glad to see more people are getting into this site, it is so great I hope it helps you on your health journey.
  • mmddwechanged
    mmddwechanged Posts: 1,687 Member

    Welcome to mfp:)
  • sunshine421969
    sunshine421969 Posts: 273 Member
    :smile: Welcome , it is a great site and has helped me lose over 26 lbs so far and close to 20 inches..I plan to always use MFP even after my weight loss goal is reached..It will be a part of my life forever!! I wish you the best on your journey.:smile:
  • satxdc99
    satxdc99 Posts: 74 Member
    Hi welcome. I am a past user that is back to get some help getting back on track. I need friends so if you are active on here and supportive please add me. :-)
  • Hello Everyone! I have used this application last year and helped me lose 30 pounds after having my daughter! Went back home in Sicily for about 6 months and yes... gained 20 back!

    Started at 160, went down to 130 (To me... I looked way to thin) Plus I lost all the good stuff (Grrrr.... whats a shame)!
    About 2 months ago I slowly got back into exercise and dieting, had a bad month and could not stop eating sweets!!! Finally I am down to 148 (This morning) and plan to at least lose these last 8 pounds, going back to 130 ... NO WAY, I want to keep the good stuff!!!!!

    I am taking C4 (love this, cannot exercise without it on some days)!!! I work so much and try to fit working out and being a mommy in my schedule (Single mom ya'll)! My ex husband used to be a trainer so I got into shape very fast, its been a year now since we I left his butt, and I cannot remember most of what he thought me!!!

    I would love to hear from all of you, making friends perhaps! Diet tips (Cannot give up a little bit of chocolate on a daily basis) and exercise plans or routines.

    Thank you!!! It's good to be back! This site rocks!

  • Paoskee21
    Paoskee21 Posts: 5 Member
    Let's help each other out!!
    Add me too :))
  • bearsfan67
    bearsfan67 Posts: 57
    Hope it helps you lose weight and welcome!!!
  • charmane_2811
    charmane_2811 Posts: 4 Member
    Hi, I am also new... feeling a little intimidated because it seems that most everyone on here is a bit more fit then I am but I am very optimistic that this site will be a great tool in helping to create the new me! :happy: